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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Keep on subject please, you guys have rambled for over a page about working in a game store. Go make a thread in Gneneral chat or something
  2. They're part of the problem. And you can smoke in there, just like you can serve booze there without a licence because the building is counted as a Royal Palace in legal terms.
  3. You guys talk so much crap. It's clinically excepted fact that smoking and passive smoking highly increased the chance of various types of cancer not to mention a bunch of really nasty diseases. For the majority of my life it has been clear and present fact that smoking is bad for you so don't go giving all this "jumping on the bandwaggon" shit cos it's complete cock and balls. It's like saying that any artist who took inspiration from somebody else is just jumping on the bandwaggon, or that cos someone has given you a convincing aarguement to prove a point and you decide that you like what they're saying means you're jumping on too. It just bollocks, pure and simple. Also saying that Pubs and smoking are intrinsicly linked is simply based on a long history of smoking being a good past time. Wake the fuck up! History constantly shows that people argue for something because it's been that way for so many years. That doesn't mean it shouldn't change. It doesn't mean that it should though on the other hand, it's just an opportunity to review things.
  4. I must say that I do like that red one... even if the blue light doesn't go with it...
  5. Whooops sorry about that... someone must have told me the wrong info.
  6. I agree with most of the above but to add: If your getting a light gun then Gumshoe. Also Defender of the Crown, Mario Bros 2 (as you don'y have it yet), the original Micromachines, Battletoads and Sid Meiers Pirates.
  7. Depends what you mean by inspirational. As far as art inspiration goes, I'd say Bjork or some Imogen Heap (or Frou Frou if ya like). Jamiroquai is also great. But for feeling great about yourslef and all that I'd say Rolling Stones. Always guaranteed to get your feet moving. If we want to go for musical inspiration then we would have to go in a Joe Satrianni/ Steve Vai direction. I know that the general public would probably come up with things like U2 though and I would tend to agree...
  8. Yep move on... try Killer Su Doku anyway, it's much harder on your arithmatic and has more complicated methods. It's on the back of T2 in The Times
  9. Jamba


    No its about having an attention span of a knat and changing what you like every five minutes. Now seriously, the question you will want to ask yourself is what would the 40, 60, 70 year old me want (if want it at all)? Also you said that you are going through a difficult patch and even with a slightly optimistic hint to it, you are still going to be branding yourself with something that you link to that. Might just be a better idea to let it go. (Sorry if I'm sounding a little patronising btw).
  10. You've heard of bleam right? Where there was a program called DreamBleam I think. That should do the job for you, but you'll need the right pad mate.
  11. Deinitely 2 and 3. They're awesome. First one is nice but don't like the 3 pics on the side.
  12. I've figured out why I'm so annoyed now... I just get this feeling that Zelda is practically finished and could be released in May/ June at the latest but Nintendo is holding it for marketting reasons. I don't like that...
  13. So it can't be based on real PS3 specs... pffff looks like pretty unimaginative game design to me anyway. "Oh look, it's a city. Never seen one of those before.. and people?! You're kidding!"
  14. If they don't want people to buy Cubes then why call it a cube game? It just doesn't make ANY sense.
  15. Ooooold. I've seen this before. Like maybe even before E3 ages ago... Even before the PS3 specs were finalised...
  16. The VMU of the DC and the rumble pack slotted into the back of the light gun. It would make sense... Nintendo weren't exactly successful with their light guns though were they? More importantly though I'm pretty sure Sega own the rights to House of the Dead which would be a pretty good addition to the Rev line up.
  17. Yeah this is my problem. It basically won't be a cube game at all. Why even bother really trying to say that it is? Hardly anyone is going to buy a Gamecube to get his are they? If this has Revo functionality then why would anyone get a Cube for the game. You will have a better experience with teh Rev. Nintendo's logic here is fuckt and what makes it even more annoying is that they have ahrdly given us any media at all. Come on E3, cos at least after that Nintendo won't have an excuse to hide anything anymore.
  18. Don't worry 'dork I ain't being a fanboy. That would mean I have no justification for my opinion. I don't like all MMOs and WoW is the only one that I really like. I just think your reasons not likinh MMOs are a bit flawed. But hey... I don't think MMOs have really been explored properly as a genre at all. Look at the genuine gameplay variety; many seem to be based around a very similar theme (a fantasy world in both senses). We should be able to come up with better than that, surely? But hey these games are a HUGE investment and cost lots of money. If WoW failed I don't think Blizzard would be around. So not everyone can take a shot at this. Not many chances to make big differences...
  19. Virgin has stopped for definite. Nine in their biggest store on Oxford Street in London.
  20. Oh and 'dork... If you find WoW boring then you have no imagination. It's like saying that you find life boring. MAKE it interesting...
  21. Didn't Reggie or Iwata make a comment saying that they thought that MMOs were an area that needed to be investigated more in gaming?
  22. Errrm is it just me or is this Poll slightly biased. A lot of people here haven't really experienced all of the systems properly for instance. I'm guessing that a lot of people are voting for the N64 didn't really get a chance to properly try the SNES or NES and many people wouldn't have experienced them in context. Oh and another thing, post a REASON people. Not much point in having a forum otherwise
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