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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. that bit is fucking awesome.
  2. I made a tally of 'girls I know i'm attracted to' in my head this week. Came up with one. help. me.
  3. a well timed wail is what I'm talkin about. I mean some honest to god awesome Jeff Buckly falsetto outpouring of emotion. as for shouting...well Jordan...you just don't get it!
  4. woooah! photographic evidence of a mini meeeeet or in Ashley's case: mini meat. lol! stealth burn!
  5. I've not been told of any new stock and they said I'd be told edit: specifically.
  6. It's about the drugs trade in West Baltimore. The screenplay is split evenly between an investigations unit in the police department and the drug traffickers they're after. It's just...epic. The script and performances are so completely convincing that it's more like a grand social novel, a portrait of a city and her people and a document of real life than a mere cop show. Banish all comparisons between this and any other detective show ever made, because they're nothing alike in the slightest. Just watch it
  7. Sandtrap is the new forge baby: it shits on Foundry from epic heights. the thing with foundry was that the default layout- apparently one designed by fucking idiots and simpletons at that- was the only one that ever made it in to a bungie playlist in the matchmaking system (with the exception of MLG) with sandtrap, the default layout is not the only one that will be making it in to the playlists. They've already got an arena map called Tundra in the Halo Wars playlist and they're working on a few more. They'll be done in forge by Bungie map designers. It's a great change in policy- one map with infinite permutations is going to mean so many maps it'll be insane. insaaaane
  8. The Wire is the best TV show of all time IMO. But yes, occasionally violent and perpetually sweary. Not without reason though! Perhaps Mrs Odwin will see the sheer brilliance of the script anyway.
  9. Bungie are introducing variants of Sandtrap maps, designed by their level design teams, in to matchmaking. I already have one of them and it's fucking ace. Can't wait to see how they go with this idea.
  10. stole my post back from bluey's thread! Overslept again, but I did write a review last night that I'm pretty pleased with. Should be up on Remedial Waste later when I find Daft and get him to upload pictures/ make sure it's not shit. oh and new How I Met Your Mother is out, finally. Quite good!
  11. Last night I got three more Mogwai albums. heeeellllls yeah!
  12. Enfield is incredibly dated nowadays. Hell, I remember thinking it was behind the times in the mid 90s.
  13. 300 is actually a really good adaptation. I have the book and it's nearly perfect. I like whole kind of mythical representation to the Spartans and so on.
  14. Watchmen is beyond 300 as literature, so the translation holds that up. They're both extremely faithful adaptations though so I guess they're on par as films.
  15. I never really mind them. They're usually cunningly edited to make you think something happens then the episode surprises you.
  16. I tihnk, as a race, the giant mutant vagina squids are grossly misrepresented in the book.
  17. What Racism Is Like. A hard hitting panorama of society's intolerances in which Julia Roberts plays the role of a mystic slave woman in deep south plantation in authentic blackface makeup. The story revolves around her budding relationship with slave owner (Richard Gere), a classic love story that breaks down social taboo and race barriers.
  18. I think Veidt is right to have acted as he did for one reason: Dr Manhattan. Basically, the way I see it is that through the politicisation and weaponisation of what basically amounts to Godhood, the United States creates an environment in which political reasoning no longer applies to Nuclear War. Armageddon is therefore inevitable as peace is impossible. I love how it all comes down to the Masked Hero myth created by The Minutemen- If they hadn't become part of the national psychology, America would have never coined the idea of Dr Manhattan as 'Superman'. Osterman *should* have become an apolitical force for peace, existing without loyalties to fickle notions of nationhood but instead became an excuse for war that was insurmountable by any other means than Veidt's alien.
  19. might get Outrun. I always meant to pick that up.
  20. but they're 'sending her off in style'- Anders in control somehow could make a lot of sense especially if they mean to take Cavel out in an epic finale.
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