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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Nah, I think that being taller than Bluey would just seem dumb. I dunno why. Plus I get to be LOUD cos I'm small. My theory: Everyone has the same amount of personality but some of us are smaller or larger therefore the concentration of personality varies. So while I'm here being super-rocket-fueled awesome personality the rest of you have it diluted through out ya carcasses! Haha! (/jk)
  2. Haha! I'm shorter than most women. SCORE! So am I shorter than everyone then? No 12 yr olds here to beat me?
  3. Fuck the public. I never cared for what anyone else has thought of what I do. Sensationalism is what makes relationships go wrong in my opinion as Ashley has well illustrated. Professing your undying love in public is how I think about marriage, which is agood thing. But that's a long way off for me.
  4. I agree. It's not so much about the blatant commercialism (although that does annoy me) I just find it stupid that I need an excuse one day a year to express to someone how much I care about them. I can do that anytime and often do! : peace:
  5. Personally I would just ignore him. Make it so purposefully done that everyone will notice. You are the key to everyone's jokes and if you show everyone else that your not happy then they should back down. And if that guy starts trying to wind up the crowd then just take the piss out of him for doing it.
  6. I bet out of all the people here who have stopped growing that I am the shortest, probably the shortest, even more so than the girls. Being all of 5'4". Anyone who has met me will tell you that it doesn't bother in the slightest, apart from when people try and intimidate me by towering over me. The question about genetics and environment is simple. It's both, this has been proven over and over again by scientists. There are mutliple genes and many external factors that contribute to this so the pattern is often quite strange. But in our life time we we have better health and nutrition than our parents did so on average our generation should be taller. Which it does seem to be.
  7. Now ya see, making this thread has helped you seperate this crap talentless people from ordinary society, hence increasing their celebrity status a little bit more. Point is that you shouldn't care. I'd give my free punch to Steve Buschemi, cos he's a don. Fantastic actor, shies away from the media lime-light and went back to work for the fire service for like 2 months around the 9/11 period because he felt a duty to. When papers and news tried to interview him he asked if they were being serious, whether they could actually see what was going on and to just plain fuck off. The man he is.
  8. Probably Fox, get to be a fighter pilot, genral badass with foxy chick in tow, have enough emotional baggage to keep me a bit of a reluctant hero (not to mention ammo for my sarcasm) and much more. Oh yeah I totally forgot. JET PACK MOFOS!! But then again I would have to put up with slippy for an eternity and Crystal isn't too far off... Also I vote that Coolness should be a Luma from Mario Galaxy. Then he could be stupa shiny and mega happy all the time.
  9. I go with Gaggle Ash. I mean your flat mate does have a fucking bedroom doesnt he? Guy sounds like a prick. I wouldn't bother trying to understand why he does what he does (although its probably him trying to feel manly by having lots of "exotic" sex with random strangers). I'd take it one step further. I'd go sit down in the living room. Turn the TV on and then turn up the volume until it drowns out their noise. Then sit there enjoying something very un sexy like house hunt.
  10. Oh yeah, get in with the pop-rock and hair-metal. Transformers soundtrack (original movie) is pretty good but probably get down to some Massive Attack if I was feeling in a more mellow mood.
  11. Seems like we could do with a general life-advice thread around here. So feel free to ask anything or just to get random stuff off your chest.
  12. Recon we should have an agony aunt thread as well. What do people think?
  13. Was that Caris? You little scumbag... you get everywhere!
  14. Yeah, Rez only has 1 face expression.
  15. Is there a 3rd party game that people is good enough to be a system seller for the more hardcore audience? As I said before, from a games dev point of view I think Nintendo are doing a good job (although all of the release schedule seems to get gradually pushed back and back). But 3rd parties really need to get their asses in gear! Zak n Wiki, maybe No More Heroes and.... oh yeah. NOTHING Most of the games on the 360 and PS3 which sell the system are 3rd party.
  16. If we needed shoes, we would have evolved them. Plus you can climb trees much better in barefoot. EVERYONE know THAT.
  17. Oh I'm so in the barefoot gang too. Drives my parents crazy. I'll even walk up and down my road which has the kind of gravel which repels barefeeted people. I guess you guys all used to play outside loads when you were little right?
  18. Lots of truth here. I realised the same when I went looking for people. I was in the union and just looked around and realised that no one there was interesting at all. When you approach someone in a bar/club (in which you can hardly hear or see anything) you have about half an hour of small talk to decide whether they are "call you" worthy (or sleep with worthy for that depressing fact). To me that sounds like complete suicide on a plate.
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