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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. A new hardcore IP. Hopefully something quite out of left field for Nintendo.
  2. Although its probably not what Jordan's talking about there is actually a slight pre-ejaculation, just a little bit. This was notorious as being the culprit for causing many Catholic pregnancies during the "withdrawal is a form of contraception" phase. On a seperate thing (oh Bluey is gonna laugh so hard) does anyone else get extremely ticklish post-orgasm?
  3. I have 2, a now old (but has always been grumpy in a good way) English Setter. He's a working breed which is very different to the show type that people are much more familiar with. They are a bit more Collie-ish in their build and their faces are more spaniel-y. Theo actually gets regularly confused with being a Springer. Then there's the bundle of happy-stupid which is my Golden Retriever, Oscar. Simply loving and enthusiastic. Just to dig up the old Nature/Nuture arguement again: Any one on this board saying that genetics has nothing to do with how a dog is is mentally damaged. Using personal experience of but on or two dogs of any given breed is no where near a statistical conscensus so pbq. All dogs are potentially dangerous. Some more so than others for several reasons. Every breed has a distinct personality around which individuals are scattered. Some can land very far from the tree but as people tend to buy dogs with this in mind, many are reared to be the breed stereotype. So nowadays, it is more surprising that a dog is different to that. There are many breeds that have a history of use as attack, guard or fighting dogs. Many of these natural have a higher possibility fo being aggressive or violent but the way in which that manifests is more important. Take Bluey's Jackie for instance. He's mental, totally unhindged and will go for you unexpectedly. Now he's not that dangerous because it take you about 5 seconds to realise that and if he did get you then the damage is going to be minimal comparatively. But you start taking into account something with the body mass comparative to a person, larger jaws and stronger jaws and a more athletic physique and you could be looking at a nightmare waiting to happen. Potentially. Specifically in the case of Staffies though, they have indestructible jaws which have a grosse amount of power attached to them. Being bred to be that way was for fighting and they can't be blamed for that. As a result (now this is my personal opinion here) I think that they were bred heavily to be more dosile than many other breeds on purpose because of their potential danger. The breed that they are now is a very likeable and fun loving dog. However with mal-treatment and abuse I don't think that that history is far back enough to not be able to be conjured up somehow. Strangely I think that mis-placed devotion or loyalty is more potentially dangerous.
  4. That or it's one of the Mod team... damn dirtbags!
  5. Just to be contrary, my ideal job would be not having to have one. And I'm not talking about being a bum. I'd like to be able to spend my time doing lots of things that make realy things or fix things that people can use. More like a farming life I guess... I'd feel much more comfortable in a society where people exchange favours and goods rather than money. At present I feel like people place very little value on things (well, in the right way).
  6. Yeah that was the plan but I'm not sure how to approach it from a modelling point of view to keep the polys quite uniform and have a nice grid across it. Also, how do you control the orientation on the polys. Would I have to go around turning each and every tile?!
  7. Loved this game so much. I enjoyed it more than the other 2 mostly due to the fantastic atmosphere and music. Plus many of the animals were better (ginger spider ftw!)
  8. Defintely Mario Tennis and Wario Land. Wario Land is one of the better games of the genre that I have played and was totally ripped apart when they the Paper Mario series, so many ideas were stolen that it hurts. They really use the perspective and it is a very challenging game. Another one to consider is Red Alarm. Its akin to a scrolling shooter but in 3d. I would think you could relate it to something like G-Police. Really fun and arcadey. Thing you really need to look at getting though is an AC adapter. The battery life is rubbish and will cost you 6 AA batteries a pop. I made one because getting stuff on ebay was hard back then but im sure you'll find one.
