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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I'm back. Interview went pretty well I think. I got some pr0 answers out and I think I covered my only weak point on the application pretty solidly. Should know by the end of the day. I'll let you guys know
  2. It'd be so baddass turning up at an interview with The Avengers. 'so, Daniel. Tell us some more about your team working skills' anyway guys. It's not long now so it's time to...
  3. reminds me of that story from last year where universities were told to spy on muslims that formed religious societies to make sure that they weren't terror cells.
  4. I'm always amazed so few games borrow the ruleset customisation from Halo. It's fraking amazing. Good to see somebody is paying attention definitely.
  5. Unless what didn't kill you was seeing an infant have their arms blown off by an IED in Afghanistan of course... Interesting idea. Some people can be broken by their experiences and it'd be amazing to see them healed. I think 'erasing' memories is hyperbole, surely? This is something that would be introduced to traditional psych treatment etc.
  6. sadly yes, it is. i say 'sadly' but I know it's the best way to go out. IMO, the show has never been better and I can take consolation in that it'll go out in it's prime and never, ever have been a poor show. They've always had a BIG PLOT in mind and it's great to see them stick to that and end when it's over.
  7. got my interview today also AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
  8. This is shaping up really nicely
  9. Dan_Dare


    my cat rules. He's spent all night with me giving wise, sagely advice. he also tried to clean himself, missed, and licked a book.
  10. They're just staff colours. you know, because.
  11. fixed for clarity.
  12. oh aye? *points at online thread*
  13. more PSN action so far. Clearly unacceptable state of affairs.
  14. who? I jest! Happy Birthday! :awesome:
  15. dude you have to post stuff like this?
  16. this is a PSA any Baguette featuring salad (and lets face it, any self respecting bread and filling based lunch does) the killer element is always red pepper it's genius and you know it.
  17. As requested by man of sense. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=934920#post934920
  18. Alright punks. Figured I'd make a separate thread for this because it could get a bit complicated. Basically, what this thread is for is organising games of Street Fighter IV and street Fighter 2 HDR on XBL and PSN. Both titles have excellent online features and, especially with the release of some proper hardware with SFIV I think we can expect some nice mileage out of the games online. Once we've all had a bit of practice I'll also be thinking of running some ladder matches:awesome: so! Below is a list of forumite gamertags and PSN ID tags. If you want in, PM me with your details and I'll get your names posted. 360 Gamertags Dan Dare: Dr Oatker [ SFIV and HDR] Jordan: King of Fun UK [sFIV AND HDR] Solo: JB Whiting [sFIV] Dyson: Dysonism [sFIV] The Bard: Teh Bard [sFIV] Domstercool: Domstercool [sFIV] McPhee: Phee2 [sFIV] Columnar: Columnar23 [sFIV and HDR] Goron 3: Goron360 [sFIV] The-Chosen-One m0ren0b [sFIV and HDR] Mike: MichaelDodson. [sFIV] PSN Happenstance: HappenstanceUK [sFIV] Jav_NE: JavidSangra [sFIV] Pit_Jr: l1qu1dm3t4l [sFIV] MATtheHAT: Matt_RN [sFIV and HDR] Chris The Great: chris_k_1986 [sFIV] Deathjam: Deathjamm [sFIV] Cookyman: Cookyman1970 [sFIV] ReZourceman: ReZourceman [sFIV] Aimless: Ferine [sFIV] remember: this thread is for matchup arrangements and stuff. Tactics and gameplay should be discussed in the relevant threads.
  19. dude. put your threads in the right place!
  20. ooooooooohh best episodes ever! (technically not true but I won't spoil anything) buy 'Razor' while you're at it Odders- It's amazing and all about
  21. you am gay lol
  22. hold the phone! I agree with Choze!
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