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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Product placement!
  2. So it can't be based on real PS3 specs... pffff looks like pretty unimaginative game design to me anyway. "Oh look, it's a city. Never seen one of those before.. and people?! You're kidding!"
  3. If they don't want people to buy Cubes then why call it a cube game? It just doesn't make ANY sense.
  4. Ooooold. I've seen this before. Like maybe even before E3 ages ago... Even before the PS3 specs were finalised...
  5. The VMU of the DC and the rumble pack slotted into the back of the light gun. It would make sense... Nintendo weren't exactly successful with their light guns though were they? More importantly though I'm pretty sure Sega own the rights to House of the Dead which would be a pretty good addition to the Rev line up.
  6. Yeah this is my problem. It basically won't be a cube game at all. Why even bother really trying to say that it is? Hardly anyone is going to buy a Gamecube to get his are they? If this has Revo functionality then why would anyone get a Cube for the game. You will have a better experience with teh Rev. Nintendo's logic here is fuckt and what makes it even more annoying is that they have ahrdly given us any media at all. Come on E3, cos at least after that Nintendo won't have an excuse to hide anything anymore.
  7. Don't worry 'dork I ain't being a fanboy. That would mean I have no justification for my opinion. I don't like all MMOs and WoW is the only one that I really like. I just think your reasons not likinh MMOs are a bit flawed. But hey... I don't think MMOs have really been explored properly as a genre at all. Look at the genuine gameplay variety; many seem to be based around a very similar theme (a fantasy world in both senses). We should be able to come up with better than that, surely? But hey these games are a HUGE investment and cost lots of money. If WoW failed I don't think Blizzard would be around. So not everyone can take a shot at this. Not many chances to make big differences...
  8. Virgin has stopped for definite. Nine in their biggest store on Oxford Street in London.
  9. Oh and 'dork... If you find WoW boring then you have no imagination. It's like saying that you find life boring. MAKE it interesting...
  10. Didn't Reggie or Iwata make a comment saying that they thought that MMOs were an area that needed to be investigated more in gaming?
  11. Yawn... anything new?
  12. Locking stick!
  13. Errrm is it just me or is this Poll slightly biased. A lot of people here haven't really experienced all of the systems properly for instance. I'm guessing that a lot of people are voting for the N64 didn't really get a chance to properly try the SNES or NES and many people wouldn't have experienced them in context. Oh and another thing, post a REASON people. Not much point in having a forum otherwise
  14. Gods sake people! It probably won't need a disc as has already been said! It'll go on the memory! And you don't ned a PC on if you have wireless networking. BTW I don't think a keyboard is that necessary asmost of the internet is fairly point and click but hey... maybe they could invent a way of typing in gestures
  15. Wahooo! Shenmue 3 actually lives?!?! Finally!
  16. Oh nice one mate... I've got a conditional from Tees (practically unconditional really). I'll be hearing from Bournemouth in a week or two. Have you had a look at Tees yet? I'm going up for an open day on the 1st cos I need material so I can decide were I want to go but hey.
  17. I think Jav's just pissed cos he can't seem to have a laugh without killing himself/other people around him slowly. And yeah mate, drinking probably should be outlawed eventually too.
  18. Haha... funny.. Yeah this is a good idea especially as the internet is now seen as something that you just go and do quickly nowadays. It saves booting up the PC, plus you can do it while watching the tv... genius
  19. Hey mate, good effort for having a go. I've just been off to Bournemouth for an interview so I've got my portfolio head on. I'll just comment on content for the moment: Firstly, there is no indication of what you're about. What do you wanna do? You've got this work for lots of different areas but I don't know which one you wanna do. I know it's a work in progress but if you don't have the content to put in then don't give it a heading (in your 3D section for example). It just makes it feel a unfinished. On the work front, I would suggest working some rough sketches with annotations and stuff then working into a big piece that has lots of visual detail and depth. Good to see you're getting lotss of life drawing in there, keep it up cos it's vital for lots of things but if you are doing them under time constraints then mention it. I'm with Tie on the notepad idea but you need to carry that theme into your menu too.
  20. Rokhed, there should be a smoking carrage on that kind of train journey, no? I admit, I don't like being told what to do by Tony and his mates but there is a point to this. Smoking needs to become more and more socially unacceptable. End off. Most smokers want to give up and also wish they never started. It's a problem that needs to be dealt with properly, from the start. Just for instance, it's not like you would find it ok if you were in a pub and someone started snorting aerosols in front of you, would you?
  21. Or is it? You will probably have to buy an add-on to unlock every little bit of the capabilities... So all in all you will have to pay more and more... Yay.
  22. Well done Sony... clap clap. Just lower the level of quality that consumers can expect from a games consumable package. You pay almost £400 and only get SOME of the console!
  23. But this time it is waaay over the top. I know they did DVD wi th PS2 and propriety stuff on PSP but this is just getting crazy. I mean come on, they are just wasting the Cell's potential (from what i've heard) and putting all their eggs in one basket!
  24. Hey come on people... he's entitled to his opinion even if we don't agree. Personally, there was a lot that I liked about the Dreamcast pad but hey. I don't mind the 360 pad but me and the Dual shock just never got on. I've liked every Nintendo controller, even when I got blisters from playing the SNES too much. I remember people thinking the N64 pad was a bit way out there but we all got used to it. Shoe would you rather play with a PS3 pad? (Hah! Ooops sorry, can't help but laugh at it)
  25. No. At the beginning Blizzard said there were none and I haven't heard of any. I think its very unlikely...
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