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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. That bit does indeed suck. I was single fairly recently and I found the hardest thing was not having someone who knew you that well. I just felt disconnected for a long time. It's like going from a society with the internet and mobiles and telephones and then suddenly being plunged into a place with nothing. No way to communicate or keep in touch. It's that process of shutting yourself back up really. But yeah... winge away the rest of yas. Maybe Jordan and I should start a couples thread....
  2. Cheers buddy. Oh no he di-un! With the way it is going it might be a bad idea in the future but I'm not sure that we have a big enough female community. Bluey and I recon that there are less than 10 regularly active ladies/girls here. Maybe you should just start a girly gaming thread Christel?
  3. Jamba

    Wii Fit

    Ahah! Welcome Christel! Don't forget that in Japan and everywhere else that this is going to be like Brain Training, a really slow burn game that never really goes away. MP DS will drop off quite quickly i'd think for family-ware.
  4. Cheers Helmsly! Looks almost bang on the original (from what I can tell of HoD 2 stuff) but there are small details in the movement that just makes everything look a lot more fluid. It may be because they are using the arcade rather than the console version. Also seeing that demon sloth in the video makes me wanna kick his ass again. Damn thing! He killed my creds in the arcade!
  5. Dammit! *looks around* How did they know? I was so careful and made it seems like I hated myself as well! And those guys all got paid for it. It's just like Lord of the Rings all over again! EDIT: Wow... I make no sense at all do I?
  6. The happy birthday-ness feeling form me unto you TFM.
  7. Well I got some new threads and wanted to show off the fact that I don't look like a complete bum anymore. But as I'm still a student I do have to keep the hobo-wear purely on principle. Hopefully there will be plenty Jamba-Bluey pics in a few weeks when we start the month long party for her departure to JPN.
  8. OK, no pics of me on here yet. Behold! Moi... um yeah. Why do we do this again?
  9. OK great... productive and so on. SO.... Is it possible?
  10. Don't see this happening at all. Kid Icarus is completely not anything like F5 have ever done before. Completely different game style and graphics style plus it needs a Nintendo level of charm not gritty reality. Would like to know who their "credible source" is.
  11. After learning a bit about publishing, I can understand why no one wants to develop for Nintendo platforms. It's an offspring from their proprietary formats that forces any publisher (who isn't them) to front a grotesque amount of money at very high risk. Nintendo will publish a game themselves if they see profit in it but if they don't it can be very hard to get it on the table. So in essence my gripe is the infrastructure of their company that makes it hard for them to do business with others. Nice one.
  12. Happy B-Day Dysonimus! Have a drink on me... I'll pay for it next time I see you :p Oh yeah, on a side note, I think Mcoy is fictional.
  13. ZOMG! GTFO!!!1 © 2008. A Bluey and Jamba collaboration project.
  14. Hey is there anyway to change the "hotness" of the threads so that it is defined by say the last 24hrs or so? As it stands at the moment as soon as a thread becomes popular in the slightest it's icon becomes red/orange and doesn't seem to fade. Surely this indicates the same as the page number? Wouldn't it be better is this was an indicator of recent activity only? Is there a way of coding that?
  15. Interesting. I'm glad that they've found a way to get here as I think it's the only way that the required research would ever get done in our life time (or our grandchildren's for that). Have to say though that that Calum MacKellar guy is spouting balls. His point is entirely irrelevant to the arguement and most likely (judging by the quality of reporting) is taken entirely out of context.
  16. Watching episodes of Press Gang on Youtube is most excellent. Bill and Ted (Excellent Adventure, Bogus Journey and the series) are also excellent, verging on righteous.
  17. Hmmm, I've only just started looking through that thread and from what I've seen of the last 20-30 page, you're on there a lot along with Daniel and (i think its) Triforce Keeper. 2 things. Just because you admit something is wrong doesn't stop it being wrong. You shouldn't feel comfortable discussing it because you should be doing something called feeling/being responsible. Secondly, you don't want help, you want absolution. There is no solution. You kill a living thing, it's dead. No coming back. You've done this, you can't undo it. No Ctrl + Z. Just live with it. I'm not saying this to torture you or be mean, it is just how it is. It's a consequence.
  18. Thought it was great up until the very end. The Letty comment was just unnecessary I think, spoiled it a bit.
  19. Exaclty, you've proven the reason why some people don't get the satire. Sorry if I was making it sound like you weren't getting it because you were thick or anything. It's just irrelevant. In a similar way many South Park episodes are no where near as funny as when they first came out because they have to remember what global events were going on at the time, rather than on first watch when it is instantly relevant. And blah....
  20. You're using Vista right? No, I joke. Check all of your start up programs, often these can be using up a lot of your RAM just being in the background. Norton Anti-Virus is a classic example. Also it might just be the newest version of WMP, I stopped using it for similar reasons.
  21. Strange in the fact that the audience is cleaved in two. There are few forms of comdey that do something similar. Only one I can think of is the dual-comdedic-reality that make things like the Simpsons or Shrek where there are jokes for kids and jokes for (certain types of) adults. You've also illustrated my point about people not getting the satire.
  22. Isn't there a thread for this in online gaming already?
  23. Beavis and Butthead have the same problem as South Park is that the essence of the comedy is satirical (sp?). It creates 2 audience by accident, the first who understand the satire and laugh because the 2 guys remind them of their stoner friends and the growing drop-out culture of the early 90s (while occasionally getting a giggle out of the stupid stuff). The second is the group that actually find the fart jokes, the "i'd fuck your mum" jokes and so on funny and that's all that they get out of the show. They worry me... Strangely though, it makes this massive void somewhere between those 2 audiences that find it not funny at all. Most people wouldn't do nowadays because the subject matter isn't relevant.
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