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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Peeeeeeep Shooooooow. Also, I don't like the office. Ricky Gervais' smarmy cunt face probably has somethign to do with it.
  2. I can't wait for this, it looks superb.
  3. I don't hate Ikea, I'm just baffled by people that profess to love it. Also don't get why you're irritated by people that don't share your opinions on it. This is "The Ikea thread," not the "Profess your undying adulation for Ikea and all it represents thread," so chill aht larv..
  4. Dude, I find it really interesting that the demographic of this forum can be split in terms of how they think of Ikea. It's something that doesn't seem to evoke any emotion in me other than absolute boredom. Any way, I find it difficult to find that there is such a thing as a "fan" of Ikea. That's like saying you're a big fan of A4 Ruled Blotting Paper, or of Comic Sans...Or.. Raised lettering, pale nimbus... white. Impressive. Very nice. Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark. It's borderline psychosis yo!
  5. Mostly bad =p. Nah, I enjoy it, cause I followed Ryan Scott and Anthony over from the old GFW Radio podcast on 1up (also known as the best podcast that ever was). Bromley and Altano can be great, they're pretty good whenever they're on the Rebel FM podcast. And man, I've started hearing that bangin broads voice everywhere I go, its retarded =p.

  6. Ikea is a repository for flimsy ass furnishings that have been totally sterilised of any personality that are made for people, and most often young couples, that want to create a character for their living space by plastering their walls with identikit faux modern art pieces with plywood frames, and 75% polyester fur-effect rugs that serve to provide only a transparent superfice for the charnel house that is their collective soul. It is for people whose sense of style is informed solely through department store catalogues and mass advertisements. I think I'm beginning to sound like Phoebe from Friends in that one episode about the furniture. I think I'm going to kill myself because I just made a Friends reference. PS. I have an Ikea lamp. I r poor.
  7. Fuck that, Ikea sucks dong. It's like making a thread for people who like to eat shit.
  8. Haha, nice quote dude. Does it make your loins quake with desire?
  9. Oh fuck yeah! This is a totally great direction for the series. Really enjoyed the first game, although some of the mechanics were pretty bust, it was still great. Would love a multiplayer ghostbusters game, because a lot of the ghost trapping tactics were based around working with the other characters, which, unfortunately, were at the whims of pretty lame AI. Haven't finished the game yet though.
  10. Just saw you on the Gamespy Debriefings fan page members list. Can't believe you listen to that shit too =p.

  11. You look like my dad. Awesome.
  12. Nuggets of wisdom courtesy of Bob Kelso
  13. I like the cover art. Production is awful. I'm gonna give this a lengthier listen because the music is actually pretty rad. He's been fairly poo since College Dropout, although 808's was a weird curve ball. Interesting *strokes chin*
  14. Really should have fucking expected it
  15. Dude, you ever been on a night out to some shitty club? I assure you, there are people that see only in photographs Besides, some people are self conscious to the point that they don't want others to see what they think is an inaccurate representation of themselves. I kinda agree though, don't think I've ever untagged more than one pic (which was of things that should never be put on an environment consisting of your close friends..). Depends how hideous you are. Nobody wants to see ReZ pop up on their news feed. =p I kid thee, ReZworth.
  16. That's what she said. But, I haven't had it for a while actually, and it probably depends on what else is in there, but it was always a little too bitter for me. I think I'm gonna go out and buy some dark chocolate right now. Want some of that Lindt shit. Aww yeah.
  17. Photographs are never ever, ever, heheheevvver (imagine me elongating every syllable in that word) an accurate representation of what you look like for the following reasons: 1. Its a snapshot in time, of a structure that is constructed for movement, so evidently there are bound to be moments where it aligns its self in such a way as to look distinctly awkward. 2. Flash photography is completely the antithetical to how the human eye sees, because a flash causes everything that it falls upon to fall into focus, and by doing so, our perception of depth and contrast is destroyed, robbing whatever you're looking at of a large constituent of its personality. I'm sorry. I'm just weird about photographs.
  18. I photograph really really badly, or at least, I fucking hope I do, because if most of the photos of me are any indication of what I actually look like, I should have neutered myself long ago. Never been on film. The worst though, is hearing recordings of myself speaking, I hate my voice, because it seems so alien. SO EMBARRASSING.
  19. I haven't gone a day without chocolate for as long as I can remember, whether its a Cadbury's Flake as an after lunch treat or a mocha in the mornings. I just don't think I would survive without it. Favourite kind is dark. Not like 85% kinda dark though, that shit gets too bitter. Chocolate is amazing. I want chocolate right now. And of course you'd love chocolate Eenuh, you're Belgian
  20. Yeah whatever, probably discovered some extra terrestrial fart particles and got excited. I have given up on the possibility of news ever being exciting, especially the kind made for press releases.
  21. 1. How does your brain contain all this? 2. I am interpreting what you said (in part) as this: Very much reminds me of Bakhtin and the heteroglossia of languages, wherein any given word or phrase is altered in time through usage by the social groups, professions, political factions etc. that use it. Of course, Bakhtin was referring to how words even in their standard notations (he was speaking of how social identities are manipulated in novels, so his theory pertains very much to writing as well as speech) are inflected with social variations, for example, the words "far out" have connotations that are specific to the context as well as the "socio-ideology" of the person that uses them, but I totally understand that text speak has the potential to work in this way since those forms of notation are characteristic of particualar social denominations. The problem is, as with pretty much everything; It's a hate/ lazyness thing. I think we pretty much hate it by way of the kind of people we percieve it as being associated with, and also because whenever you see it on screen, it looks so counter intuitive, and you have to consciously decipher it, rather than the way in which our brain processes the notations that we're already familiar with. There was a great and really accessible piece Jonah Lehrer wrote recently about the process of mental "chunking," which, applied to language, in his own words, is: "While reading this sentence, your brain is effortlessly chunking the letters, grouping the symbols into lumps of meaning. As a result, you don’t have to sound out each syllable, or analyze the phonetics; your literate brain is able to skip that stage of perception. This is what expertise is: the ability to rely on learned patterns to compensate for the inherent limitations of information processing in the brain." This intuitive process, for people that don't use text speak, is basically epicly sharted on when reading text speak, and leads to no small amount of annoyance. It's similiar to the way in which the brain gets annoyed at music which contains rhythmic patterns that it cannot predict. What is funny is that (and I'm generalising here) a lot of people who dislike text speak are the same people that tend to speak for individuality and expressionism. Either way, I still hate txt spk. Because I'm a curmudgeonly fuck.
  22. On that same note, I've been told that Gratuitous Space Battles is really good. Is it on Steam? Thinking of picking it up.
  23. There's going to be a re-make of The Thing? Without Kurt Russell? WTF?
  24. Ahahhahahah. No, it was free you inimitable douche lord.
  25. I weirdly haven't read any Stephen King. What is the best/ would you reccomend to start off with?
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