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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Short Fringe Is Serious Business! in context: I really needed a haircut but I went on holiday to Scotland (hence the photo) leaving me increasingly encumbered with said lolfringe for the week and a growing beard. situation was seen to shortly after. Nice photo though (so very easy with the SLR and a wide Apature lens)
  2. hahahaah that's ace! actually dan in real life (featuring lolfringe,ears,nose,stubble,dan)
  3. 1. Charlie Brooker is a comment writer and TV critic for The Guardian and TV presenter of various tv shows. He is also a former Games Journalist 2. It's...new? 3. Brooker is very popular. And his previous 'wipe' shows have been excellent.
  4. Dude if you don't like it, you're not compelled to buy it. I actually reckon in game bonus' are better anyway. Least they have conceivable use.
  5. Happy Birthday Odders
  6. Pretty funny. I particularly liked the 'nazi backstory' bit. The Irish guy talking about narrative was good I thought. He wasn't quite as eloquently in love with games as the Consolevania guys but he makes a good point: Devs clearly don't read books, ever. It's a massive weakness of the industry and one I can't see changing. He didn't cover some of my favourites, either. I know it's a ridiculous request given the number of titles but I'd have liked to have seen him touch on Super Metroid (an 'early' benchmark in design most modern games can't even dream of coming close to) and Rez etc. And too much time on Wolfenstein. Looks wank anyway.
  7. You know it's good when you wake up twenty mins before a 7am alarm my schedule is rammed but damn it's fun! I'm having an amazing week
  8. FUCK! one wave off Recon. Fuck!
  9. Yep Well I think it's cool anyway! Besides, the achievements to get it are 6 of the best in the game.
  10. Just got the Dejavu Vidmaster. Hilarious. Once we got to the final siege scene and we had 900+ shots left each we realised what Bungie thought when they set it up. What a pay off for the finale Just gotta do Endure now. We tried it earlier and got to the end of the third set and i reckon the 4th set easily done. we just need bonus rounds and we'll be fine.
  11. He used to write for PC Zone back in the day. I remember some his stuff being very funny indeed. He also occasionally rambles about games he's played in the footnotes of his Monday slot in G2.
  12. man, the first time I saw Simian I was pissed out of my tree. It made the whole thing rather splendid
  13. Spambot4000: Bringing Sexy Back since 09 :wink:
  14. Yeah it's the last level. sounds funny as fuck that!
  15. who in the name of sweet zombie jesus is he? fucking MUA screen!
  16. I always found 25% really useful. Like Chris, my condition leads to coordination issues and a bit of discomfort from sitting around for 2 hours or whatever. the extra time just helps you relax, really.
  17. I have mild Cerebral Palsy. Nothing serious, mind, so hey ho! Common mistake, there. Dude, what? :p
  18. Lord above, Goafer. You paid for The Unborn? Hahahaahaahhaha
  19. well you can't play co-op with randoms can you? It's the same system as that rather than Matchmaking personally, I don't give a shit. I have a full friends list, most of whom play Halo, and I'm never short of any kind of ODST/ H3 action.
  20. Those two tracks rocked. Everyone went beserk for Audacity. 100,000 Horses was another blinder- it descended in to what can only be described as sonic brain terrorism before dropping ala The Grand Canyon in to the final section. Brilliant lol books. Enjoy it!
  21. Happy birthday guys.
  22. haahahaahaahahaahahaaaahaaahaha : peace: Man, last night was AWESOME. Saw Simian Mobile Disco at The Plug which turned in to a 7-4:30 drinking sesh with a bunch of post grads and friends. Totally baddass. Now I r hungoverlol. And my right ear is in a shambles from the gig. Winnarz
  23. It's a very good game. Oni Alpha Site is, I think, one of the best Halo levels of all time.
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