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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Ocelot can you stop making new threads for every thought which you have? Fair enough there isn't really a present thread for this but the fansite is purely speculating off one comment that Kojima made. Nobody know what it is but if it is anything like they suggest (virtual groping game) then I exoect to see it bomb. Heavily. Game of Sprung anyone?
  2. Red Steel, Zelda, MP3, Disaster will all have solid stories. Half Life is on other platforms and are we gonna see those games that you talk about on release? Opinion: I don't care for your opinion...
  3. Just got rid of my Pearl Megadeth Export cos I never get to play it. Had fun playing when I was in bands and stuff but it's really hard to get into when you are by yourself. Wish I could play a not more now that I have more of an appreciation for Jazz, Swing, Blues and Soul.
  4. Remember trying to learn the drums for that. Gave up because everything is 2 beats off the main time signature!! Rythmical headache!
  5. Strawberry?!?! Is that like sunburnt english girls with acne? :shudder: For me its dark hair and curves that catch my attention. But attention is the only thing any feature gains. Proper girlfriends need to be your best friends, if they're not that then things aren't gonna work. My gf:
  6. Both your bases are the same as an olf friend of mine who I used to be in a band with. I jsut have an Encore Strat rip off cos I am still kinda starting (have been doing so for about 5 years now!). I don't really play that much anymore as I have become a lot more game-o-centric. What styles do people like to play here?
  7. Yeah sounds like cable. Depends on what kind of guitar you have too. Mine had some problems with the pick-up switcher, so when I wiggled it sometimes it would jog back on to making sound but I ended up taking it apart and re-doing the wiring. But just try a new cable first eh?
  8. :insert Viewtiful Joe style gaffaw!: My bad.... the man speaks words of shiny shiny truth!
  9. All british soaps and all chat shows except one: The Wright Stuff.
  10. Bruce Bannister = The Hulk Bruce and Starkers have a long history of helping each other out in the comics. Stark always kinda keeps an eye out for green features and helps to keep things to "minimal damage".
  11. It's one video mate with very little real information. No one with half a neurone could make a decision with such little to go on. Stop being so negative and go and find us some new OnePiece footage.
  12. Love the bit when shes lifts all loves guys up inside and she brings all the lights down and half the ceiling. I'm quite "yay!" about this but at the same time I don't see how you would be able to control this very easily...
  13. Unreal Tournament minus the original...
  14. Hmmm... could be fun. Would like to see them bring Bruce Bannister into it just as a cameo or on the phone to Stark or something. If I would pick someone on looks then I would say a younger Timothy Dalton, but he was the bad guy in the Rocketeer so that kinda doesn't work. It's hard to think of someone who would fit the bill as most of the eligible candidates have already been taken. Probably an unknown I would think.
  15. Sounds good. Worried about their news as some of it seems to be rumour. New button? pfffffft...
  16. fifa... it can just be episodically updated now huh?
  17. Nope, May.. always may for the Spidey movies.
  18. Kiefer Sutherland, Jonathan Rys-Meyers or Robert Carlyle would also be good choices methinks. We all have different ideas of what we want the joker to be. I'm up for the darker and more sinister joker rather than the ott camp joker. Maybe even Tom Cruise... it would give him something completely different to do and I think that he can pull it off. But lets face it, Nolan want as few americans in the cast as possible.
  19. Does anyone else find that it is weird that so many people admire a guy who is actively p:ssing his life down the drain?
  20. Already been done mate. The Zelda thread isn't exactly the place for it either.
  21. I'm surprised that they aren't looking at putting Portal out on the Wii. Can't see any reason why not...
  22. I wouldn't really classify Bebop as Sci-Fi. It's not that it's not set in space, or that it doesn't feature science from the future but it has no philosophy about those things at all. This is shown by the fact that the way they live their lives isn't that different to nowadays. To me saying that it is Sci-Fi is like calling Metroid Prime a FPS; it's not that it doesn't have the elements of what describes a FPS but it's not really what it is about.
  23. I agree. Not that I ever liked Crash in any shape or form.
  24. The book name you are looking for is Robot Dreams. I Robot is the culmination of a lot of these stories into a narrative + tocken Will-Smith-playing-himself black guy. Dr. Calvin is in most if not all of the stories too. I am a big Sci-Fi fan because it has allowed people to enter an area of philosophy with some amount of ease. Admittedly, there is a lot of crap that gets flung around but dramatically it is very versatile. Essentially it is the literature/tv/movie equivalent of modern art as it sheds the rules of reality and so many different scenarios can exist. I'm not saying that dramatic abstraction hasn't happened before, it is frequent in plays (The Room byt Harold Pinter anyone?) but Sci-Fi allows this to be much more accessible as it doesn't feel abstract because you have characters that represent things. You can build up situations, themes and atmospheres with characters talking and interacting together that are hard to do in often confusing and surreal dialogue withing plays. I like the more philosophical Sci-Fi. I think that Doctor Who has been fantastic and I am really glad that it has come back but it's films like the Matrix sequels that get me angry. The first film set a beautiful premise: packed with philosophy which lead you to ask yourself questions; beautifully shot; awesome soundtrack; an open ending that felt complete but left you wanting. So much from this one film has been ripped off by other movie maker, which is just an indication of how good it really was. But why did the next 2 not work? Fairly easily answered really. Instead of going through the artistic and creative process again, they simply copied their pattern from the 1st one. They didn't not ask themselves all of the questions again but just rehashed the formula. Do you think someone just said, "yeah lets stick a RATM tack at the end, that'll rock"? No they said that that kind of track will work well dramatically here and picked it out especially. Did they do the same for the next ones? No, they said "we did it in the last film and that worked, so lets do it again". And this is reflected in every pixel of movie 2 and 3. They weren't Sci-Fi, they were action sequels of the kind that should have been banned after the 80s. /endrant On the other hand I thought that the Animatrix was almost better than the original film.
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