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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. The most important thing in a Pokemon MMO would be the ability to be lots of different things. Everyone being a trainer is just not good enough. Trainer should be like Jedi on StarWars Galaxies.
  2. Dork I totally disagree with you. Every single review I have read of the Revo demo said that they were actually surprised at how little physical effort was needed. There is no difference between the way you arm rests when comparing the FHC and a normal pad. And why do you rely so much on one source that you haven't quoted especially when it conflicts with several others. As you usually quote (when trying to win arguements that you have lost) "quit your jibba jabba". Ass
  3. Sony's fault. Big stupid mistake, no wonder they are firing about 1/4 of their UK staff.But the end of the article is stupid. The reason Sony are getting taken to the cleaners is because they didn't settle.
  4. zeldafan please stop posting 3 out of 4 posts, you gotta let other people have a say. Funnily enough we have a pretty good grasp of your views on Zelda already. Also you keep saying that it's going to be a worldwide release. Any evidence for that or is it just wishful thinking?
  5. Fish, it's not real mate. There was not a shred of credibility in the blog. This just makes it worse. Please stop writing about him and giving him more attention becuase he's obviously quite a sad and lonely person...
  6. No worries mate. Everyone has a first time right? Just watch you sentence length a bit cos you need to take a breath sometimes. Also the occasional paragraph would be nice. I would like to see an all out war section. In all Zeldas it is all about isolated battles, but if Hyrule was in that much trouble in OOT then there would be turmoil all over the place, not just where the dungeons are. I think one of my favourite things is that Link really has a home in this game. He did in WW too but in OOT he was quite the outsider (thanks to that annoying Kokiri bloke!). It gives you a feeling of wanting to protect Hyrule you know?
  7. Oh cmon did anybody really believe in a game with such a shit name which also just happens to be abbreviated NES?!
  8. Ahhh but thats cos goofy isn't a dog, he's a bear. I know he doesn't look like one but hey...
  9. ok that's weird... the link sends me to the microsoft website... hmmm
  10. True... but there's an editorial on IGN, http://revolution.ign.com , which makes a good point about how the price of the Rev may be so low that people would consider it an impulse buy. It will be a complete sleeper hit if it does do well. If only it can garner the power of the Brain Training series...
  11. To be technical even if you call them french then you are being racist as you are acknowledging their race and using it to descriminate between them and others.
  12. Ummmm but bungie and valve are graphic whore developers. No HD, no dice I'm guessing. Plus they will see the Rev as technologically inferior.
  13. whoops... sorry the forums only just righted itself.
  14. Finished Sonic Rush recently. It's an ace game and I found the last boss pretty hard but I don't know how much replay value it will have. I'm just trying to get that last Chaos Emerald cos the secret level for it hurts.... oh it hurts... Wa the first game that I've really got myself stuck into in a while, couldn't put it down. It's Sonic Team doing what they do best. Great music, solid game design, tuns of speed and fairly good bosses. But ca someone kill Cream please? Barrels o fun: 89%
  15. No i never said TP is dead, I just said that I don't think many people will buy it because the timing of the release is dire. There's quite a lot to suggest that the game has been near completion for some time but releasing it so close to the rev launch will make it lose a large amount of impact as it is software for a console which is basically gone and forgotten by the majority of the public even now. Mate you really need to understand that just cos a game is good doesn't mean it will sell well. Marketing strategy is very important in terms of building brand momentum and product buzz (as opposed to hype). Nintendo could actually stand to lose money on Zelda. That would leave the franchise in an interesting place in Nintendo's eyes.
  16. Keep up the good work fellas (and ladies if there are any?)
  17. Its gonna take some serious advertising and hype for it to sell well. Cmon, do you really think that there will be many Xbox or PS2 games coming out by then? It will seem inferior. to the consumer because its a "last generation" game. I don't really see many ways in which they can get people (except us) to buy the game. What happened to the blue ocean strategy?
  18. It could be completely different. It only has to work as a pad. Honestly I really don't care that much as long as they solve the problems with the GCN pad. Oh and check this: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=15119 The guy from Frontier doesn't even know about the shell. Fool.
  19. Ahhh Pedro likes the metaphorical side of Zelda. I must admit that there is something very special about both MM and LA, they are kinda unsettling and dark but more exciting in some ways.
  20. Mike-zim i think you've got your wires twisted. Nintendo have religously said, wait til E3. Someone on the forums said before: GDC=big up DS, E3=big up Rev. Simple as, might not even be that good. I would like some new Zelda info though...
  21. Just thought of another one. How about a cocktails mxing game. You get to through your controllers around rather than bottles that cost £15 a pop and break really easily.
  22. Something original that could be used in more than one game. Simple as that really.
  23. Yeah and I'm poo pooing that hypothesis. I don't like AOL and I don't see any association between the two companies on a software collaboration level as being a good move. I'm just commenting on the scenario.
  24. It could be as simple as advertising the Rev or DS on AOL. Don't get all excited. Also if Nintendo do do some kind of software with AOL then I am actually quite worried. I find their programs slow and very unfriendly to people who are more of a "power user". It would really be a blue ocean move. It could also be to do with making the WFC a bit more useable through AOL which would always be good.
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