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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I think Suda 51 and his studio might use dual weild. If you think about how Killer 7 works, you could very easily have two controllers for seperate guns no? That would be pretty nice...
  2. You seem to be very reactionary. I suggest that you don't take anything so personally. The reason people are asking your age is that you seem to making some rash replies and people want to confirm that you are young as a way of excusing the tanacity of some of the replies.
  3. Seriously Dork the controller doesn't need to be pointing at the screen. IR is pretty archaic compared to bluetooth and other wireless transfers technologies. The controller can tell the Rev what it is doing without pointing directly at the screen. On the point of balance, you may be right but then wouldn't it be front/back unbalanced?
  4. 'Dork the controller doesn't have to be on top. The sensor on the front of the FHC is only used as a pinting device however the actual communication is either wireless protocol or bluetooth (I can't remember and I don't really care!). It would make more sense for it to be on it's side really but hey, I guess we'll see in a coupla months!
  5. Booker what tablet are you using mate? If you are working in Photoshop you should try using the brush tool rather than the pencil tool (cos thats what it looks like your using) and you will get different widths in you lines. It give is a nice caligraphy feel as it will tail off the end of you lines and what not.
  6. Haha! Fooly Cooly is hilarious! But Don't go expecting anything very serious. On that note what Anime have people seen that they think is actually genuinely funny? I mean all Anime tend to have a bit of humour but ones that actually make you laugh out loud funny. My money is on Trigun, definitely...
  7. I think 16 players is a given. For gods sake I can play WoW on a fairly minimal connection, so it can't be all that hard. Do you reacon they will bring any of the other Bounty Hunters into it, maybe as slight references?
  8. Jamba

    revo SD

    Pestneb mate, can you please not make threads based on information from Wikepedia. We all know that it can often be unreliable as a source of factual information. Dpn't mean to moan but I just don't want to see people going wild over facts that are untrue. Not that this information isn't true of course.
  9. Yeah its a good idea, but I wouldn't bother with the prices thing though.... I'd love to see something like this.
  10. I hope this cathes on.. I'd prefer that to a Sony Vaio any day!
  11. Iwata already stated that it won't have a touch sensitive capability. In fact he stated it sooo long ago that you've all forgotten!
  12. He also broke the mould as far as Musical style went. The closest comparison you can probably find is Picasso. Both were phenominal at their given area from an early age and both went on to completely change these areas. Mozart felt that musical compaosing had stagnated and become dull (not unlike the games industry!) so he was trying to really capture something new and energetic. He was also a notorious party animal womaniser. His reputation and fame came from this as much as his work. As said above, hes the original rock star. Also his work was quite unappreciated at the time, one classical quote from a Royal (sorry can't remember who) said that one of his pieces had "too many notes" to which Moxart replied that there were as many notes as were needed. Also he was quite Mathematical about his composition in the fact that he often reflected and inverted not patterns or phrases. You will often hear sectino on one piece that sound like another being played backwards. Seriously though, just go and have a quick dig on the net.
  13. Plus they are trying to promote the big idea not the big budget... smaller devs will be able to afford more than one of these.
  14. Yep I played with one of these and it sucked. If your feet move a milimetre the whole callibration gets fucked. Its a pretty ugly and non user friendly device. Just by looking at the rev controller I can tell you that the two are incomparable really. (for a start you dont have to velcro the rev controller to your hand!)
  15. Tch tch... shame this happened in Link to the Past already.
  16. Hello? Would all these people suggesting a new pokemon game or geist 2 or a rehash of an oldie READ THE TITLE. New franchise; new IP. Do you get it? Completely new... Stop posting twaddle people.
  17. Tbh do you even think Ninty do a storyline? They seem to come up with some very basic ways of linking a few but not a storyline.... nah
  18. Errr games sales from around the world? What made you say this?
  19. Hmmm.. I've been quite interested in the "whole new platform" comment which is why I made a thread about it possibly being portable but no one else seems to agree. Notic in the Trailer that there were no cables AT ALL (bar the freehand-nunchuck cable). It would be a VERY sexy portable... take that PSP haha!
  20. Well you remember what Ken said.. "People will do overtime to buy this Premium product" Yeah that or they will go buy a 360.
  21. But dammit! Shouldn't Link be a Bunny!? I hope they bring in the Demon kid who's bullying the Blob kid, that would be awesome. Do you think they will still have skeletal chickens too? They were a bit freaky...
  22. Yeah good call Masaki kun. Gannon and the sacred Realm sound pretty safe bet. It's very life what he was trying to do in Link to the Past in some ways. Now that I think about it, TP does seem to have that same dynamic as it got pretty dark sometimes too.
  23. Solomons Quest maybe? I never played it but that's the ony thing I can think of.
  24. Yeah we will finally have a chance to see how things are gonna be for the next 5 years or so (3 if Microsoft have anything to do with it).
  25. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=14836 I know he's an anylyst but it still has some nice information here. Shame it's not fully justified.
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