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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Stocka, dude, just let the 3D thing go. Don't you think it would also totally hinder the Revs hardware? I love my virtual boy (it's a tough love mind you) but I DON'T want a stereoscopic system yet. And you're totally forgetting something. That would scare off the customer, the ones that Nintendo designed the FHC for.
  2. I think this game would also benefit from a sanity meter, ala Eternal Darkness. The single player game would have to be like a full blown horror trilogy length thing. Kinda like the way Sidney is always haunted by the Scream.
  3. Haha! I can see it now: Your playing Red Steel in the car and you're holding your katana to a gang leaders throat to gain his respect and NOT kill him. You suddenly hit a pot-hole in the road. Slip. Whoops! Messy...
  4. It was originally posted about here: http://brokensaints.com/blog This guy is part of the team that produces the Broken Saints animated graphic novel and so they know quite a lot of people. He said he was at a film thingy (and it was either Lucas or Spielberg as I remember, could be wrong) and they said what you have been talking about above. Not that it makes a big difference who it is but it still hasn't been revealed for a console yet has it?
  5. What arbitrary measuring stick are you using there? It's like saying that Mario World was 2.5 times better than MarioBros.2.
  6. Well we already know that there are Gorons, mean fighty Gorons with HUGE heads!
  7. It was the definition of bad. It's not that big a deal anyway, you can catch the whole thing at good quality generally less than 24 hours later.
  8. Can we just call it Whodunnit?
  9. That would probably be healthy mate You seem to check this thread every 5 mins!
  10. True enough. It's not like Microsoft haven't ripped themselves off price-wise before. You really think Live could become free though?
  11. Is anybody else starting to want to shy away from details? I'm gonna be looking at this thread less and less because I want surprises!
  12. Yeah, that's very Nintendo. Or maybe they will just remodel the Revolution! Revolution "Special Edition" anyone?
  13. Ahh good. I was starting to think that people were just ignoring what I was saying.
  14. I think it was George Harrison who said that there will be the ability to add extra storage, maybe with an external HD or something. So on the same basis Nintendork would be right I guess.
  15. Hang on Wes you are talking about the thing that sits under the TV right, not the FHC?
  16. If we get anymore piss-poor excuses about translation time, I'm gonna kick off.
  17. Errr... you guys are actually buying (as in believing) this? Isn't it totally unsubstantiated?
  18. OK i'm gonna necropost here because I'm tired of people making new threads when old ones exist. All of what has been discussed is here already so will you all just read it. This way people won't post the same ideas over and over again.
  19. It could be bluetooth and have it's own power supply. Weirder things have happened.
  20. Which ones in particular? They have made quite a variety so I'm a bit surprised that anyone totally writes them off entirely.
  21. From what we've seen of the layout of the back and from what we can see of the sides AND under the top flap, tho only place the SD cards have left to go is under the front slap. Mystery solved! And yes it has been officially stated that whatever is under that flap will also concern the DVD expansion.
  22. Ahhh EA have just announced that they are resurrecting the Tiberia universe in C&C3: Tiberium Wars. http://www.gamesindustry.biz Maybe for Revolution too?
  23. Tut-tut... there is no "the" for little Alex.
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