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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Epic Fail.
  2. so...wut. UKIP are a bunch of xenophobes.
  3. People shouldn't vote Green. They get props for being fun lovin hippies then when you look in to it they're less keen to promote their proposed E.U wide ban on stem cell research.
  4. Seriously, the tache must stay. It's an absolute beast.
  5. It's not the perspective that worries me- it's the potential shift towards action at the expense of what makes the series appealing. also: not digging the story elements. At all.
  6. do we play today?
  7. dunno but it's masquerade
  8. Probably horse back safari in South Africa. Gorgeous day of ambling through the hills and planes with the natural splendor of one of the most beautiful countries in the world all around us. Absolutely incredible.
  9. I love that RPG subgenre that's actually a platform game.
  10. Technical advancements may make this game unplayable now. Would be amazing if they used the tech from that Goldeneye remake, though.
  11. you're also drunk. Fail.
  12. well the other thread took over so I'm gonna lock this.
  13. um, because it announced what, two? Mario Galaxy and metroid- and Metroid is being made out of house.
  14. This actually looks pretty decent. I liked the DS one and Galaxy looked great from what I saw. Hopefully it's not toob watered down for mass appeal though.
  15. It is very similar though. not that I care. I think it's one of the best games of all time.
  16. for the record, I'm not moaning about the device. It's a good fit for wii fit or whatever. but that's it. It's not a gaming device. Stop trying to imagine it as one because, for the most part, Nintendo have stopped making 'hardcore' games altogether. They have other priorities.
  17. you weren't that stealthy. You just told us you went.
  18. yeah..you did. I reckon college. A willingness to put the time in and work towards a profession will look good, too. Especially if you're still working.
  19. Isn't that just' date=' you know, [i']his face?[/i]
  20. me vs Mcoy tomorrow. new boyz in da hood.
  21. pretty sure they can't do that. Can you even imagine the storage required for even a minute of audio for every Orange phone? It is possible to recover texts though- they're just data packets being relayed off servers or whatever.
  22. Fuck Yes..
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