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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Sounds like a D List 80's action movie. so, yeah: in other news! Jayseven's birthday being yesterday, last night was epicness all over the shop. Sexy pictures en route to this very forum, yeah?
  2. i should really know that. He looks pretty different out of a suit and sans beard
  3. tundra is pretty spectacular. Suggest you get on that post haste.
  4. that was amusing. hurrah! Anyone else feel a 'that guy' vibe off George? dunno where I've seen him before.
  5. ah. never watched either carry on
  6. There's a difference between giving a pop singer credit and giving her producers/writers credit.
  7. it's not like Braveheart.
  8. two nights? I'm too busy. I'll just read the key events on my facebook news feed
  9. Fail. ............
  10. Apocalypto is the business. Best chase movie since the days of Duel and The Terminator.
  11. Spent ages tonight on an application form for a civil service scheme. Like most applications for jobs etc, it made me die a little inside. Wasn't too bad but I hate the way you basically lie like a sneaky fuck to get in on these things. The language of job applications is that of massive wankers. in brighter news: listening to noise electronica really, really loud on really big headphones is absolutely awesome.
  12. Hit up that mini series, man. It's basically the whole set up of the show and characters. It's also absolutely wicked and some of the best material they put out
  13. I did the money cheat- I was set on trading the game in anyway and decided to wrap up all the big property quests before I went to the shops the next day.
  14. what I never understood with The Avengers is basically this: why the fuck does a God need team mates? I've always thought Thor would just fuck everyone's shit up faster than even the most powerful Avengers like Hulk or Iron Man ever could
  15. I've always found The Hulk to be pretty under powered in the films etc. I loved the reference in Civil War to how he 'trashed Vegas'. Like...all of it. By himself. I'd like to see him in full.
  16. sweet man, when I get a job...I'm buying so many comics. You have no idea. It's going to be epic.
  17. I think the real question is 'why does Elika need the prince?' she's clearly capable of everything you can do, plus she can fly and use magic. lawl.
  18. Interesting. Avengers? I've always been a bit unsure about them as a kind of 'greatest hits' of Marvel Heroes but I just realised that I basically love some of the members. It's a shame Cap died as, despite the hammy name and the like I realised that he's a wicked character at heart in everything I've read of him.
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