  9. Well I'm pretty confident on making something good and tileable in PS but its the mapping that I'm not sure I can get my head around. In fact mapping is becoming my real bug-bearer. I proabably need to play around with it but from what I can tell, I'll be maping them so that the edges of a road will all use an "edge" type tile and the center, a "center" type tarmac tile. I think my problem will be how to get the texture to fit each poly and also get their orientation right. I know how to do these generally but this is gonna be a large environment and would appreciate any tips on how to do it quickly. It will probably make a lot more sense when I post the actual brief. Feel free to ask me any animation questions. You are using Max right? Also will you be using any rigged characters?
  10. Don't mean to be mean man but doing what you're doing is bad for you and ruins your chances. Several points: Your life is too short to worry about this kind of thing, there are probably many more interesting people out there. Honestly, relationships and companionship and love etc. should only be a part of your life. Think about it from his perspective (that's if he is and if he is interested). Is pining for him and getting worked up about it gonna make you more attractive? Hell no! Don't let it bother you, just kick back, be confident and enjoy their company. It is likely that you have convinced yourself that they like you. In my experience (personal and otherwise) this is the case almost all the time. I don't know why and its a shame but it is just like that. It's easy to say from here but these things have to be left to let happen. They wont work well if they are forced. Plus the chances of it all exploding in your face (and not in a good way ) are too high. (P.S. If he says he's not, then he porbably isn't or not ready to be yet)
  11. Looks like GTA wanting to be more Assassins Creed to me. Nothing about the description or screens makes me want to play it. First screens looks good but the others should be seen as embarassing for the PS3. All around, laking any atmosphere or style.
  12. Yeah, thos pics arent displaying for some reason but i looked at them. I agree that they look similar but tbh those weapons from HL2 are modelled on weapons from real life. I've seen shotguns and grenades that look very similar to those. To me what you are essentially saying is that because the basic design for the grenade is a cylinder with a catch on the top of it, means that its a HL2 rip or that because the shotgun has a slightly boxy look around the cocking slider then its ripped as well. EDIT: OK now that I can see the pics on the same screen, it does actually look like they super-imposed the HL2 grenade hand on. Sorry....
  13. Yep thanks for that JB... we already read it here: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12434&page=35 Lock pls.
  14. Cheers Wes! Means a lot seriously. Took some blood and tears. And to think that I did the animation for parts 3 and 4 in 3 days... Ah well. That's what the industry is gonna be like.
  15. Well I'm glad that you guys can tell from such high rez screens...
  16. There was a 3d FPA set of games (like Myst) that I managed to have a go on a while back called the Journeyman Project: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journeyman_Project_franchise
  17. WoW... no break, eating, toilet (or eating a toilet) for about 8hrs I think. That included the night we actually broke into the alliance nooby area and charged one of the alliance cities. We were level 35ish and felt sooooo big.
  18. Probably because the design of stuff in HL2 has been ripped from the big game. Real Life.
  19. Yeah that's what I'd like. Better Nintendo servers for the DLing... I can go have a meal waiting for some stuff!
  20. It was unspectacular but it was pretty realistic too. Still dont understand why they put her in the road as they couldnt have her killed could they? Also, I'm still a no no for the gadgets. Hi-tech yes, gadgets no.
  21. Just got my blog up, been working my ass off over the past term on lots of things. I'll lots to post up over the Christmas break when I finally get them all textured. Check it out: http://metaboliccreations.blogspot.com/ Also Colin, that environment is looking sick-good. I hate you... Did you make those textures yourself? You might wanna give a little more UV space to everything on your steps, cos they are looking a little stretched out and blurry. I've got an assignment to do which needs tile textures pretty much well everywhere and I'm not too sure about how to start it. Mind if I run it by you a little later?
  22. Can'te believe people are still getting pissy about this kind of thing. Gamers need ti wake the hell up and realise that everything that Nintendo does doesn't revolve solely around them. Thats how they got into trouble in the first place.
  23. Wait a damn second. Just looked up mojib ribbon on youtube and i remember seeing this in an issue of edge years ago and thinking that was one of the most interesting graphical styles that i'd ever seen (P.S. Why dont we have more of this kinda thinga yada yada yada...) Strange, I knew all about this game a while ago.
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