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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Here's the vid that you haven't seen by the sound of things (kudos to Diemetrix for adding the lush muzak!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTON8QMCbEU Notice that she goes hyper in morph ball. Look at page 9 on this thread, there is a lot of stuff there, high quality shots from that vid and stuff. Sorry about before, I'd read that interview before and must have just glazed over. But anyway, enjoy the vid! It's tasty! (P.S. The hyper mode here doesn't seem to relate at all to any of the previous games' hyper modes. That's probably why I was getting a bit confused!)
  2. To be honest, Ocelot should probably be in a wheelchair by now. I would get all excited by this game but Kojima seems more intent on making an interactive movie rather than a game. MGS was great, haven't played MGS2 and I was falling asleep watching my friend play MGS3. The game seems to be quite often just filling time between FMVs.
  3. Am I the only one who thinks that for a console that is next-gen the graphics should look better compared to GCN graphics then they do? It's nice an all but as someone said, it looks a bit FF:CC+. But hey, some RPG love can't be bad for the 360. Wish I could say the same for s certain little system:indeed:
  4. Just finished this game for the first time. It's been on my to-do-list for about... errrr 10 years or something similar. Just have to say that this is such a fine GB game. Amazing music and really different and freaky design. Quite dark for a game way back then. Quite hard platformer action in places but a very satisfying game. Why haven't Capcom continued this series? It rocks! Time to hunt down the second game for the NES... Anyone else wanna show the love?
  5. The Wii is shaping up to be the choice console for Anime graphics and I can say that I couldn't be happier about that. Some pretty tight visuals there but I just hope that it isn't let down by slopy animation.
  6. Retro, not trying to be harsh mate but please read through this thread properly. These interviews are already there and there are videos that actual SHOW hyper mode, the ship being controlled by the visor, Samus controlling a robot by being in morph ball mode and stuck in its chest and much more. It's all great stuff but you just seem to be a few steps behind most people that's all!
  7. Yeah c'mon... we are talking about Square-Enix, probably one of the biggest pushers of CGI sequences mid game in the whole industry. They are second only to Hideo Kojima!
  8. What? He's right. They've been talking about hyper mode during and after E3. Also they have always said that this was the last game in the "Prime" series, not Metroid. It's always been there for those willing to listen (and also posted a couple of pages ago). What I wanna know is where was hyper mode in SuperM?
  9. So can someone explain what this means? I'm guessing, from James's comments that it's something along the lines of that the Wii will have less RAM than the competitors but it's not too bad because this RAM owns?
  10. Do we need to go through this again children: No can you all shut up about it?! Either GameInformer or Wii60 have pulled this report out of their ass. It's been posted in another thread and there is no real indication that it is happening. Get over it. You will be building your profile personna (like the onces at E3) with software. Surely the quickest os glances at the press conference could tell you that.
  11. To me that sounds like no actual person is meant to buy a PS3. In fact you have to go to a building where they have PS3s that you pay to play on, like going to the cinema. Can't believe though that he is trying to say that the PS3 will be able to convery more emtion and epic-ness! What a load of crap, that's purely up to the games designer! Also I shudder at the thought that he is comparing the production values of TV to that of Wii games. Mario Galaxy =/= Eastenders. Frankly, I think that the analogy is shit.
  12. Oh FFS: ****To all those people who haven't read the thread entirely**** The Wii was officially designed to lay flat as well as upright (they stole that idea off Sony ). So can we please stop linking the Wii being upright and the (lack of) potential for a camera!
  13. Hmmmm as far as I know that is just a bunch of anecdotes strung together making a happy coincidence. It wouldn't surprise me though.
  14. OK I really NEED SOME HELP!!!!!! In a major panic because I'm doing a pretty big project in quite a short space of time. I haven't really done any texturing or playing around with materials before but I thought I was getting the hang of things until TODAY. Been asigning some nice bumps to materials and sunddenly stuff just stops working. NO bumps. Not anywhere... wtf?!! I'm using Maya and at first thought it could be the render settings I was using but it's not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HEEELP!
  15. It could be one of those games that demonstrates really well why people should get the Wii actually. "Why have better graphics when you can control it without dual analog!"
  16. Micrsoft have a great online play service (from what I've heard) and Xbox Arcade; Nintendo will have respectable, free online play service, WiiConnect24 and the VC (which is completely different from what Sony are offering btw); Sony offer browsing their online media shop for free and are likely to have a prepay online play system. Interesting how each company is approaching the online facility. They totally reflect the companies. Microsoft = Online PC gaming Nintendo = THE Retro gaming experience Sony = Media Commerce
  17. + = In the mean-time, this game gets my thumbs up!
  18. Errrrm, signs of a legal battle? Don't think so.... They don't really soundlike they know that Nintendo has a major online service coming into play. Also you can't have a battle over different technology that does the same thing.
  19. Wasn't it one of the first MP3 players with that kind of UI? I thought that was one of the things that made it initially appealing because you could properly browse the music and set playlists and stuff. Before wasn't it just skipping back and forth alon a loooong list of tracks?
  20. Anything which has an element of popularity sales behind it is going to cause this problem. I would have bought a PS2 but they never dropped in price enough (especially considering their reliability!), so people call me a Nintendo fanboy by default. It's just that I know a lot about the Nintendo stuff that is all. Also there is one major difference between Nintendo FBs and other FBs. The Ninty camp are actually fans of Nintendo as a company, which often gives that a very skewed perspective, whereas others like the game, often giving them a disturbingly blind brand loyalty to a series (GTA anyone?).
  21. QFT As I said before, this thread is sounding pretty desperate.
  22. I saw this image somewhere before the edge issue came out. Does it really matter though? It's likely that these will get made as people will want to use the old controllers.
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