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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Hey DazzyBee, have a good trip! Sounds like its going to be a blast. I'll try and get Bluey to come give you some advice if you need anymore. She's been twice now and knows quite a lot.
  2. Textures do look very low rez but its nice to see that they are deforming properly (looks at Asteroth's mid drift.)
  3. Nope, Portal. He likes Portal a LOT. He even apologised for it not being funny the fact that he likes a game and declared that he would stick forks in his eyes if he ever said that about anything ever again.
  4. Nah, I got that straight away but it helps that she looks a lot like her too. I'm just in the 2nd assassination in memeory block 3 but after finishing mem block 2 I realised that not all of the parts are lit up... which is weird. From the way I'd played it I did everything they said and you couldnt really do it any other way. Oh and for anyone who hasn't played it yet: When you go to the big cities, go to the high point and the guild first and foremost. I found that the story makes a lot more sense that way. Also: @ Daft: Cmon dude, this game has more substance in it that MOST of the games that I've ever played, you gotta give them a brake on the sound a bit. Loving this game so much though. I havent cared for free roaming games because I hadnt found one that had any kind of gameplay that I enjoy (GTA for example). But this is great, really enjoying going around the world map and finding all the flags.
  5. Oh yeah another thing that I forgot... it's made by Namco and although Soul Calibur is great most of them are too arcade-y for me. Seems like this could be something quite different for them.
  6. Very atmospheric level there. I'm liking the look of it and from the site it seems Wii specific so that should be good. Not going to get too hyped up about this because I'll likely get the wrong impressions of the game. I did so after the No More Heroes first trailer and am now a bit disappointed. So RPG huh? I'm thinking point-n-click thriller kind of game but hey its probably not. Looking forward to the new info.
  7. Lots of people here for a start... including me. How did I KNOW you were gonna say something like this? The 360 does have a lot of high quality games on it. Its a general conscensus, doesn't mean any of us like Nintendo any less.
  8. Just been on Metascore.... its got insanely good scores. Also there's a really good review on ShackNews.
  9. Still not sure I can justify forking out so much money for this. Wanted to try it out this gen because I dont/didnt have a PS2 but considering that the Wii-mote does most of the work, its a lot of money.
  10. I can understand why people are complaining to an extent but when most people are talking about the Wii not having "hardcore" games, their opinions can get a bit vague . What are people honestly expecting? Games that are marketed at the hardcore, rather than casual gamer + hardcore? Question should really be: Are gamers having fun with the Wii?
  11. Ahhh skull kid from LOZMM would kick ass. I love that character! Oh wait.... they're gonna put Tingle in it. Aren't they...
  12. Bit on the fence about getting these. I use a charging docking station for my remotes, so its would be a hassle to use them. Although... Zak and Wiki would be a lot better with it.
  13. Those are your special powers kicking in though. See when the symbols flash up on the screen in the trailers? Thats you going "Neo" on their ass.
  14. Circle around it, stay out of the way of the carpet bombs and when its paused beat the shit out of it. Should only take 3 or 4 slogs of machine gun fire. Dont be shy about getting shot either. Finished Portal on the release day. That game is SWEET! Didnt find the advanced maps at first though becuase they hidies thems.... blardy sneak theifs!
  15. Yeah but lets face it... what's easier? Getting multiple PCs in the same area let alone networked, or plugging an extra coupla pads into the N64?
  16. I have several theories on why this would never happen. First of all is about how you sell a franchise to the consumer. If you give them everything then they will lose interest. Take Zelda for example. OOT is still seen as the pinacle (not necessarily the best) of that game series in its classic form. I think a lot of people would agree that they could not create another Twighlight Princess because, lets be honest, it would damage the franchise by being more of the same for a 3rd game in a line. So if you ended up making the super Pokemon RPG in all it's 3D glory in the way that everyone would want you to, then you would essentially be giving the series a swan song. After that, the series could offer very little more. I say this but considering the minimal changes between iterations of the handheld games, this breaks the rules in its own way...
  17. I don't think that there's any chance of patching occuring in that sense on the Wii. And seriously, you can't make a mode like that in a week. Just no chance at all. As for Golden Eye then its either pure myth (thats my bet) or pure damn luck. If it is true, then I think much less of them as a developer instantly.
  18. TBH, I think that Konami need to rethink about how they are doing things in general. It's been common knowledge that on the DS they only release ONE print of any game so if you don't get your Castlevania at release then it can be really hard to find. No wonder the games never sell that well, there's never enough stock to make a big impression. But come on... you've gotta give them some credit for Eledees. That game's sweet.
  19. Please tell me you're being silly right? A decent multiplayer couldn't possibly be doine in 2 weeks. Even the slightest round of testing on the internet connection system alone would take that long.
  20. Yeah but the advertising campaign was rubbish and lets not forget the fact that Nintendo were being lazy and made MP2 60Hz only, exclusing a lot of people from playing it.
  21. Yep... I remember that game. Only played a demo pod. Liked the graphical style a lot but it handled like an epileptic spider fused with a drunk elephant.
  22. Lol @ Maiky! Can't believe that you actually put Sig Weaver in there.... she was only the leading lady in the franchise that the game took heavy influence from.
  23. I'd say that Zak n Wiki and Endless Ocean are your two definites there matey. Many of the others are quite middle of the road or are yet to prove themselves. Depends what you like though. I'm getting Metroid and Zak n Wiki. I'm actually gonna wait to see what Mario is like first cos at the moment, I'm not that fussed. Would like EO but yeah... there's Assassin's Creed and Orange Box around...
  24. Dont know about OXO or NIM (can hardly remember what they are actually :/) but Tennis for Two was an interactive science demonstration really. Spacewar was the first game designed and made to be a game solely. This is I think why many people see it as the first game. I would suspect that that is the case with OXO and NIM too.
  25. Yes I think you are... two of the best games on the Gamecube sold poorly for exactly the reasons that I'm trying to illustrate to you. Both Beyond Good & Evil and Eternal Darkness sold VERY badly eventhough they were great games and they were given shining reviews by the industry. It just happens with new franchises, they are very hard to get off the ground. I mention this because it makes it less comparable to RE4 Wii, which is an established franchise that is a Wii-make of a masterpiece of a game that people have been talking about for 2 years already. Although a good game, it is just a cash in.
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