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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Exactly, plus individual screens rather than split screen is waaaaaay better. Not to mention that you could play in different rooms. Think about people at Uni and stuff... you could have a WAN game with most your floor in halls! Rule-ge!
  2. Yeah and the response to FF3 can't go unnoticed can it? It must have been pretty hard to develop in some ways but now that they have an engine why not? FF7 isn't out of the question either as many have claimed that FF3 on DS has better graphics. But hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's wait until we see if S-E shaft us with FF:CC or not...
  3. Interesting points. Sony have never had a good reputation as a reliable hardware producer though surely? I mean Vaios are a joke! But still, it's a bit worrying to see even Ken starting to worry a bit. Heads gonna start rolling at Sony you think?
  4. Have people put any thought into localised LAN play on the Wii? Is that still a function? I was thinking (looking at some of Iwata's thoughts on designing the console) that it could be semi portable. I've mentioned this before but no one seems to agree with me. If I think about how Ninty could take advantage of that though starts to make my head explode! I like the idea of just being able to arry around your Wii to a mates house rather than a memory card.
  5. Yeah can someone repost that cos I can't see the images :/
  6. Even with the annecdotes that there are, I still don't think Nintendo actually design any of the Zelda games with a story line in mind. To me those mentions seem to be only to please the fans. Same goes for interviewers answers. It's just like when Aonuma or Shigsy said that it ran on the WW engine. Later they said that they could really say that as the engine was so far removed from the original that calling them the same would simply be a lie.
  7. Hang on if I think that something could happen, I also think that it may not. Therefore how am I assuming anything? You basically just said that I'm assuming something because I'm assuming nothing I don't get it.... Also pedro where did you get those quotes of decades and centuries? Is that from text in WW?
  8. Errr.... we don't know how long it was between the end of OoT and the return of Ganon to cause the flood. All of the games could have happened in the middle of that. There has never been any mention of time scales between any of these events, so people should really stop asuming stuff.
  9. Not to be rude guys but there is a lot if opinion being stated as truth going on today (me included too!)
  10. Yeah 'spose... but my point remains, any links speculated, imagined or suggested between any of the other games and TP will not help you figure out what is happening in the game. For instance if you knew the WW/OoT connection, would you have been able to figure anthing much?
  11. Yeah but couldn't that link be about any of the other Zelda games set in Hyrule?
  12. Yeah places where you can access with some real time and effort to get secrets or easter eggs. Would rock muchly... I still say that each of the games are individual and unlinked. Everytime is a new Hyrule, new Zelda, new Link, new Ganon. As I said if there are links (which there are a few fan bits apparently) they make no difference to the games at all.
  13. Thankyou Glad someone posted how abhorent those pics look. The Mroi one is stretched to buggery. Bad cut and paste jobs!
  14. I seem to remember someone questioning Aonuma about this later and he said that it wasn't really the case. I might be wrong but hey. To me, I have never found or thought of the games to be chronologically linked. Link, Zelda and Ganon are concepts that re-present themselves in a different format every game. I know that there have been some mentions of previous Heros but these are all open to a huge amount of interpretation. For instance, why the smeg is Tingle still alive in WW when he is in MM hmmm? The point is that it doesn't matter. It has such little impact on the game really.
  15. I see your point, which is a technical one and I would probably agree if I knew anything about that stuff (so I'm with you ). I actually found this pretty weird. I mean I don't really know any game which was amazing due to the AI. It has always added to a game but I have never really seen it as feature which has made a game fantastic. Plus he talks about art. Pfffft my ass! AI just means that a porgram will do all the work for you and you don't have to do the art! The guy doesn't even know the meaning of the word! Look at some of PS2s most "arty" games. From the ones I think of (MGS, Shadows of the Collosus, FF etc) none of those were made good by AI. Hell it didn't even make HL2 that much better. Is it just me or are they struggling to find decent reasons for it to be a good games machine?
  16. So why so you think they're fake?
  17. Thats after hes mutated. He's meant to look all freaky
  18. Awesome! I've always found listening to anything about the PS3 like being stuck in a horror movie!
  19. Don't believe these as one of the "Wii shots" is completely identical to the xbox shot.
  20. That's the general tone of kotaku though. It's sarcastic and jaded. He almost sounded happy taking the piss out of the PS3 at E3, strangely. I look forward to this one but I must get hold of BW on the cube first. Is the control system as complicated as it looks?
  21. Nah I wouldn't say that. It's just been a long time since May and the release could be just a month and a half away. I'm surprised they haven't told us anything new but those two new games are pretty good additions. Anyone else a bit worries that we haven't seen more of games like Disaster? Or are they saving it for a massive blow out in Sept?
  22. Err PS3 shipments cut again? Oh dears.... http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=19263 Well as long as it hypes teh demand... right?
  23. Crystal Chronicles? (Oh WHOOPS! More Wii stuff we don't know anything about!)
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