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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. So when you say DirectX10 features you mean features which are also in DirectX10 rather ones created entirely for DX10? Of course it's a new chip! Just because it's architecture is based in flipper does not make it the same chip. Nintendo don't invest that much in hardware because, unlike the other 2 companies, they spend their time helping optimise it properly, so they get more out of what they have. That's how they keep their hardware costs down. They're designing a console rather than a gloryfied PC. They know where it's at.
  2. Got my brother the Mario Bros. dual screen one a few xmases ago. Cost me about £30 which I thought was quite a good deal.
  3. The two lumberjacks from LTTP, King Zora (cross-eyed and all) from LTTP, animal people from LA, cooler even more sarcastic Gerudo Warriors. Quite liked the Bomber Gang from MM too. I'm happy though cos we already know there are MONKEYS! I really liked the 2 from MM. The dark fairy was cool!
  4. To be honest, not that I know about the technical stuff very much, I doubt Nintendo would use something like DirectX. They always design from the ground up and they KNOW what a console needs (bar more RAM on the N64!). Proprietry libraries I think are more likely.
  5. Hehe... it looks really fun. A see a good sense of humour in there.
  6. If you go onto Codemasters' website there is no section for the Wii. There are ones for the DS and for the GBA but no Wii. So it's a no!
  7. Got my friend to play on my Virtual Boy yesterday. Response: "Awesome! But ow..." I with Nintendork, it's just too far off. Plus not exactly a blue ocean friendly is it? If you had a headset it would be bigger than the console! The only thing I could wish for would be projected images but that ain't gonna happen, I think. Does anyone think that the 3rd secret is really something to do with the output?
  8. From what I remember ROT13 is just a technical description for a code using two alphabet discs. Just rotate 13 places.
  9. Just had a browse through and there is so much weird stuff in that document. At the beginning it is all the normal electronics stuff you would expect but then it starts veering off. But I've come to realise that most of the stuff in the list is just all the things that Nintendo can officially sell with the Wii stamp on it, it would seem. Some that I found: pedometer - No serious. It could make a nice piece of merchandise I guess. loads of manual labour gear - for the internal Nintendo team? Bit of branded kit perhaps? But strangely I saw no mention of a watch in there at all. And just for Stocka, there are a few references to glasses and sunglasses. Take it as you will.
  10. I would like different swords/tunics/weapons in general that have quite different qualities, as opposed to just getting a better version. You know like Samus' beam weapons, some were more effective in certain circumstances but all generally about the same power (OK maybe not but you get the idea). This would mean that you could play Link in quite a few different ways. Hey do you think there will be dark world items for Wolf Link? Get stuff like Iron Claws and stuff?
  11. DMX I love you, that's the most interesting potential Wii function we have seen yet! Got a link?
  12. Ahhh can you imagine actually having to dig a grave? That would be harsh, you'd get knackered in real life! But hey if you need to hide the dead girl what ya gonna do?
  13. Was this thread all that necessary? Not to be mean but it's only a game that has a chance of coming to the Wii.
  14. To me it looks like she is using a shovel in the 3rd screen. But yeah, I'm liking the style.
  15. Nice to see you have an emotional spectrum Mike! :wink:
  16. HAHA! I don't really remember anyone trying cel shaded graphics on the N64 do you? Good cel-shading is not a graphically inferior technique, it just looks simpler.
  17. If you actually take the foreground characters out of the picture, the background and the lighting effects actually look pretty good. However the characters are low poly, something that doesn't take a long time to deal with in characters like that and there doesn't seem to be any anti-aliasing at all (retarded PS2). Yes I would expect more from a Wii game.
  18. Hehe... Da Vinco Code... Luigi Code
  19. Just seen this, nothing huge so I didn't want to make a new thread. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=16568 The man has a point, I agree with most of what he says.
  20. On a seperate note, has anyone noticed how 21stC Cowboy has a WiiMee as his Avatar? Oh the ROFL!
  21. Most people will have to remortage their house to get the PS3. Surely selling the children on top of selling the house would just be a bit too much?
  22. Eeeek! Forgot about that Sorry... thanks for setting me straight. No fighting the big HAL gloves anymore then?
  23. Does everyone remember how Nintendo made the "inner circle" of devs for the N64? Isn't it strange how after the masses of games and success that the SNES got, they suddenly decided that they wanted a quality not quantity approach. WHoops! I'm not surprised by the stockpiling news btw. Bar the DS Nintendo has always been very good at reaching their demand level because they are realistic about production it would seem. I don't see it as being an indicator that the Wii will release any earlier than September though.
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