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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. dude. New York. Where the fuck else do you wanna be?
  2. haha nice pictures Bardy. Sexy shit
  3. Just read Superman: Secret Identity cool premise: How a guy in our world (not DC land) is called Clark Kent by his parents. He lives in Kansas and for the family joke he gets relentlessly bullied and cast out. Then he gets super powers. It's pretty cool. Kind of a 'what if?' realist take on Superman- what it might actually be like to have those powers and how the world might react. At times it felt a bit too much like a standard Superman story but the character insight and the quality of the writing is superb.
  4. good call on the revive. apologies about letting it sink- I made the thread on a whim and it kinda turned out to be a bad move as I had very little time to do it! everyone pm me their details. I'll sort it out pronto if not by this weekend, early next week should work out.
  5. Square Enix? *goes out and buys a shit load of belts.*
  6. He was good. Totally confused me with that alien invasion bit though. I can tell he's going to be cropping up big time soon.
  7. yeah. still, best of luck to them I suppose. They have their audience but it's not me. Personally I'm back on the Mogwai. I think Young Team might be one of the best rock albums of all time. It's just so fucking good. Music is bigger than words and wider than pictures I know you've not always been a fan paj but you should check out Young Team out if you can. Sublime.
  8. so yeah! Invincible vol 2 has been consumed. I think it has less 'wow' factor than vol 1- there's nothing comprable to #7- but it's still fantastic stuff. The writing is spectacular, the characters are nuanced and deep, the humour is as good as ever. Still my fsvourite book in a LONG time. This volume is just a continuation of what was already established but it's by on means the lesser collection for it. Quality.
  9. I like the idead they're trying to put across - It's high time Netto indie died a well earned death IMO- but I don't find that track particularly interesting. Maybe I'm just too used to going elsewhere for more complex music anyway.
  10. that's ace. Litterate angry people kick ass.
  11. I almost got charged by a bull elephant once. Gave me a proper evil look he did. We left. Quickly.
  12. not a bad day so far. Kicked the bad sleeping pattern like a pr0 maverick and I'm getting on with what I needed to do yesterday. Applications are going in, appointments are being made, Mogwai is being listened to. Fuck yeah!
  13. 'lololololololololol pwwwwnd!'
  14. presumably a child for a goddamn show and tell presentation. It's terrible! The injustice! how do these hacks get paid for this drivvel? I can and, more to the point, do write better features than this. I should get paid, man. Not these chimps.
  15. I think it's time to put this one out of our misery.
  16. i like te idea but WOW that gamespot preview is so, so shit! They cannot fucking write!
  17. this thread is shit
  18. man this website is good. You must have really talented, good looking staff writers too.
  19. I wish I could think up anything as cool as Mogwai song titles. They're os atmospheric and full of meaning- each one is like a small puzzle and reference that feels so fitting to the emotional landscape of the music. I don't even know whatg half of them mean, they often just sound amazing by themselves.
  20. you can choose which safe room to start in- they divide the campaign in to chapters you can pick at the lobby screen.
  21. It's not fine. It's horrible.
  22. that's a shame. What about France and Germany? you might do better with the Euro? back to HD Remix: I wrote a sweary, word riddled review on the best website ever this week. Enjoy.
  23. no. .................................
  24. that'd be Iceland? I would think amazon had a local presence you could use
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