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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. They are still going ti be unveling things a week or two before the launch I recon. Damn them.
  2. Does anyone else think that announcing the release date 1 month to a month an a half before it happens is leaving it a bit too late? Also not revealing all of the system features until then? Cmon...
  3. Hang on... what promise did Nintendo prove then? Must say I am slightly disappointed to hear of no new Wii news, but the new games look pretty kick ass. I'm confused though, can BWii be 2 player co-op? Anyways, online coop is good enough for me So roll on the 14th?
  4. Yeah.. I'm finding that when the game gets tough, it's quite easy to get stuck and frustrated. Plus I can only play it at certain times cos the noises will scare my folks. It's a damn impressive game though. Guessing pumping them with shells from Mask DS (get it?) will eventually take them down. Was looking for a spot on them with Kaede but got nailed quickly.
  5. They're letting the hype die down. Articles on the DS and the Wii have started to peeter out. There wasn't a great deal of mainstream coverage of the Wii at E3 either. What the hell is Reggie doing?! Also just noticed how many people have posted in a relatively short amount of time. I think a lot of Tendofans are getting itchy.
  6. I've picked it up recently too. I'm on the level with Afro man, but I'm constantly coming across those Giant Smiles. How do you take those bastards down?
  7. If it was just the exact date then it wouldn't be a problem. But we also don't know: Online details Price point (one only? please god only one....) Box contents Official release line up Other secrets about hardware For gods sake Ninty just get ON with it!
  8. Spin attack is done by rolling the nunchuck attatchment. Just watch the videos from E3.
  9. But enough about the Wii... Hasn't the Cell been in production for a bit though? That would vastly shorten the production time if they had them stockpiled right?
  10. To chime in with HoT, IGN just announced the US release for Nov 14th as well: http://uk.ds.ign.com/articles/726/726838p1.html
  11. I was pretty sure that they said that the Wii had gone into production recently. It was back when we started seeing all those images of Wii casing popping up. Am I wrong?
  12. I... just.. I.... no. Just no. What are they thinking?
  13. Yeah that's all good, but often publishers own the rights to games and few of them are going to be willing to let Ninty get their share of the money. That is unless they can get a cut of it too at the same time but still. Does anybody else see this topic mainly as something to worry about rather than something which is bad? I personally am "the more the merrier" but I also know how silly and over excited Nintendo can get about the wrong things (GBA connectivity?)
  14. Votes for who thinks that Prime will die right at the end of the movie?
  15. There are very few games that I would spend any more than about £5 new if I didn't have them already. With some thinking and some experience with the controller, I think devs could churn out these new versions in a matter of 2 months maybe less. I can see these being expensive simply due to the packaging and so on, not the actual development costs. One I would like to see wii-made though is the PoP series. Sword fighting with the remote would be great, along with Soul Calibur 2 in all.
  16. It is SYNC and yes you're right that it does the controllers. You need to press sync to connect to controllers to the system as it will then recognise them as you press a button on the remote. There was an official press release about this somewhere. Looked back at this thread much?
  17. Jamba

    THQ Event

    Oh cmon... they do look like PS1.5 games. These people don't seem to know about rendering things to not make the colours or forms not look crappy and cheap. Heard of AA guys?
  18. Your thinking of Perceptor right? His not in it until series 2; Wheeljack (RIP in the movie, poor ol' fella) created the Dinobots (or Dhyna-bats as he pronounces it). I hope they move towards a unicron based story line in the series of movies. Also I want Hot Rod (or Hot Shot) to be really ruff around the edges. He has to have that rebelious slightly hot tempered side.
  19. Dunno if anyone has watched all of Armada but at the beginnning they started of with a few characters and they concentrated on them. This gave a decent amount of character depth which I would prefer.
  20. Not something like interview with the vampire is it? Or is it something more like the truman show? Starwars! yay Ok next... "With friends like these who needs anemonies?"
  21. Err how about no? BW is probably the most heinous mistake in transformers history. The only thing it did was put a bit more science back into it. They used a cast of about 5 voice actors. And apart from the robots themselves, the cgi was horrendous! Even the animation on the bots made me want to gag, especially all the comedy bits!
  22. Yeah maybe. But you see my point? Also they need to get the point home (and with no straying from this one fact): Decepticons can fly (robot mode or otherwise) and the autobots can't. That was always the way it was. It was the thing that distinguished them in the golden age.
  23. : peace: Ok alright... go for it:D
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