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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Clearly predisposed towards internet nerds I went with Yossarian from Catch 22 and Tiny Tim, which it got but it failed miserably on George Smiley and suggested Scrooge.
  2. Personally, I found The Walking Dead to be my favorite. I must have read, what, 60 odd issues in less than a week when I got in to it. For me, it's up there with Watchmen as a testament to the power of the medium at it's best. Though, obviously, I heart 'Vince pretty hard. ---- new comic day! Kind of! Hoping Second Coming #2 comes out this afternoon, as can be the case with event books. Usually, on The Place We Don't Name, Wednesday is dominated by curios and DC releases but Siege etc was always much quicker. Fingers crossed.
  3. Castlevania could be raw awesome. Is it not looking good?
  4. ITV? What the fuck is the point of that?
  5. It still shits on most other telly box stuff, though. from a not inconsiderable height. And it's about a newspaper which is cool.
  6. What do you read Dante? You post a lot of news but you never comment on anything! --- It's been a really good couple of weeks for comics- I've read shitloads. I think once Marvel's Heroic Age gets in to full swing it'll be really good; It's actually rather nice not knowing that Marvel are building towards a specific event book. Since Civil War it's been a series of temporary set ups with obvious limited running- As soon as Osborn came to power it was all about how he was going to go down one day. Now, if Marvel are to be believed, they're not pushing the events and are simply letting the new age play out. Obviously something big is coming along, though. Question is what? Steve Rodgers and Iron Man have both had visions of the same killer walkers (possibly Stark Tech) but that's about it. I have a feeling that might be a big Avengers story but not a line-wide event like Secret Invasion, which was frankly nuts. Good times
  7. so, basically, what you're saying is you need some poon
  8. and it's horrendous to read. Your reviews are too long, I think. You need to be really, really strict with your words. Unless you're saying something original and purposeful, you're just wasting everyone's time. Try limiting yourself to 300 words max as an exercise and see how you go. Give your language some ballsb and ditch the rest. If you want people to take you seriously, you need to write seriously and with gravitas. I recommend buying The Guardian on Fridays for their Film & Music section- It's a masterclass in succinct, authoritative reviewing and you could do worse than to study their stylebook with regards to structure and flow.
  9. Dan Dare wishes Brian Mcoy a happy birthday
  10. happy birthday!
  11. It's only as present as, say, Bucky and Natasha in Captain America. The only difference is that in Cap they have scenes where they wake up in bed together and kiss. It's a massive inconsistency.
  12. Yeah definitely. The creative/ editorial really need to sort their shit out too- they have an openly gay couple which is a major statement but they're too conservative to have them kiss on panel, while two straight characters have made out in the book at least once. It's inconsistent and stinks of moral avoidance of the issue to appease homophobes.
  13. Yeah. Great issue I thought. the costume thing is weird (Iron Man is wearing Extremis too)- basically, they made the issue ages ago before Siege and the Heroic Age was finalised so Rodger's and Iron Man's new designs weren't ready. They compensated by going for the classic/ current designs of the time instead. Minor quibble, though. I bloody love the Young Avengers.
  14. Jesus- Activision really should just give up any pretence and start twirling their mustache's over maidens strapped to train tracks.
  15. Oh dear, guys. Oh dear. So who's reading Second Coming again? Bit a fucking awesome chapter this week- saw some major, major changes. Hope finally showed her powers too, which are so totally ridiculous that, frankly, she makes The Sentry look like a choir boy. Steve Rodgers: Super Soldier was pretty wicked too. Reads almost exactly like Captain America but Steve hasn't had a solo book in years. It's good to see him in action. oh and Iron Man annual was awesome. Total departure from the Invincible Iron Man plot but it's just very, very cool. And surprisingly emotional in places too. Great Easter Egg right at the start too from the Immortal Iron Fist run from Fraction.
  16. It'll just be the games. Comics would be so shit on a DS.
  17. It was pretty 'Holy shit!' though.
  18. So! Who's read Scarlett? #1 blew my socks off a little. Best opening page this year? Certainly best narration trick. Maleev stuns as per. Great start to proceedings.
  19. Usually comes down to how it's drawn though. Alex Ross makes her look powerful and athletic while lesser artists have far less respect for women and draw her like a stripper. Speaking of Ross- you all seen this? Great stuff. I don't like the finish on Iron Man being so glossy (always pictured the metal as a mat finish) but the rest is ace. I like how it reflects the character and composition of his famous JLA piece.
  20. I think her old costume is awful. The torso isn't too bad but she's traditionally drawn with massive hooters so it looks pornographic- the panties look absurd, though, and have no place in 2010. I really like alot of the new outfit, although the jacket is well 90s- she looks a bit like Rogue. The rest is wicked.
  21. Work experience. It was awesome.
  22. When I was at Chat there was ample tea but it was vile stuff. I'm convinced it was actually some kind of voodoo broth made from rat bones or something. A decent cup of Yorkshire Tea is the bees though.
  23. Yeah I think it's easily the best of the series in terms of maturity and depth. It's hauntingly melancholic in places and genuinely creepy too. I can't really remember much about the dungeons though. The time travel is easily one of the best game design ideas ever too.
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