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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Really? I thought from the street scenes and stuff that it looked a lot more like RE3... Pah, doesn't really matter though. Most imporant thing for me in this game is going to be using the knife with the FHC. I always disliked how difficult they made it to use in a lot of the games. We all know how important it was to go for the legs with the knife but it took so ling to be able to aim down.
  2. Cmon!!! Lockage... this is the worst potential rumour thread ever.
  3. I think it's nice we have quite a balanced outlook (comparitively speaking) as you get a much better look at the buisiness side of things. We can accept that devs and publishers are just people.
  4. With no companies going bust because they can't afford to fund such silly ideas? It's just logistics really. Like the NHS telling people to fuck off cos we can't afford to by the most expensive drugs!
  5. Except for all those people Nintendo are trying to aim for with this console.
  6. LazyBoy your mate has ginger hair but dark sidies and eyebrows. That means he's voluntarily ginger. The HORROR!
  7. Good ideas. You could have it so one person is a maniac proper horror killer but has Mega attributes. These would depend on what killer he would be though. You could have assassins, people who look like normal players or you could have your very noisy, "you know when he's coming" type of chainsaw guy who is just nye-on inviscible!!!!! Wow... that starts making the gameplay quite in depth as you don't know what type of thing you're up against.
  8. Maybe each player has a different goal. Some of them maybe to kill specific players but it would be best if there were like over 100 of these. So you will never know what someones intentions are.
  9. Oh please, just stop it before I have to slap you! You are basing that on one name! And the reason Mario128 is called that is because it was meant to be a sequel to Mario64, which was only called that because it was on a 64-bit system!!!! I know it's boring for Nintendo to be like Sony and Microsoft but the one thing that Playstation and Xbox have is brand quality. People won't call it a 360 in a year or so, it will just be an Xbox again. I would like for it to just be called Nintendo.
  10. Cmon you could probably save £10 a month by not having coffee at a shop or just saving some pennies here and there. It's 2.50 a week.
  11. Blah... I don't care what it is as long as the game is fun and stimulating. Don't really care about its role within the already totally bloated franchise.
  12. There had been a lot of rumours that a lot of people's NDAs expire today. It complete crap though.
  13. I remember Sega World. That VR was pretty cool, although I do remember that it made me pretty ill afterward because of the head tracking. I remember looking in to the other side of the pod where my sister was and seeing an in game character moving her head in time with my sister. That was cool.
  14. NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement. It is a contract signed between to groups of people agreeing not to talk/write about certain information. This can have an expiry date or can expire in certain scenarios. For instance, after Nintendo officially showed the FHC it finished some NDAs as Devs were allowed to talk about it after that.
  15. Platform creators give developers the opportunity to do different things. Nintendo has opened a door for lots of developers but this guy just seems annoyed that things are changing. "Are you messing with us?" = Are you asking us to use our brains when developing games? It's a b-list developer attitude.
  16. Yeah there were so many alarm bells that were ringing to be honest. Just no one person putting them together. From the feeling that I got from the story, she probably killed herself as she likely lost the Saatchi job. Also she was living in a place by herself (would drive me insane!) in a place where no one talks to each other. Winner!
  17. Liking the ol' Integra Hellsing gloves there man. I'd stick with the style of the first shot, makes you look older.
  18. You have a Saturn and you DON'T have NiD? Shame, shame on YOU.... Make sure you get it with the 3D pad btw.
  19. Well, yeah. But we are talking about the same company who made Tron2.0 on the PC and that was a visual phenomenon. Hmmm Revo Tron... that would work nicely. Anyways, time for honest opinions: In YOUR honest opinion will Nintendo own everyone at E3?
  20. And how would the Rev know where the controller was in comparison to the TV is the sensors are in the console eh?
  21. Ach never mind.... great minds eh? Also I had another idea. Imagine you character is like one of those remote control cars that can spin its left and right wheels independantly. So if you held both A buttons on your FHCs, you would go forward but if you say let go of the left FHC A button, you would turn left as the right "side" of your character would still be moving. This allows you to move, fight and look independantly. Only thing you have to think about after that is which hand controls the looking. " Yeah true, but it is finding a good one that is the challenge.
  22. I suppose you could just hold a button to walk forward changing your direction by pointing the FHC. Then when you want to battle you just pull out your weapon, making you sedentary (sp?) ala holding R in RE4.
  23. The developer who solves the "how to have dual wield and move at the same time" problem should be given a HUGE medal. It would open so many doors to making some incredible games.
  24. I am not afraid. Simple as. We can already see that the Rev has more 3rd party support than the GCN EVER did. I think the controller is one of the bravest steps made in the industry in a long time and deserves support unlike the EyeToy or any other such peripheral for this reason: It is a more intuitive device as opposed to one that makes your gaming experience realistic or immersive. Not saying that it doesn't do these things but intuition was the reasoning behind the design. It opens a lot of doors to developers while closing very few while inspiring new ideas and creative thinking. It is a totally outside of the box move. Bravo.
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