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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Yep the thought of this game being on Wii makes me do a happy dance. Both previous versions were glorious classics and pretty funny too!
  2. Guys don't forget that the FHC was originally a concept that was meant to be for the gamecube so the idea has been around for a while. SSM could have been in design stages since the last game launched. This game is ready alright. On a seperate point, this is why I think that the FHC has a very high chance of having no glitches. They have had time to perfect it.
  3. Or how about not! This topic is not up for discussion in any form as has been said several times. Smack this thread with the LOCKING stick please!
  4. Bang on mate. It's really a non-word, I don't even think that they should try and justify it, infact I'm quite surprised that they told us how to say it. I think it would have been far more interesting to leave it slightly anonimous. As a symbol, I think it works really well, cute little antenna dots 'n' all. Must admit that I'm not crazy about the typeface choice though. It just doesn't look very professional.
  5. Scrolling shooters like Ikaruga would be pretty hard as the controls have to be really tight on these games. Ikaruga was hard enough.
  6. C'est "Card Captor Sakura" non?
  7. I think another reason why Sony haven't shown the controller though is due to the legal battle over the Dual Shock (which they will lose as they should - arseholes). Surely the PS3 pad was just another copy of almost the same technology? If they can't produce it then they will have to change it.
  8. 1st secret: Virtual Console - Revealed at E3 2005 2nd secret: Controller and Nunchuck - Revealed at TGS 2005
  9. I like the self shadowing, that has been long over due in MGS for a long time. The things I am concerned about are this: 1. The Dev geeks spend so much time refining the graphics that no original thought goes into the game or level design. MGS4 had a pretty cool story and I liked SOME of the characters but others were damn weak. There were no memorable new game features, it all felt like MGS with better graphics and a different story. The corridoring sucked and the boss battle designs were horrific throw backs from 1990s game design. Formulaic to the max. 2. This title will enforce the image that the best games are interactive movies. This just increases the stigma that games are the entertainment media waiting to replace the movies. They are a valid a form of entertainment but they are completely different!
  10. I hope the third secret is something completely different. I think the controller is good enough, but something else to do with the input device will just seem passe.
  11. WTF is this thread going on about? Just can't be arsed to read it all, sorry folks. Nintendo's presentation was held at the Kodak building last year and I'm pretty sure it was the year before that too. So it's no big deal. And the Mushrrom Kingdom thing, who cares? It's just Nintendo using their IPs as part of their company identity. Clutching at straws much?
  12. Does anyone else find the term "racing" a bit broad? This could mean anything, one idea of which was a horse racing game. Maybe a Zelda spin off where you could use the reins as the FHC.
  13. There is absolutely no chance of they would miss out the nunchuck. I'm not saying there will be 2 but there will definitely be 1. Just look at the details for all of the release games, none of them are FHC only, bar Reggie's racing game.
  14. That artwork looks quite nice. Might be quite fun, especially if it has lots of atmospheric scenes like around the fire.
  15. Two things: 1. Nintendo's name analisers suck balls (if such a magical post exists). 2. Are you English? Cos you don't sound it. And if your not, then of course you won't understand why people don't like. It is a sland term for urine and is something that little children say.
  16. Hey they could have an advert which is a print of the dictionary definition of Wii.
  17. This sounds like classic Perrin here. She is just blindly saying that it'll be all ok. She has no clue what she is saying sometimes. She has obviously missed out what the UK think.
  18. Now that the news has sunk in a bit, I'm not angry or depressed anymore but I have the same concerns as Jay. I think that it could seriously screw the campaign in the UK but as long as they fully accent it as the concept of "we" in the advetising, then I think it will be ok. Not great but OK.
  19. There was an all girls halls at my uni. We used to call it Virgin Megastores. And by me I don't mean me.
  20. OK gonna get this in before the page crashes. I agree that the shape of the name is quite nice but does anyone else think that the logo is quite mediocre?
  21. This is a very different approach from the other interview. That guy sucked balls. I haven't played a Madden game since the SNES but I'm quite tempted by this. Can you imagine how hectic playing multiplayer would get. You will basically be shoving each other. And after a couple of drinks its gonna get pretty sick!
  22. Would be an ace Sonic game no? Are you faster than "the fastest thing alive"? Oh ok maybe not....
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