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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. Dinosaur JR are excellent! They played mid way up the main stage last time, wonder why they dropped so much?
  2. Shadowrun is good fun, just been having rather pissed go at it, after the night out ritual of chips, cheese, scrambles egg and mayo. Was getting my arse kicked by bots on "Training" difficulty though, kind of embarrassing Thank god for spell checker, that's all i have to say, its had a right work out this evening!!! When he/she is at work then he/she is the shop. It's the sad fact of retail. Slapping him would from my point of view (and that of most customers) be slapping the company. Anywho i wasn't spaeking literally, just thought it took the mick that a company that "has the best trade prices in town" had the lowest by £4
  3. So finally the Mac lads catch up. The Mac Book is possibly the best laptop around. The iMac and MacPro are, on the other hand, an overpriced piece of poo. If you want a desktop and all the benefits that go with that then get a Windows PC. If a laptop is you're poison and you ain't bothered about money or games then buy a Mac Book
  4. I've bought it now. £32 from Tesco Went to Gamestation, offered me £12 trade for Crackdown! I felt like slapping the shop assistant!
  5. I just bought it. £32 from Tesco! Gamestation offered me £12 trade for Crackdown, cheap bastards
  6. Who has bought/will be buying this then? Im probs gonna trade crackdown in this afternoon and come home with either this of Guitar Hero
  7. Shadowrun demo is awesome! Think im buying this later on this afternoon, not played online yet but the training and botmatches are fun Compared to constantly playing "Glitch of War" this is a breath of fresh air! Pick me! Pick me!
  8. How awesome are Levellers! Have the best Myspace page i've ever seen too: http://www.myspace.com/levellers Think i'll be buying a few of their albums tomorrow!
  9. Playing V too Can't wait!
  10. I might be there, depends if i've traded crackdown in by then
  11. Time to put this thread back on track guys, it isn't an overflow for the PC vs Mac thread. Go back to discussing iLife or whatever wierdness it is you mac people like to talk about :p
  12. What connections are on the speakers? Phono (like the ones on a component or composite cable)? Take a picture then it should be easy to find the right cables
  13. What do you mean? Nobody ever argues in here (apart from Takeo)
  14. Damn, looks like it is only Ikea Might contact the distributor and ask about cans, can't really go to Ikea to get them
  15. I moved a few of the posts to the Mac vs PC thread, they were more suited to being in there
  16. I'm going to Fflam and V, might go to Leeds or Reading too The line-up is pretty good on the lower stages, some proper gems hidden as usual
  17. Anyone know where i can buy the cans? Preferably mail order and by the case
  18. Why should the Windows laptop match the Apple? Can't Apple offer a budget solution? Anyway, im not sure about laptops but in the desktop world a £900 PC is better spec'd than an £1800 Mac. Laptops are far more complicated due to the number of different parts around and the slight differences between them. Although i do agree that Macbooks are some of the best laptops around
  19. got a model number? 1080p in a 26" is crazy!
  20. Too tired to explain right now but the Samsung's real contrast ratio is nowhere near 10,000:1. Its more likely to be around the same as the Vizio. The Samsung one is kinda like a maximum level whereas the Vizio is likely to be the actual contrast ratio
  21. That'd explain why all the standing tickets are sold out on that day then. I'd be gutted if i bought Sat tickets tbh
  22. My Mum just bought the Canon Powershot A750 IS, very nice bit of kit. Was reading up on it just before she bought it and general opinion on camera forums was good + it was recommended as a camera for people starting out with photography and wanting to learn more Cost £200 from a local indie store, minus £50 cashback from Canon. You can get it cheaper on the net, think Empire Direct has it for about £170 (not sure if the £50 cashback is still going though, might have expired end of May)
  23. Do any of you guys have jobs/school/lives? :p
  24. True, take out the Jedi and it was a very bad FPS. The bit that makes it the best Star Wars game is how well it handled the Jedi though. I can't think of any real-time Jedi action thats better than in JKII (not a lot of competition really; Galaxies, BFII, Rebel Strike and Clone Wars are the ones that come off the top of my head)
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