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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Could work I guess. I think it is a very interesting application as it is another kind of non-game in a sense. But I guess it depends on how it is advertised and whether it gets flamed as being sad. I think it would work better though if there wasn't such a competitive undertone to it. It could become a sort of international excercise network! Scary.... imagine the booklet of health and safety warnings.
  2. Hang on. Don't they need to make the whole gam for SD anyway for those people who don't have HDTV? Oh and by the way, about HD not taking any longer to develop. I think you are wrong. Every single mistake is far more obvious, especially in the case of textures. Texture distortion and displacement will become ever more obvious in HD, not to mention you are looking at having to make all of the textures at probably 5 times the size. That's gonna take some big extra time.
  3. It's more likely to be SSB: Mahem really. Total Chaos sounds like two thing: 1. a Sonic spin off and 2. a Playstation game. Plus it is TC which among me and my friends means Tactical Chunder. Generally employed half way through an extremely heavy night of drinking to dump some cargo. It's more likely to be SSB: Mahem really. Total Chaos sounds like two thing: 1. a Sonic spin off and 2. a Playstation game. Plus it is TC which among me and my friends means Tactical Chunder. Generally employed half way through an extremely heavy night of drinking to dump some cargo.
  4. You know those finder boards things? It's gonna be like playing with one of those but with the FHC... hehe....
  5. Back to the cupboard for you TriforceMario! Nope. No food or water! Sonic Heroes was probably the worst Sega made game that I have ever played, it annoyed me so much that it makes my skin crawl!!!! By the by, I know these are for the Dreamcast but hey: Underated = Chu-Chu Rocket and also Toy Commander. Such amazing multiplayer fun!
  6. This all seems fairly likely, but yeah the release date is a bit on the shocking side. I'm not bothered really as long as we get the Rev here before Xmas.
  7. And the PS2 can animate Toy Story in "real time". Who's time frame is that Ken? Is it the one God used when he thought billions of years of evolution happened in 7 days?
  8. Technology wise it would be a breeze I think. It doesn't seem to be a problem to have lots of emulation software and the Rev is quite powerful. There could potentially be a problem with the Saturn though as wasn't it duel processor?
  9. Exactly. I agree with everyone: No nunchuck here. Think about it, smash brothers only needs the NES pad really. Maybe that will be it. Just turn it on it's side and play ala NES. That would REALLY piss a lot of people off!
  10. Glad to see it was a simple set up... pffft.
  11. Wasn't that VR Troopers? *cowers at knowing such things* Yawn. Who cares? You guys do realise you are debating about labels that scientists have given to things so that they can explain their theories. It is all twaddle really.
  12. Yeah, the N64 Z button was totally essential for creating the pivot based targetting system in OOT, which then became a standard in the industry.
  13. Yeahh, we would of seen a lot more ports if there was a Z2 button
  14. I'm thinking about it but I have NO money. There's not really enough to warrant me forking out what is likely to be a disgusting amount of money.
  15. Wow! Glad that never happened! Also wasn't the Z button just added so they could go 1st person view in SMS?
  16. Here you've put this in speech marks. But then you said this: So you changed what you have quoted. Looks like a miss-quote, as one of them would be false. Not to mention that you didn't link it to anything at the time, so why should people believe you? Not trying to have a big dig at you mate, it's just that someone asked why everyone was getting their hackles up. Also, as you are studying your course, you should know that arguing your points agressively will only put you at a disadvantage when trying to convince someone. Personally I don't need your respect at all, that's for white people trying to act like black people. I understand why you argue so drastically but it's not helping anyone. Also you said that you use hypothetical situations to prove your point, which was that the front flap would not be used for the DVD expansion. You have no evidence or deductive reasoning behind this. Therefore it is speculation. Creating a scenario which plays out in a fashion dictated by you is also speculation, as you are assuming: how the public will react, how Nintendo market their console, what is under the flap and also that the 3rd secret must be under there. You think that there is a gold mine of interesting stuff under the flap at the front of your TV? No you ass. It's just there so you can get to it without scrambling behind the set.
  17. Starfox Adventure was way under rated, I loved it although it was essentially quite simple. I think a lot of people were just expecting a flying game all the time... no! Under rated also: Burnout (original), Co-op section of RogueSquadron 3, Mortal Combat DA. Spiderman2 a bit. Over rated: MP2 a bit, Sonic Heroes was just rubbish! As will riders most likely.
  18. Because he makes up quotes. Claims things are, when they are simply only his opinion. He also slaps down anybody elses opinion other than his, which is no problem in itself, but he then goes on to use opinion as fact. Is generally hostile, so when people think he is wrong the situation usually becomes inflammatory. Usually ending up with a dose of self-gratification: He often proclaims to be a REALIST as opposed to a speculator but goes on to make decision based on imaginery scenarios such as this gem: Now I don't remember him being an authority on what Saturo Iwata thinks or about him being able to predict the future but I think that he is specualting there. He's an Elitist snob who a lot of people find very unfriendly. This thread is a perfect example. I'm not saying that everything he says is wrong, I just think that when he's in the mood his head is predominantly up his arse. Answer your question?
  19. Yeah but you need the shell to play all the virtual console games but you don't need the 2nd FHC for that many games.
  20. The base which allows 3rd party companies to port over games from the other consoles.
  21. Or maybe it's just not a dongle that's anywhere as big as the Xbox one. It could still go in the front.
  22. I'm all for the shell but again I can see where you're coming from. I do think it's more likely that the shell will come boxed in though rather than a second FHC.
  23. 'Dork I still don't see why it can't go in the front. As most of us know, all it needs to do is unlock the function of the DVD player. The system already had wireless for the controllers so it doesn't need to big. Also I've seen no where that has said that it will be a dongle.
  24. Yeah to be honest man, you do say a lot of things which you are asuming are true when they are just maybes.
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