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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. sweet. really sweet. yay.
  2. Lawl. Nice ad there Rez. I might sign up and help you hook up with that spenno guy you like
  3. always a pleasure man! I'll make room on the VIP shit I got, yeah? Hit yo ass up with a FR oh and the newest maps clock in at 600 points I think. They're absoloutely ace too.
  4. Predator? aww fuck off! that film is a classic. It's aged really well actually- can't people just be allowed to fuckin watch a film no more?
  5. it has to happen eventually. They're actually perfect for eachother.
  6. I think I'm trying to get on the worst organised grad scheme in the world. It starts next week but I can't find an application form, the contact I have is out of office for the next few days and I still don't know exactly what i'd be doing if I got in. Still!v London for a week if I get on
  7. I just caught it actually pretty good. Few things I didn't want to see (guess who's not dead, kids) but the tone was far more interesting than vol. 3. Looking forward to seeing this now.
  8. yeah that too. Still, I do like a challenge
  9. Some of the Halo ones are rock hard though. You have to be very lucky to get several.
  10. best thing in my file share is when I got a noscope headshot with a ricochett off a wall. It was awesome sauce.
  11. anyone who can find me Bruce Springsteen's half time show from the super bowl will be rewarded with internet fives. This is all.
  12. oh em gee happy birthday dude
  13. wow. this is...special.
  14. if it has anything better- technically and artisically- than the space dance then I'll buy a hat for the sole reason of eating it. do need to see KFP though. Looks cool.
  15. I keep meaning to buy my own copies of Invincible but Shorty is always one ahead I'll get them eventually. Honest.
  16. but why would pixar just get snubbed like that? Wall- E is a masterpiece. One of the besty films of last year- not just animated films either- so what's the crack?
  17. Dead Set is mint. I absoloutely loved it. The humour is black as anything, cruel and bitter. The zombies are scary, characters are fantastic and it's just generally awesome shit all round. 10/10 for me.
  18. haha Nice pictures those. I need to find an excuse to use my dad's SLR more.
  19. think it's pc exclusive dude. booo!
  20. aside: it amuses me that people think the Lambent Brumack is a boss. That whole section is just fireworks. Pretty, shiny fireworks to cap off a spectacular finale. Clearly, the difficulty is far besides the point.
  21. I just got home from a weekend of partying at my mate's new flat. I've barely slept, been totally inebriated most of the weekend, got savagely baked for the first time in ages and dabbled in strange and foreign narcotics for a few hours. utter debauchery of the finest kind, friends. The finest.
  22. but mirror's edge is a first person action game that does things with the perspective and controls that other fps games would do very, very well to emulate, see? It's not about taking wholesale it's about trying ideas in new ways. as for Farcry 2? I think it's one of the best games this generation. The way the game empowers the player to make choices on the fly, acomodates a host of tactical options and so on deserves way more praise than it got. I think alot of people played the game badly and didn't experiment with the formula it gives you. It's an important step and I think we'll see alot more of that.
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