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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Second Life gets a lot of coverage for several reasons. Because it is an alternative reality in which many thing are simulations of real life, it has brought up many legal issues about virtual space and property. On a basic level, it opens up the questions of who owns what? Who has what kind of rights in this world? It is not like an MMO, where everything is owned by the publisher of the game. People aren't really meant to be making profit there, although they do. In Second Life this is the whole point. The money is there to be made and most importantly it has a real world exchange rate for it's in-game money. As an entity, Second Life needs it's own laws, constitution and economy for it to fully fit in. In other words: Second Life is the worlds first fully operational virtual country. From a gamers PoV though, its a sac of crap and why people would want to play it for entertainment value is beyond me.
  2. Hey seems like the website has been updated. Look for the tab at the top with "new" written on it. Not looking too bad.
  3. Right, here's the character I've been working on. First one that I've ever done and it's been a little bugger! http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee247/blockmonster/?action=view&current=revolveloop.flv Comments welcome.
  4. Had a really good day today, been working on finishing this character that I've been modelling (and I've found it very hard AND time consuming so I'm just glad to have it out of the way and not looking like crap!). Done shopping and washing, so I've done chores and got fresh air. Here's my model btw: http://s235.photobucket.com/albums/ee247/blockmonster/?action=view&current=revolveloop.flv But just a little while ago, I realised quite how soon Bluey is moving to Japan. I'm only going to get to see her twice now before she leaves and it's going to sound silly but I already feel a little lonely. Hate it when this happens. Just gonna have to snap the hell out of it, aren't I?
  5. Happy Birthday Sprout man! (Oh and Caris, damn you and you sig! Makes me type all funny...)
  6. Good to see you're happy matey. Must admit though, the "one" talk scares me a little.
  7. Ah cheer up chuck! If it helps, I'm going to be effectively single in less than 2 months. Ah crap, why did i remind myself... gone all thinky now. BAD BRAIN!
  8. Ah ok... completely forgot about the first video. It was so long ago! Y'see, considering the amount of actual game material in the latest movie, I would have thought that completion wouldn't have been a difficult task. What could have gone so wrong?
  9. They changed the style? Ahhh now I'm confused cos I don't remember this... have you got any comparison pics?
  10. I might be wrong but I seem to remember the version of Havoc that the Wii was mentioned to support wasn't the latest and also, even if it does support the engine, the Wii might not be able to process the amount of physics information that the game is pumping out.
  11. Thankyou, that was what I was trying to point out earlier.
  12. I tried loading that pdf last night Odders and it screwed my browser. Might be fine for everyone else but just a warning. And yes I agree. I wish people would stop making copy and paste comments about genetic inheritance. All inheritted behave differently based on the amount of allelles (sp?), current ratios of thos allelles and the nature multi-loci interaction.
  13. Totally agree. I was quite bad at the witty remark come backs. If it requires it, I'd even suggest that you kind of ignore your friends that he's talking to as well. To be quite frank, they should know better than to listen to an arsehole like that.
  14. Ah ok fella, sorry. Think we had a misunderstanding there. As you used Haggis' comment to respond to, it seemed like you were saying that her freedom of speech gave her the right to say what she says. Didn't think that you were talking about Heath Ledgers FoS. Just to clear up, I don't think you are a facist at all. I was saying that I think that she is.
  15. I see school like this now: Everyone was bored so every little detail became extremely important. Nobody cared about whether it was right or wrong to call someone a slut or frigid as long as they had something to talk about. Can't say that soap operas and needless gossiping between house wives have nothing to do with that fact. Still makes me sad.
  16. If she has freedom of speech then everyone else should too. Including the writers, actors, publishers, crew and cast of any film ever made. The fact that she is not sitting there and saying that she disagrees with the content of the film and it clashes with her personal philosophy on life but just condemning it as wrong just crosses the line. Protesting something like this is not a personal view, it shows that you are trying to convince (or scare) people into thinking the same and that my friend is called FACISM. I'd like someone from the church to come on and tell her off for giving their religion such a bad image. I'm sure there are some lovely christians in the states.
  17. Can't believe that this seems to have disappeared. Damn shame cos I really liked the trailer. Was looking forward to such a good 3rd party offering.
  18. If he's being spiteful say something along the lines of "ahh that's bitter. Not like you that.... starting to sound like you're my ex-girlfriend or something. I told you man, I don't do dick." Edit: Oh duuuh *smacks head repeatedly* You're not straight are you?
  19. I thought that the cracking sound was the sac of fluid in you joint breaking. But I was told that a long time ago...
  20. Dammit! Thought I'd recognise some huge gigantor-woman perched on my gf shoulder! Are you really so very thin?
  21. I swears there's like a little fairy sitting on Blueys shoulder that waits for a perfect opportunity to yank her ear making her headbutt me. WHY! Why do they hate me so!
  22. Oh yeah but the whole "Hey everyone! Look at me, with my girlfriend!" just seems a bit lame. I like being with that person, that's all that matters. I don't go out of my way to do these things publicly is what I'm saying.
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