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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. na. It's a...lifestyle thing. for complete wankers.
  2. nope. Was some guy on the tube quoted in a Guardian article about eves dropping.
  3. amusingly, I actually hate the magazine proper. If anyone's seen Nathan Barely I swear I actually write for Sugar Ape. It's insufferably trendy cockstainage of the highest grade. However, I'm practically running this sheit games wise (I think I'm one of three writers) so I can just mail in the good stuff and fuggedabouteeit.
  4. good to see all the Pcs still look absoloutely ridiculous
  5. I already did I bought the last issue over when I got my reviews in.
  6. haha. what a bunch of fuckwits. I suppose a bold text option didn't strike them as a good idea either?
  7. It's been truly remarkable. I mean, it's always been great but the tone of 4 has been staggeringly powerful. Especially in the second half. You know, because.
  8. I've been published again got the latest issue of Notion in the post and they printed my comment piece on gaming. I R Awsum.
  9. burn it down. do it for all of us.
  10. good lord. Yes.
  11. at least one person needs to say something dramatic and take off a pair of sunglasses. Obviously.
  12. god it's awful when you catch yourself. You look like a riiiiiight twat. haha.
  13. definitely man. I've tried a few things and all of them are way more interesting. I suppose coke is manageable. You don't trip, you don't get anything like gurning or ticks and there's no comedown. puts an edge on the night and you go home... expensive though, for that!
  14. Dance you fucker don't you dare! don't you dare don't you Flan In The Face!
  15. to be honest, I found it pretty boring. Have a feeling I tried some pretty poor stuff though, but I suspect you're not missing much.
  16. Quote of the year: 'If I hear the credit crunch being used as an excuse for one more thing, I'm going to stab myself'
  17. aw man, There There is, quite possibly, my favourite Radiohead song. It's blodoy amazing! mm...those big drums...
  18. Weed (or any drug for that matter) isn't essential. it's kind of interesting, pretty fun and generally leads to lols and/or super happy funtimes. S'not like you're missing out dramatically. actually, that reminds me how much I hate evangelical drug users. It's not in the slightest a big enough deal to try and convince someone to do, and it doesn't make you any cooler.
  19. so! new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album. Pretty damn good as it happens. They've taken an almost sedated turn in places, and the whole album feels as though they've learned a few tricks from the LCD Soundsystem/ TV On The Radio school of dance rock & punk. The result is largely positive on first listen- I was always more of a fan of YYYs more mellow and thoughtful output than their out and out rock material. Very much like.
  20. is it the new dashboard? you need it online to update or, failing that, plug in a HDD with an updated dash installed. ( dunno if that's permanent. Just what happened with my HDD in my mate's 360)
  21. I can't say the legality of it concerns me greatly. I think it's largely a personal choice.
  22. I think most people do. Personally, I'm all for responsible recreational use by people who know and understand what they're doing. personal choice to experiment n all that. habitual users both bore and worry me though. I have no interest in any of that.
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