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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. and Left 4 Dead. Uh-oh! umm..oh yeah. I'm playing this tonight. Soon, even. If anyone's up for a campaign drop by and play.
  2. Good job petitions from tiny numbers of people on the internet always affect the decisions of multi million dollar corporate business, hey guys?
  3. It's an absolute blinder. I love it. All of Rumours is that good, too. It's a perfect album, almost.
  4. new lilly allen is £3? wowzers. Might pick that up- always had a fondness for her. Got my own copy of Rumours today Go Your Own Way: Audio
  5. it wasn't. I went back and edited it for you...quite possibly at exactly the same time.
  6. hey my ex is called Chantelle. She's lovely.
  7. big who cares? Ign is fail. EDGE gave it 9/10 months ago anyway.
  8. Rez is all about girls with low self esteem
  9. yeah I used to play halo 2 like that. Sometimes you need to use a SD tv though
  10. James- you can't use spoiler tags for shit, can you?
  11. I used to be such a slob. my room in 3rd year broke me though. I got really depressed living in it and since then I've been pretty tidy back home.
  12. haha. That's actually a pretty good point. LB are utter shite though. They always were and always will be. They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Neil Young on the other hand. Hey, look at that. One of the greatest song writers of all time. Much more like it.
  13. can we stop talking about the wost band ever please? ahh...much better.
  14. well, um...ok. but this is a multiplayer game. The whole idea is to play with people over an hour or so of play. You're not playing it alone are you?
  15. lolanoob they'll be right back in stock dude. No worries.
  16. I'm pretty sure I can, without hyperbole, call LB one of the worst bands ever formed. They're worse than National Socialism.
  17. Parries were way beyond me- although I dare say the x box pad has something of a role in that debacle. I'm looking forward to starting over on my fightpad.
  18. you can choose any of the 4 start rooms as the starting point for any new game in the lobby. Why does nobody know this? it's right there in the menu!
  19. Limp Bizkit are reforming? Jesus. I thought we were safe!
  20. that's just dumb. V for Vendetta wouldn't be half as atmospheric if the dark, ashen sketch style art was replaced by something like a modern Avengers book. As it is, the art is the perfect compliment to the seedy, opressive brutality in the script.
  21. but....no! Dave Gibbons' art is incredible! The colours are stunning too. It's not as clean as modern stuff but that's not a bad thing- if anything it's a positive. I'd far rather a 'rough' edge than a photoshop filter.
  22. gotta ask: how did you think it was dated? because it's....umm...not.
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