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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Haha yeah that explosion is like..a thermo nuclear blast you can see from orbit. What's done is done. Would like to see the Queen thing have repurcussions though. That was cool.
  2. absoloutely disgraceful shit right there. In any other game, you'd get that stuff for free when you clock the game. I love DLC when it's good: Halo, Gears, Burnout et al but this shit makes Oblivion Horse Armour look like a good deal. Well they're not getting my cash, the mercenary fucks. I've already put £57 down on this game.
  3. Entirely unsure I believe you. Forum, I have seen this woman. I, too, have purchased alcoholic beverages from her establishment. I, too, have seen the face of the beast. I had assumed she was incapable of laughter- some primal creature posessed only by a grim loathing of all who barter for goods with paper in her presence. The idea that she found something amusing seems like an affront to nature, somehow.
  4. Yeah was probably me. Kyuss are also really, really good. Bit more like Sonic Youth in a way- bit more druggy and psychadelic and a bit heavier. Try them out!
  5. Good work on the Sonic Youth Paj. Always meant to give them a proper whirl as I'm findng new love for Grunge these days. I'd recomend Temple of The Dog- Kinda Grunge meets...a more articulate, beautiful sound. that song I posted is Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas.
  6. far as I know almost the entire studio still work for MS- probably together in a new studio. as per, the above post can be put down to Choze being ridiculous.
  7. Goliwog? Holy shit! hahahahaaha. How is that 'not racist'? That's like calling someone a Nigger and insisting it was all fun and games. Good riddance.
  8. oooh yaaay! told you!
  9. yeah but....that'd be shit
  10. Dhalsim is awesome. He's so good at area control you can just pin people in wherever you want and beat them to a pulp. Quality character IMO.
  11. isn't it the same number of issues? *sadface*
  12. caaarry on my waaayward sooooonnnn!
  13. did you read the article I posted Rez? to answer Nightwolf's problem! the game Rez (not oyu man, this could get weird otherwise) features constant, rythmic vibration so it actually, like, works an stuff. Yep.
  14. you take that back! I'm going to Yoga Noogie your ass, boy!
  15. that's pretty expensive. Hardbacks put it at a touch over a quid an issue. I'll wait. only a couple of issues off the magic 13 for a hardback anyway so they're bound to get to work eventually:heh:
  16. I don't think it's going to be anything other than a direct continuation of our first game- think about it this way: with a save file on a 360 they could transfer our character stats across and just carry on the story. I'd love to see that. I know Bioware didn't make it, but didn't KOTOR 2 have a character creation tool where a guy traded stories in a bar or something where you chose the story and thus made that game follow your choices in the first? that'd be good to copy, especially with big events like character deaths.
  17. vol 4 eh? Sweet! How close is that to current issues? I'd wanna keep reading it but there's no way I can shell out for new comics like that. Especially when they're so fragile compared to collected issues.
  18. I'm just trying to be realistic, ya know? There's all kinds of balance issues, hand eye coordination...It's a complicated thing. I reckon I'm a man of fair compromise
  19. blowjob and a positive K/D on Halo, ideally. Seriously though: Both is an option : observe. http://www.gamegirladvance.com/archives/2002/10/26/sex_in_games_rezvibrator.html
  20. sweet. really sweet. yay.
  21. Lawl. Nice ad there Rez. I might sign up and help you hook up with that spenno guy you like
  22. always a pleasure man! I'll make room on the VIP shit I got, yeah? Hit yo ass up with a FR oh and the newest maps clock in at 600 points I think. They're absoloutely ace too.
  23. Predator? aww fuck off! that film is a classic. It's aged really well actually- can't people just be allowed to fuckin watch a film no more?
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