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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. If all turns out as we expect (which it most likely will) with a PS3 Thanksgiving release and a high price stamp, things are going to go very odd me thinks. I would initially say that this is probably Sony's time to leave the throne in a similar way to Nintendo in the N64 days. However they seem to be playing pretty dumb at the moment so I'm suspicious that they are brewing something...
  2. OK so the news from Nintendo Power confirms that Ganon is indeed live and unwell in LoZ:TP. But: "I know that everyone's wondering what going on with Link's old nemesis. All I can say now is, we're preparing more than you could possibly ever, ever, ever expect...." Doesn't this have Revo controller written all over it? http://www.hyrule.net/?get=newsview&date=942&lan=en
  3. Ohhh... how hot is it getting? I hate bloody laptops for that reason alone! Similar thing happened to me when my friend accidentally stopped one of the main windows processes from Task Manager. Unfortunately for me formatting was the only answer. But don't let me stop ya. Try EVERYTHING!
  4. Hmmm... seriously. I would strip the whole thing down. You should really get every bit of the CD out cos those things really shatter into tiny bits. Even if you did get it working again, if a bit of shard started knicking around at 32X you are gonna get some nasty lazer disruption or some major disc damage. As I said, piece the thing and maybe even hoover it (CAREFULLY).
  5. Maybe Capcom kept watching the bit in the Revo demo video with the guy using the nunchuck config and using the controller as a gun (think he dives onto a chair during the scene).
  6. Hey all, I should be aquiring a broken PS2 for free soon, if all goes smoothly. Obviously it cheapness is down to the fact that its a bit bust. Well ok a lot bust. It's a slimline platinum model and it doesn't power on at all. From what the person say that I'm getting it off, it's nothing to do with the transformer cos hes tested it with another one. Any clues? I know I haven't had a chance to open it up yet but still... Any ideas on common problems or links to helpful websites would be ace and much appreciated. Tah all.
  7. Cheers for the heads up Colin. I talked to Matthew Horton, who is the head of the animation department at Tees I think. He was very excited about me going cos I've already done a degree and my A levels are pretty good. Got a feeling that he even made a note of my name! Cheers for the words too Hem. I know about Bourns reputation, but the course seems very heavy on the programming side. That is why I think it is aimed a bit more at the movie industry. I did talk to one of the staff at my college though and she said a lot of people are there to do games so we shall see... Tees just sounds a bit more games orientated. Plus they have Animex (looks v good from the website). And for other people's reference they said that they have got through the second round of examinations for the Skillset report. See: http://www.skillset.org/games/ This teacher I talked to said she is going to talk to some of her friends to get a bit more info. I'll post it if anyone is interested?
  8. Maybe the start of some viral advertising? Well then again maybe not. Those curves wouldn't be that hard to do if you know how to use vector based programs, methinks. There's a lot of relecting circles going on there too which makes me think it would be even easier to do. I think Pro is a bit of a misnomer (sp?) because... well just look at the Nintendo ON video. That certainly looks professional to me. Doubt some game artist could do that.
  9. OK people I've recently sent off my UCAS application looking to do the art side of gaming. I have applied to: Bournemouth: 3yr BA in Computer Visualisation and Animation. De Monteford: 3yr BA in Game Art Design Teeside: 3yr BA/4yr sandwich (1yr in industry) in Computer Games Art Was wondering if anyone had any opinions about any of these courses or has heard anything? I know Bournemouth and Tees are good but I'm trying to find which one I would prefer or which one is better. Any help?
  10. No worries dude, I do symapthise. Yeah I was thinking about extrude along path. Btw if you try and use your masking techniques like template and also fully hiding stuff, doesn't this reduce the memory usage? Or were you still being crippled even doing that? Also did you put the curve in the skyscrper before or after you did the windows? It has quite a cartoony weight to it. I like it a lot. Muchos kudos
  11. Jamba

    I'm Back

    Maybe it's a $10 loss since the price drop.
  12. Why do you want it to be the Nintendo Stereoscope?
  13. I like it. But I don't see why parents would get confused. People can tell the difference between a BMW 3 or 7 series and between a Merc SLK and an ML. Plus it still leaves scope to be called Revolution. The design is good, especially the form of the curves but it seems a little too simple but I think that comes from the flat side of the R. Don't really think they should involve the Nintendo logo into it though. Again (like the name) I think that the logo will reflect the system. Think about it. SNES logo was the four colour splodge, representing the A,B,X,Y colours and also the increased colour range on the system compared to the NES. The N64 symbol embodied the 3D era. The Cube symbol was pretty much well the same as there wasn't really a big change in that gen apart from upgrading. Now we have a big change and I think Ninty will reflect that to strengthen the franchise.
  14. I'm a way into PM2 and I like it. It has charm. But it is getting really repetitive. Why do I have to keep aquiring new characters, this isn't Pokemon! Sorry, not to gripe but I didn't think the battle system was that great. Much preferred Mario RPG. But hey it's colourful it's fun and the little runt guys from the forrest rule! But enough material for a 3rd? Dunno... We don't want another Mario Party franchise on our hands do we?
  15. Ppl ppl ppl.... I don't think Nintendo would have given us a trailer illustrating people playing the Revo in a very social setting at TGS if there was a headset. Ninty love social multiplayer gaming and this just seems to go against their philosophy. (Virtual Boy excluded).
  16. Megaton was a big super-hype fest that came around E3 (i think) a while back. Speculation turned into good will and that became faith and then on to believing the lieeeees! Anyways. We saw a similar thing happen at E3 and many ppl got duped by the hype and speculation. It was proclaimed to be Megaton the second coming. This instance of making Nintendo news when there is none is becoming more common and is generally labelled as MEGATON if it is unsubstantiated.
  17. Cloud, I'm guessing that you extruded those highways? You make one "hoop" and then extrude it along a given path yeah? I'm guessing that the city is mostly NURBs too? Sorry I know it sounds like a lot of questions but I'm just picking out the techniques you've used...
  18. Oh cmon guys.... its a joke. It's meant to show that people who want Nintendo news like us are so frustrated that it feels like we are going in circles. The addition of megaton is just adding insult to injury about useless speculation and hype.
  19. With you on the power comment Goku. I'm getting pretty tired off all the "I know about tech waaaaaty better than youuu" stuff. We have: No specs, no screens, no demos, lots of unfounded speculation.
  20. It's probably because they haven't shown the shell yet, so devs won't know if it will work well with the game. There is another theory that suggests that Capcom are developing another RE game for the rev and would not want to release RE5 as well as they would not want to be competing with themselves.
  21. Hmmmm Iwata's confirmed that they must have a pre-thanksgiving release. Looks like autumn could get a little feisty! http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=14163
  22. I hope they are changing the controller. I'm not gonna get one striaght away but I think the rest of the gaming world would appreciate not using a bat-a-rang. Sounds silly but I still can't believe they made it look so lame. It's very out of character for them, so it's likely that it was rushed as Nintendo were going to show off the look of the Rev.
  23. We are talking games that EA make. In a similar way to Nintendo R&D 1 and 2 and EAD. So at the beginning of the game boot up, all you get is the Nintendo logo or the EA logo. I am talking 2nd party devs. You're the one that brought up HAL. And yes, I am sure HALs relationship with the publishing side of Nintendo must be different seeing as Mr. Nintendo = Saturo Iwata = Mr. HAL labs.
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