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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Jamba

    Rock Band

    Hey Pedro, just wanted to say sorry. Think I was getitng the wrong end of the stick about what you were saying about the servers. Also I did a little digging around and found more evidence to support what you're saying. Guess I shouldn't be surprised really. After all this is Ea doing an "EA".
  2. Jamba

    Rock Band

    Yeah EA can be blamed for the build (and quick cash in obviously) but GH3 was online through shear force really, maybe to make up for the audio failings in the Wii and as a response to the fans. As I said, we don't know if they have to use Nintendo servers, that's exaclty the kind of thing Nintendo would do. And if getting online is possible, then why isnt everyone doing it yet? It's about coding it for the Wii and if Nintendo are not willing to give them help, then it would be VERY expensive.
  3. Vote: No Lynch Ahhh my first Mafia, tis gonna be fun.
  4. Jamba

    Rock Band

    I still think that it's Nintendo to be blamed for this not the devs but then again its not like we're ever going to know. The devs will protest that it's their fault and Nintendo will say "well they got the dev kit so...." To me, it's in the interest of devs to get it online and there is something stopping that. My guess is that, although possible, implimenting online is more costly than beneficial because doing so would mean lots of testing and software engineering with practically no cooperation from Nintendo. They are forcing the seesaw to stay on one side. We don't even know if devs are allowed to use their own servers (afik), maybe they have to use Nintendo's. If that's the case then I can see Nintendo stalling because we already have evidence that theirs arent handling the load.
  5. This is starting to sound like a really rushed game...
  6. I'm with Jimbo. Environments are way to busy, too many filters and the speed dependency would need 60fps. This is not a Wii game. I understand the points about Galaxy that people are saying but remember what the last game looked like. Mediocre texturing and hardly any filters? I doubt that Sega are gonna be able to pull such an engine out of their ass for the Wii.
  7. I'm just happy having an individual life without needing rare stuff. Collecting rare things seems kind of meaningless to me.
  8. The fact that they have been doing a relatively poor job so far? The fact that it isn't getting all that better? The fact that all of the potential for online functionality on a system like the Wii is being squandered? Friends Codes suck balls and are unnecessary on the Wii, plain and simple. All these little things that Nintendo have to do have been sitting in front of them for well over year now and have not been touched at all. They are being lazy about opening up the potential of the platform fully, especially to the 3rd parties. Great, not until next gen possibly? Thats unacceptable. That means by the beginning of next gen Nintendo will be over a gen behind MS and Sony online wise. Nintendo are massively dropping the ball right now, there is no evidence to point to them changing that fact.
  9. You pointed out why for me. Nintendo didn't want to do online, so they didn't premote the Cube's modem and they still aren't fully committing to it now. They should be looking for a way to put online into almost everygame they make. 3rd parties are having trouble getting online put into their games and downloading stuff is slow, indicating that the servers are not handling everything properly. I can DL a demo which is measured in gigabytes on XBLA in less time than it takes to DL a sodding N64 game. Also my 360 doesn't crash or freeze when the connection is dropped. What evidence have you for change? And playing over the web is rubbish. We are only just getting a game apart from Strikers that it good fun online and SmashBros has online issues. Weather channels and tv-listing channels are great and all but I want my damn games using it first.
  10. Well the little there animation was shite (and mocap would use up more memory in the animation because of more keyframes and stuff) I still think that it's a bit far to assume that there was lots of room left in the resources to budget lots of animation.
  11. Oh come one, the battery disposal arguement is rubbish. To get rid of fossil fuels we would need to start using batteries like this and there are facilities to dispose of batteries in place. Also the comments about the Prius are coloured. Sure it isn't as good as it's all cracked up to be but I don't see many other cars using regenerative breaking, so the technology is relatively new. Nothing is perfect at this stage. Also that article is still biased. Sure they do 100miles in town but what about the other 400miles? The Prius comparatively has to lug it's battery around so it is going to be less efficient on open road driving because it won't get the opportunity to use the battery so much, let alone recharge it because very little breaking will happen. Sure, it is a car that has a specific niche in which it should be used (ie in town) but that doesn't mean its completely crap.
  12. I don't really understand what you're saying. An extra 4 tris on each coin will make relatively very little difference especially as there are frequently only about 10 being rendered. And I also don't understand how you have such a depthly understanding of the Wii's capacity. And to everyone who keeps on using Rogue Squandron as an example, can we please remember that there is practically NO animation in it. Sure things move but apart from R2 spinning around occassionally and changing flight mode in the X-wing or B-wing. RS is nice models with nice textures and nice particle effects. You are looking at a major resource drain being missing.
  13. *waits until hell freezes over* Blind faith, the thing that unites terrorists and gamers alike! ¬_¬
  14. I'm guessing it was just a classic drop. Happens to everyone now and again. Shame you got so badly hurt. Ride safe Maiky
  15. So you're telling me that you've never had a conversation where you are talking about a friend who's female, this being a vital to the point that you're putting across, and you talk about them doing something girly. Then every person you're with talks thinks that your friend is either gay or a tranny because they assumed that they're a guy? Not to mention if you're having a conversation about going for dinner with your friend, whether that friend is male or female has different inferences. @Ashley - You're right. That bit of the day does need clearing up. Would need to be a something very interesting sounding though otherwise it just wouldn't fit.
  16. I don't really understand who you are aiming your comments at but I'm guessing it's me. I've never justified the death threats made to the artist, in fact i condemned them in an earlier post. I have also never suggested that people can't have their own opinions on things (actually that was the point I was trying to suggest to Fish, that he should allow Muslims to have their views and to repect that). It's the suggested aggression towards the Muslim community that I find disturbing in this thread. Judgement and discrimination are rife without any understanding of context or bias.
  17. Ha I'm half a foot under the national average. Thats getting on for 10%
  18. It forgot it's bag? :p
  19. Does anyone else find this Sonic a little terrifying?
  20. And you gave it a 7? Sounds more like a 5 movei by the way you describe it. Seems to take a nose dive into the uncanny valley.
  21. Looks alright, bit on the visually dull side but hey. Here's to hoping that it's fun!
  22. I think this is looking alright for a fairly small time developer, it might even improve more. No real judgement coming until I get a hands on.
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