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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Aaah! grats. gringo. :awesome: and thanks for the cat love, people. I think the daft bastard ate some butter and made himself ill but he's fine now. We've been hanging out most of the day. S'how we roll.
  2. this talk of light not being scary is bullshit. You know what is pretty well lit? that scene in Aliens when thexenomorphs attack the survivours. That scene is insanely tense.
  3. for those who give a shit: my cat is back to his old self again after making himself ill yesterday. He spent the entire day in my room asleep then, in awesome return to form, the first thing he did when he felt better was to come and find me for a hug
  4. Happy Birthday dude. Big love (aside: eenuh using arnie quotes? that's strangely arousing )
  5. The Line: ___________________________________________ Moggleviper.
  6. umm...I dunno actually. I suppose with all the other kinds of munitions in space thatthey use (bullets, flak shells, rockets) they clearly have a way of doing something. It's not much of a suspension of disbelief to say they simply worked out a way to do it around the time they started building Battlestars.
  7. you need to loose weight? last i recall (bish etc) you were pretty slim.
  8. yeah that's, eh, a bunch of bollocks
  9. in terms of international appeal, I'd say the Japanese have been up shit creek for some time now. I know that, personally, I just don't get excited by the games you can outright call Japanese at all these days. How long has it been since anything from that market (that wasn't very Westernised) did anything really exciting. Their RPGs are moribund, they seem technically miles behind the west (compare that Square RPG on Unreal with Gears 2) and generally a bt dull
  10. going back to Dante's post, I think it's important to note that IGN are a bunch of artless, talent starved hacks with about as much journalistic credability as a work experience boy who does tv listing work in the Metro.
  11. kinda weird day. I was going to be volunteering today, but I realised I needed to ring up Sheffield uni about this job i went for: something on the online form I sent went mad and sent them the previous job app I sent to Sheffield for a totally different job. Spent a good deal of my day chasing that up and correcting the mistake. Been a bit tricky though. Also, I'm a bit worried about my cat. I think he ate something bad and gave himself the shits this morning. He was really panicky and shit everywhere, then he was acting really weird afterwards. i picked him up to make sure he stayed clear of my dad's office then when I dropped him to the floor (feet first!) he just kinda...slumped when he landed and decided to lie there looking fucked off. seems to be sleeping it off now but I'm still a bit worried. He's not that young anymore and he got properly sick, I'd be devastated.
  12. I thought it was handled masterfully, actually. It was very cleverly done. so far, the series has been a real return to form for the show. Right back on to the great mix of humour and drama I reckon. Also, the sense that some of the characters (JD, Elliot, Cox) had become self parodies has been justly banished. Yeah. Very pleased. I initially greated the news of *another* season with a bit of a groan and a fair bit of trepidition.
  13. I just remembered I still have two cans of that in my basement. Me and Jay' bought it in a fit of irresponsible drinking expenditure during Freshers Week (en route to Nightwolf's flat) and I haven't touched it since.
  14. Christian Bale the man is just awesome. and yeah, NPH is a rudeboy. Him too (though probably in character as Barney)
  15. SEGA are a nice enough publisher, don't forget. They're far more interesting in that role than as an in house developer. Also, just because a company owns an IP, doesn't mean they're developing it. For all we know, they could contract the original studio in on the next installment.
  16. there's a pixar box set right? Might invest one of these days as it's been ages since I saw most of their films and most of them I've not seen enough- particularly Monsters Inc and The Incredibles.
  17. ah I was wondering about that. Thanks!
  18. you can't possibly rate A Bugs Life over The Incredibles? the only notable thing about that film is that for the first and only time ever, Dreamworks made a better film than Pixar with Antz. The Incredibles is genius. I rate it way higher than Toy Story and only just behind Ratatoullie and Wall.E (which is by far their best film) That said, They're one of the finest studios in the world. pretty much everything they've ever produced is solid gold.
  19. a disservice to scripts written on hungover train journeys the world over, sir. for shame!
  20. if you want a truly shit, barrel scraping soul crusher to add to that list of bad films, you need Hercules In New York I love Arnie, as you know, but this is unwatchable. It's a crime against humanity in which the true manifestations of hatred and dispair are laid bare to thr human eye like a cleft in the crust of Mother Earth through which the most pitiless depths of Hell can be glimpsed, for the briefest of moments, before driving you insane.
  21. 'as long as you can look after', I reckon.
  22. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  23. Inevestigates, surely? I'll get my coat.
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