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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Anyone actually remember that the Megazord could become a tank? They used it in about the first 10 episodes sporadically and then it never appeared again! Haha!
  2. Well you're wrong I'm afraid. Playing some of the more ambitious game on the system such as RedAlarm and WarioLand definitely required the depth perception to play it. I agree that it's a great little system and I would love to be able to somehow play the games but it's a logisctics no no.
  3. Bar the odd title, the majority of the 360s range is made up of shooters, racers and high action games. I call this a small range of games. Admittedly I don't have a 360 but this is what I know from what I read. Just a glance over the review page on ign made it seem almost all action, action, shooter, action, racer. From what I saw from E3, that isn't going to change very quickly and most of the different genre games are Live Arcade gmaes like geometry wars. But my point wasn't really meant to be about 360, it was about the Wii offering people a variety so that it becomes accessible for everyone.
  4. Maybe it'll look like this! Oh please god Nintendo do this!
  5. People are starting to talk about either/or in terms of game release. Don't forget that they are being developed by different studios. My personal view on the matter is that the Wii needs a high quality, high impact release. It needs its IP to wipe the floor with the (let's face it) poor range of 360 games so far. Remember that with the VC and the release games the Wii instantly has a range of games that totals any other system so they need to play on that card. Also Retro and the other studios have been making these games for a while now, let them finish and get on with making more games to cram into the shelves. I want the game selection for the Wii to be like Willy Wonka's sweety garden:
  6. Nintendo have been doing this. They did it with the DS (thanks Reggie!) and now they are doing it even more with the Wii. Devs get more help with the Wii dev kit than any other console, with a hotline to ask Nintendo questions. I've never heard so many devs talk so openly and so nicely about the way NIntendo have conducted their dev support. The support that they get isn't an issue as far as a dev deciding to develop for the system.
  7. It a depiction of Shigsy, a character based on his crazy personality. And they let him near kids at signings and stuff?!
  8. Insider if I could hit you with a big comedy style frying pan I would. All this guess work does get a little boring though...
  9. Damn you and your grass Pokemon!
  10. Can't you check the net at school or do you have a filter?
  11. They haven't really with the PS3 either. I don't ever remember seeing the Gamecube GUI either until I had it in my hands. But hey consoles don't really have a GUI but with the online functions I guess this will be a bit more like the 360 one?
  12. It's strange, the Nintendogs release at HMV on oxford st. in london was much more exciting than the DS release. Dammit. So gonna have to ship down to london for the release party... bastards. Might go cosplay for a laugh but if I camp out too early then I think I might get beat up!
  13. Cmon they're only caterpillars for god's sake. They're not evil.
  14. Cheers Moria, that's good to know. A lot of people here find it easy to blend rumour into truth. It's nice to have someone to set it straight.
  15. As booker just said in the hardware thread, Jungle beat is damn tiring. Played through 5 levels and was like, "Hell no! I need to be able to use my hands and arms tomorrow!" Good fun though!
  16. Yeah seriously, insider has been laughed off the forums on more than one occasion. But as I said, I can't see Nintendo anywhere on the schedule. Does this mean that it's all just rumour?
  17. You gotta admit though that Saiban are a bunch of extorting, money rinsing, hand rubbing bastards. Saiban + relatively good series = 101 series =:horse: = beating the cash cow
  18. In calaboration with Retro. Sorry about the above btw, I think that there could be a very good multiplayer Metroid FPS, I just think that there's no chance that it will be MP3.
  19. Ok, I've just been looking through the details and schedule for the conference for this year and none of the bits mentioned on this thread are there. I've checked and it says that it's the schedule for the 2006 conference. Hmmm.... Why is it missing? They would have it up on the site by now surely? There are at least 3 different speach slots reserved for ATi so far however that have TBA titles. Maybe they are reserving them for the BigN?
  20. Well there must be a crazy set of ecological factors going on for such an event to happen. I mean seriously the amount of them is impossible really from an environment support in that sense. They have fucking owned every piece of vegitation in those shots though. Not a single leaf on any of those trees.
  21. Just to let folks know I have all of the first series Zords. ALL OF THEM... Megazord Green Dragon Zord + Tommy (anyone remember that the gold thing he wore was actually a shield, which he gave to Tommy in an expisode?) .. and Titanus! Want to sell if anyone is interested but the p&p would be painful though.
  22. Pfffft... it's Margret silly! Can't you just wait til Zelda comes out?
  23. I remember when I was looking all around the net before OOT came out and sucking up every little morsel of the game. I found that when I came to play it I had seen almost every boss in the game and the way to defeat them. Also I had seen a lot of the settings but I was still surprised with how much else there was. Proves how much creative power went into that game.
  24. Yeah but MarioKart isnt the 3rd part in a trilogy of games is it? The Metroid game after that will probably be a Multiplayer only form and I'm guessing will be another collaboration effort like Hunters was. Just let them finish the Prime series on a high note eh?
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