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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. I dunno, maybe its this pesky conscience thing, morals, humanitarianism or my general dislike for mob psychology. Take your pic. It's nothing to do with him personally... no no no.
  2. Oh god that's awful. I feel really sorry for her. Must be such a bad position to be in and it doesn't help that the school seems to be parented by a bunch of tight-arsed conservo-nazis.
  3. Have to agree with Odders here, almost everyone looking at this thread thinks he's a monster of a person and in my mind the more he says the worse it gets. Could I suggest locking it in the interest of A_F himself? Keeping it open will only increase these feeling towards him.
  4. I haven't been too bothered about this but I will check it out if it's reviews are consistently that good.
  5. Doesn't happen though, even with guys who are a bit bi. I think it comes down to the fact that there's a girl there and even if you have to share her, it's more instinctive than turning to the other guy for action. Ha... What about Anton?
  6. Mcoy has a very good point. Serious A_F this was a really messed up thing to do man. Even the slightest bit of foresight would have told you where the whole thing was going. On the flip side, you could sought this out. Firstly you're gonna need to bite the bullet and tell him. Then you should both make out like you were making it up together and if anyone rips him up then you can both slap them down for believing a fake convo that both of you made up. Then there's a chance that you might actually become friends with him rather than wrecking his life and self confidence.
  7. See I don't see the appeal of this at all. Obviously in a male-male situation there is much choice (or if a woman wants to screw a guy, which is more common than you'd think) but male-female setup then it just seems the same as sex except more dirty (not in a sexual sense), less stimulating for her and quite physically damaging. I know good preparation can lessen most of this but still it seems like a worse verison of sex from my perspective. Only up side i can think of is that its tighter.
  8. Really liking the new level. The depth of focus makes it look beautiful adn interesting. It really does look like little figurines having a fight in your back garden. (Few! Almost wrote "yard" there...)
  9. Any news about her or the scan yet?
  10. Nice to see one of these discussions get resolved peacefully rather than spin widly out of control. Think that you all have very vaild points. Also nice to see a good view point from what its like inside the media prison which is the states. Can't believe that people didn't catch on to the "wrong-ness" of the war earlier though. Interestingly, I was in Manhattan a month after 9/11 and was pleasantly surprised to see that practically no one was angry. Everyone was just very shocked, sad and wanted to get on with their lives. Glad that the Marathon helped that.
  11. Oh for the general Hendix stubble: black face paint and very open pore sponge. Quite a stiff one works best. Makes the best stage stubble ever. Oh yeah and don't forget some really cheap and nasty looking rings. Just play some GH 3 Flink and copy the character off that. Close enough right?
  12. What sound does a duck make that plays too many games?
  13. Sex outside but I'm probably gonna have to wait for warmer weather And by that I don't mean in public, just getting down in the outdoors really. Really? I thought we were just hypothetically talking about that. And I was the one who brought it up :p
  14. Good luck Maase! If you haven't played these kind of games before then they can be quite challenging at first. After a while you will walk into a room and see everything in there and be able to tell almost instantly what they are for. It's a good question to ask yourself: "Why is this here?" Are you enjoying experimenting? A trap I often fall into is trying to complete the game too fast and find that by rushing, I'm not really enjoying the expreince? EDIT: Don't feel too bad about the guide, if you really are struggling (like 3 hours a room, ouch!) then it's not your fault is it? I hope you get to feel the enjoyment of completing it though.
  15. Good luck to her. You haven't said categorically or anything but she sounds really strong, plus with a husband and a daughter like that she couldn't ask for more. Proper heroes those two. I'm a little confused though, did she have two in quick succession then?
  16. Ah man that sucks. Do they know why she keeps on having them?
  17. It's weird, I'm heavily aware that social, cultural, economic and religious factors tend to give races of people a overlaying (and we are talking very losely here) personality. For instance, the people that I have met from Tanzania and Kenya seem to be really fun loving people but have this ridged fortitude which seems to derive from the nature of Christianity in the area. In the way that they have been brought up and the way they think they have this very focused and strict edge, its like when they're ont having fun and games everything is damn serious. Now, I wouldn't say that I expect everyone from this area of the world to be like that but I wouldn't be in the slightest bit surprised if the next one I meet is. I guess I do to some extent but it doesn't stop me for seeing what a person is really like. Some people would see this as racist. But it has never hurt anyone and never will. Just occasionally makes me look a bit silly but I just demonstrate that this is out of naeivety rather than aggressive stereotyping. So am I racist?
  18. Yeah seen this before, was pretty good. Was goddamn hilairous though when they are filming from the far side of a valley with a X1million magnification lens and it has sound effects dubbed over the top of it. BBC need to learn some new tricks in that department. Not that they will likely ever make another wildlife documentary with their cuts.
  19. Probably will be one of the RPGs from Monolith
  20. Err... there are differences between the races.
  21. Ah these people crack me up... Dunno what to say Jordan. I was with a girl that seemed to have a latex allergy and when we used condoms she would be in quite a lot of pain. See if you can get hold of the non latex ones.
  22. Bad news SCi's stock has just dropped by half. Gonna be a damn shame if they go under.
  23. Is he a blockbuster actor?
  24. Firstly I didn't trick you... And yeah I get sleepy too but sometimes (only after oral actually) I just get really ticklish. It's all her fault. Yes Cat's Mother, I'm a talkin to you!
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