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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. More borrowing and more debt. Great... Would you lend them money?
  2. Maybe they have shown N4S:C 's release date because it is after the launch but they have an NDA against suggesting when the release of the Wii is so they have to make Madden TBA. Madden is a release game isn't it?
  3. Err fella's the volume is changed using what used to be the "+" and "-" buttons no? TBH though, I hope they don't keep adding buttons. Having them on two sides of the controller is enough, anything else just starts getting a bit unfriendly.
  4. So there isn't a body in the UK which stops badly manufactured products being sold (ie more broken than working) or even a risk to health and safety (360?!)
  5. Possible tradings standards scandal? Sony's name gets dragged through more mud?
  6. I'm getting that feeling too. It's just all talk and no trousers from Nibris. Has anoyone actually played any of their games. Plus Sadness just sounds too good to be good if you know what I mean. It jst has all the signs of people that kinda lie about what their games are or how good they will be.
  7. so in other words it's 90% crap right?
  8. As I said before: PS3 delay? I think so:indeed: Also riddle me this... why do devlopers produce for the PS3? It is going to be chronically hard to develop for (just like the PS2) and by choosinge which platform they develop fro they will sway the public to that machine by gainnig the choice vote. Apart from a few key franchises, why are there any games being made for this ridiculous contraption!?
  9. Yeah, if it is real then the depth of focus is very blocky. It almost looks like the buildings have been photoshopped in.
  10. Oh c'mon... use your head a little bit. It's common knowledge that the perception of the price of any product can be greatky influenced by very small changes in actual price. This is why everything in UK is sold for £1.99 or £19.99 instead of £2 or £20. They seem a lot cheaper. So although £20 is not a big difference in itself it can be percieved as a lot more. Also there are mental price brackets that products fall into. £100-£150 is easily one and £150-£200 is another. If it sold in the higher of these two, it would be considered a bit cheaper than the 360 but if it is sold in the lower, it becomes a LOT cheaper. It starts being seen as affordable in comparison to the rest of the market. And yes, Nintendo do do market research to find out whta is "affordable". So in some ways you are right. Not that you are really.
  11. Why so? Lots of devs can make a whole game in 18 months and Capcom are very familiar with the engine. It's just a case of designing and producing the content and creating the controller programming. Can't take more than 12 months surely...
  12. I wouldn't be pleased by this price but I wouldn't be that angry either. My point is the obvious fakeness of the articly from this drivle of a newspaper. Why would they know what the price is and no one else? Did they think the Star journalist was too drunk to remember or was is that the people at the Star don't care/know about / read an NDA?
  13. I'm seeing them doing another game using the RE4 engine. Like the Prime series, it will just allow the enginge to naturally mature by the addition of even more lighting effects and so on. As I understood it, if you already have an engine ready to go then making a game takes a good deal less time. I recon that Capcom could make an entirely new game by 2007. I think 9 months on content is pretty good and they've had longer than that.
  14. Cmon... the journalist just probably wasn't even listening properly. Complete Dodongo shite...
  15. Hells yeah. Be seeing you in sept? What course are you on btw?
  16. Having a look at potentially going to this. Would like to get a bit more of a technical insight into things before I hit Uni again in Sept. I looked up the website but it's a bit vague as to whether it's open to the public or an industry only event. Anyone got any info on this or shall I just email the event organisers? Also if anyone else wants to go (Colin?) give us a shout. Need to find if I have time off work first though...
  17. Just a small point to bring up. I haven't read it any where myself but I have heard that Sony are having major trouble getting BluRay to work with the rest of the PS3. Also, very noteably, Sony having been putting back the release of their BluRay player. So there is screwy stuff going on with BluRay and we know that Cell isn't easy to mass produce, so does anyone see that it's likely for Sony to delay the release? I have seen no evidence to suggest that the hardware is actually working yet...
  18. Exactly. So this speculation is just the norm really and indicates nothing, apart from that people don't really change
  19. And how could you forget our friend johnny..
  20. This happens to every console with a hidden release date. Speculation starts as soon as production does and ends when the official word is given.
  21. Watched the first series of FMP recently but was a bit meh about it. Are the later series much better? Which one?
  22. Cheers for everything Stocka. You've probably already gone but hope everything turns out alright.
  23. Straight after they split their support from Nintendo, they made a whole bunch of statement (on IGN) that gave pretty poor and inexplicable reasons as to why they left. It was the gaming equivalent of "musical differences". No real reasons means that the real reasons don't sound very professional. I doubt there will be an SK game on a Nintendo system for a while, especially after how well ED was supported (ie. not at all). I doubt they will make a sequel either because the franchise is not easily expandable without losing all originality.
  24. Or maybe on the Sales & Trading board.. sheeeesh...
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