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Everything posted by McPhee

  1. I hate iTunes with a vengeance for converting all of my library to M4A and AAC, changing the meta data and just generally being a pile of poo. Really annoying now i want to get rid of the program and use Media Player/Centre.
  2. My tent is a heavy beast. Always have a 3 man, with a big awning, all to myself. More room for storing beer and space to drink in if it rains :p
  3. Which is better though, DiRT or Forza? Can get one of the 2 in the next couple of days, leaning towards DiRT but a couple of my mates just bought 360s and Forza On another note, what games do people play online? Im bored to death of Gears
  4. It crashed my laptop lol - says it all really
  5. Do they have any kind of Unlimited plan? Surely you could just transfer to one if they do. If not then how were you put under those conditions unjustly? If they changed the terms of contract after you became a customer then you should be entitled to cancel for free
  6. Just got GRAW 2, traded in Crackdown and Smackdown. Got £18 for Crackdown because Gamestation will beat any trade in price by £1 Still got Shadowrun, Oblivion, PGR3 and GRAW (when i get it back off my mate) left to trade in so will get DiRT at the weekend and possibly The Darkness next week. Also looking at Vegas, CoD2, Viva Pinatta and GHII so depends how much money i can coax out of Gamestation in trades
  7. 7 pages of whining? really?!?!? over Manhunt? Im in two minds with this one. Manhunt went a bit too far in my opinion and Rockstar will definitely have pushed the sequel further. Depending on how much further Rockstar pushed it i think the BBFC might be right on this one. Rockstar are a bunch of fuckwits, they push the boundaries time and time again. It was only a matter of time before someone told them they had gone too far. After all, how difficult would it really be to have made Manhunt 2 with a slightly lighter tone to it?
  8. unfortunately he isn't: and you really think comics have gotten worse?
  9. If you don't already have one then buy it when you arrive. You can use the car/rucksack space saved to bring more booze!
  10. Hulk tops my list tbh. Being a big green monster with unlimited strength proportional to you're anger just seems beautifully simple! He'd also kick Spidey's arse :p Then again he could, in theory, kick the arse of every living thing in the Universe. Then turn round and kick the Universe's arse just for good measure Bats definitely comes second, with Green Lantern 3rd
  11. Who has CoD2? Got some games needing traded it so will probably pick it up tomorrow along with DiRT (possibly)
  12. Next Friday you say? Sound like this will be my next new game, bored of all my current ones! Hope the multiplayer is good...
  13. I wonder that all the time. Half the answers i give are found in 5 mins using Google!
  14. Well all of those examples i gave are at (or near) the peak of they're race so no. Yes it is possible that someone alive could do what Batman does but you'd be looking at someone at least as smart as Stephen Hawking, with the combined matrial arts skills of Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali and various others and the gymnastic skill of Bart Conner. Said person would also have to be a master detective, forensic scientist, ballistics expert, chemist, criminal psychologist, toxicologist and fluent in a dozen languages. Oh and lets not forget a multi-billionaire! With that little list he's definately better than humanly possible and therefore Superhuman
  15. I loved SCII, was really good at it too! Played mostly as Maxi, his moves were pretty and i knew every one of them
  16. Theres always a simple solution to this; stop hooking Wiis up by Component! RGB Scart works brilliantly and the improvement with component isn't that noticeable. The Wii hardly uses any of the available bandwidth with component whereas the 360 uses most of it, you're using you're available connections better by putting Wii through Scart, 360 through Component and PC through VGA. I understand this is blasphemy on a Nintendo site but its the only setup that actually makes sense
  17. tbh i agree with you there. Music phones are no replacement for dedicated MP3/4 players. The interface isn't usually as good and storage capacity is lower, however they make a good compromise where cost + space are a consideration
  18. DO IT! I'd be in favour of 21, with an exception for those driving company vehicles. It'd decrease the number of unnecessary vehicles on the road and therefore the number of accidents! Most under 21s don't need a car, if they need it for work then their company should have to 'sponsor' them through the tests and then provide a vehicle for use within work hours.
  19. Take away his millions and he'd still be Batman. He'd just be running around Gotham cloaked in a bin liner! The guy is at least half crazy and almost as sadistic as the villains he hunts. Sometimes i swear the only reason he gets away with it is because everyone, including Superman, is scared shitless of him... Anyway, back to the point at hand. If he isn't a Superhero then neither is Superman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter (off the top of my head). They are Aliens with skills that are common for they're race, much like Batman
  20. Easycleaner. Thats the program i was trying to think of, should sort the first of the 2
  21. I lost 2, the 2nd to last boss was 2 flying thingys and they both got away with less than 50 health. Was gutted Determined to complete hard mode now. I get beaten at around level 20
  22. Trying Safari now. Quite fast so far The Fonts are crap It doesn't handle as well as firefox and isn't as pretty as IE7
  23. He's more than human, thats kind of what i was getting at. Lately he's become more invincible than any "immortal" he's ever fought
  24. Someone who has no powers is usually defined as "Peak Human" Batman is WAY beyond "Peak Human" he's done some impossible things, there was a site with examples but i can't find it right now. He's definitely a superhero and most likely has some sort of power that hasn't been revealed yet
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