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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. easy enough. Cheers! for some reason I'm finding kick ultras easier than punch. It's actually insane: I basically can't do Ryu's but I've got Sagat and Cammy on tap.
  2. Ping Pang Pong! you need about 6 + for this to be fun but it's absolutely amazing once you get it going. basically, you sit in a circle. the person who starts says ping, then the sequence continues to pang, pong going clockwise. When the third player shouts out Pong, they point at another player of their choice and the sequence starts over. If you mess up the sequence at any time you drink. the trick is to confuse everyone- you can point whenever you like and it really headfucks people
  3. alas! The monumental shafting bestowed upon us by misplaced fightpad pre orders must verily be endured.... Just unlocked Akuma. Hate to ask again but what's the sequence for Gouken?
  4. because everyone's talking about new protagonists and shit, or new voice actors. Obviously, if Shepherd is alive and well at the start of the game then his death (which won't happen you gullible fools!) would be part of the story and such. so yeah. Huge difference.
  5. I'll buy the pads off you! (seriously)
  6. they're £70 on Ebay atm. What the frak? people are fucking dumb.
  7. nah. They'd be shit gaah! seriously fucked the fuck off about this. I'm struggling with the controls a bit and I just know I need some better equipment- I am doing a double QCF + 3xp for the ultras but the pad is fluffing it so often. Gaaah!
  8. Shepherd isn't dead you fools. He could very well die mid game though- nothing in the trailer suggests they're talking about the start of the game at all.
  9. think you might be, yes. It's incredible.
  10. Amazon don't do deliveries....
  11. Amazon have totally shafted me on my fightpad order. They were happy to take my order despite not having enough stock to send my pad, and now there's not a single pad in Sheffield I can buy. If I'd known earlier they'd fucked me over I could have gone to town on Friday. Not. Fucking. Happy.
  12. ahh I heard about that sauce? I'd like to check it out.
  13. Yeah. Jane was far more convincing than John. She did Bastilla in KOTOR too.
  14. I've had loads of people join me almost instantly today. Weird. the game/ my XBL absolutely shat itself this morning though. I couldn't join anyone on my friends list or get in to parties.
  15. SFIV hasn't got tournaments but I might try and find a site that can facilitate a ladder system we can run in this here thread. not just yet though? I'm still practising!
  16. bring it muthfukkaaah:bouncy:
  18. urgh I hate situations like that. Been there myself. Volunteering again today. yaaay unpaid work. lolkillmenow.
  19. goddammit, where's my dispatch email!?
  20. oohh I getcha. Colour me impressed, then. Yeah.
  21. I'm a big fan of The Sensual World. Kate Bush in her prime singing breathlessly about her breasts? mm, yes.
  22. That is an absolute beast of a tune. I love it. (wasn't me btw. I'll add something later)
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