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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Cos everything you post atm is pure fried gold! Also just for being the one and only SCB! (Super Coolness Bear)
  2. Crap I do those too! But the accents thing is only with english accents. It's because I'm from all over so I have be the potential to sway.
  3. I'm making you a badge Sir! Yes a badge with sparkly bit and makes noises and not in ANY way awarded by the Queen. A queen maybe but not THE Queen.
  4. Totally agree with you. I'm not particularly excited about the launch line up. Problem is based on the fact that the Nintendo stuff is a given, your standard big time IPs and all. It's the 3rd parties who are really letting us down on the recycle-ware garbage (looking at you Ubisoft). But then again Nintendo is totally to blame for the lack of support for them for online and lagging on properly getting up and running.
  5. Ah... up to speed now... god. too. many. factors. with you. You've made the dating-machine-brain over heat!
  6. @Coolness, you lie! Bluey's your friends in RL too! But no friends who are girls? How? Are you at a single sex boarding school or summat? @Nightwolf: Do you live in the country? I know what its like but sometimes you just need to network a little. It branches out like a tree and suddenly you know hundreds of people and lots of opportunities to get to know new people.
  7. Awww... got a parent around? Always found parent hugs were the next best thing! And to everyone else as these seem to apply well across the board, a few other gems: 1) A relationship is only part of your life. If you put too much into it then it will go to crap. End of. You will likely make everything feel far more important than it is. 2) Similar to above. When looking at going out with someone, approach it with the thinking that it won't be the end of the world if it doesnt work. Most relationships don't. Then you won't end up waiting for anything to happen or try to approach through being friends. 3) It either does or it doesn't. There is no "but if i just wait a bit longer" or "if i just try a bit harder". This may not be the case in reality but if you think about it like this and something comes out of a situation while your back is turned then you will just be pleasantly surprised.
  8. In your situation, I would consider why you left in the first place and then think "would the money really change that?" Bare in mind that they obviously want you so you are sort after. There are very rarely any decisions that are totally even sided.
  9. Nah. There is a perfectly rational explanation although it still sucks. It's just that everyone has an image of a relationship and usually the guy is a bit taller than the woman. Mainly for the reasons I was talking about earlier, the whole "man protect woman" thing (blargh!). Same thing happens with me. I'm far too short and so girls don't consider me. 5'4" isn't exactly minature but it seems to put people off me. Like in the past I've watched girls I've been making serious progress end up with guys who were much worse catches than me. But don't let it knock you. Think of it as a bullshit filter. People will go out with you for who you are. Never a bad thing.
  10. Ah harsh stuff Flink McFlinkerson. This might sound a little mean but maybe it was just her way of saying that she wasnt interested in you and now that you don't see any potential in her you don't make the same effort. And now you don't talk?
  11. Area? As in the area you live in? How so?
  12. Ha! You're not THAT tall! Sounds like you're looking for someone who's your superior rather than equal, by age or height or whatever. Someone who can lead you, make you feel safe. I would recommend someone more equal or at least be less picky! :p
  13. Did you say you were 6ft? Do you feel weird about going out with guys who are shorter than you? Most of the girls I've been out with were taller, some a lot taller and although other people thought it was weird, neither me nor the person I was with did.
  14. Yeah I'm interested. Done something like an RPG a long time ago but it didnt have rules as such, it was more of an interactive story. How would you run it? Would you need people to be online at certain times or can you deal with drop in drop out?
  15. As I remember there was some ok software on it too. It's such a difficult thing to start off in though.
  16. Supply and demand, it's a bitch isn't it?
  17. Mixed results? That sounds worrying.... TBH, I've found that if two people are interested in each other then it will happen pretty naturally so if its not then dont force it. The asking out bit I find tends to be more of a case of a formality. Then again all of this relates to how you meet people. That is mostly dependent on if you work full time or at school/uni etc. See if you work at afull time job, asking someone out is really just an opportunity to get to know them.
  18. I'm surprised. The company was run by a bunch of gangsters who used to get hammered and try and kill themselves in their sports cars. Never got a chance to play one but I heard relatively good things. Any competition is good in my eyes but then again it hurts my wallet
  19. Good call, it's not to bad with Stefkov cos his avatar and sig stay the same but I can't keep track of who the hell Caris is half of the time!
  20. Can't you use the report button 39?
  21. So whats the happy-haps? What about you is socially awkward?
  22. I'm gonna start having problems with overworlds very soon. And its all my tutors fault. He illustrated to me quite perfectly that there is very little point in having an open world especially if you have relatively linear gameplay. As this has a storyline, I'm guessing that you'll only be able to do the missions in one order. Damn Sean and his intelligence!
  23. I still run up the stairs on all fours. It's actually easier that way, not to mention faster and more fun. I've also been told that when I talk to people I look them directly in the eyes which is apparently fine for most people but for shy people its a little intimidating
  24. Only when I'm in Shetland. I'll fake sending Letty on a some kind of free holiday... you'll see.
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