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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Interesting. Avengers? I've always been a bit unsure about them as a kind of 'greatest hits' of Marvel Heroes but I just realised that I basically love some of the members. It's a shame Cap died as, despite the hammy name and the like I realised that he's a wicked character at heart in everything I've read of him.
  2. what. the. fuck. woke up at 1:40, and only because Dad came home from work due to a power cut and woke me. fucks sake.
  3. Gentlemen I watched Iron man again last night and decided that I'm quite a fan, overall. I liked his turn in Civil War too. Question, then: is he a character worth getting any steady reading in on? Could be solo or Avengers as I've never investigated either.
  4. you people disgust me. carry on.
  5. yeah very much so. It's a pretty intense game. it's pretty much an fps anyway.
  6. hit me up bra. I've almost finished campaign on Insane with my cousin. We got stuck on the last section though because the
  7. anyone tried that LOTR thing?
  8. I think there's enough reason for that, yeah.
  9. Little Boots is ace. Electro babes ftw Does she have any releases worth gaining? listening to TV On The Radio's LP currently. Reasonably convinced they know what they're doing but they've not grabbed me totally. I'll give it a bit more time and see how it lodges in my grey matter post hence.
  10. The Man The Hair The Legend
  11. haha Sepia is a little different...maybe she just uses alot of heavy lampshades
  12. I think I need to watch The West Wing. I've only heard good things.
  13. Jive Talkin Negros
  14. mm, running is hard/ unpleasant. My legs are different lengths so my balance is fucked and I aint got no rhythm.
  15. I think I should take up swimming or something. I've realised that I'm really unfit in a pretty bad way. I have my slight disability which has left me really weak on my right side and it's pretty bad. i carried a 6 pack of cans down the road in my right hand on NYE for about 15 mins and my bicep still hurts tonight. It's fucked up. Hate gyms though. Need something else.
  16. Daymn. A man takes a few hours to move a desk and watch a couple of DVDs of The Wire and misses 3 pages of this thread. Sheeiit. in summary response: Moogle: on stand up form as ever, you knave Molly: daaymn girl. you fine Flink: you have my endorsement for any scheme involving me and you getting scantily clad in any any way, yeah?
  17. I just finished The Wire season 4 I'll be damned if that isn't the finest piece of TV ever put together by anyone ever. Fuck your teen drama shit, yo. Nothing has ever felt so convincing, so textured, so deep and utterly, totally real. The last hour of the season had me close to genuine tears partially because of one event I won't spoil but it was just the culmination of it all- a bitter sweet mix of success, progress, trepidation and failure that perfectly summarises the nature of Baltimore, the struggle in the city and the beautiful tapestry the writers have woven in the series. You look em in the eye. Don't matter who they are, or what they done. You look em in the eye.
  18. Blazing Saddles. Best comedy ever made.
  19. you what? looks gash.
  20. hahaahahahaahahahaha
  21. Urgh Fuck NYE, generally. Persistent memory of last night being an over complicated, over crowded and disorganised shambles for a massive part of the night. Jayseven was probably on the money with bailing early on. stuck around to talk to a few friends I've not seen much of recently which was good but other than that it was a bit shit
  22. no that's true. sad to see it go, but you know it's better to end it on the terms of the creative team than just drag it out. Look what happened to Lost when that got pumped full of filler to stretch it out.
  23. I have a velvet blazer jacket. It's awesome beyond measure.
  24. i got as far as the hellfire club story. it was all good by then.
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