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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. For the record, Lynyrd Skynyrd, aren't that great.
  2. Flinky, you have gotta be the best guy to get drunk with, ever. "Oh girl when I'm in love with you...Keep fishin if you feel it's true"
  3. Listening to Creed for some reason. Man, Tremonti is one badass guitar player, the playing in My Sacrifice is divine. The singing really really brings it down though.
  4. No beer but Guinness. Sometimes I order a pitcher and sit there drinking it out of a straw. I'm not a beer drinker though. It's Jagermeister all the way. If not, I usually go for a few doubles of whatever dry gin/ Whiskey they got, or if I'm feeling like a ****, I'll go for the green aftershocks. Straight and no Ice. You can't down it if theres ice involved.
  5. This thread is a testament to the Flinkmeisters awesomeness. Fookin Legend!!
  6. There is no better Christmas movie for me and my mates than Die Hard. The ultimate christmas film.
  7. Don't worry. Be Happy It's good thing though, cause when you say something, it's usually worth saying : peace:.
  8. The 2007 N-Europe Member Of The Year You’re all drudgingly monotonous. I win. I mean, Eenuh. Thread Starter Of The Year None Best Mod Of The Year Supergrunch Best Admin Of The Year Ashley Most Helpful Member Of The Year Only the weak need help Most Respected Member By me? Probably Dan Dare. Best Newcomer Of 2007 Oxigen_Waste Most Knowledgeable Member Of 2007 Dan Dare Funniest Member Of 2007 The Bard. I wouldn’t post half the shit I do, if it didn’t make me laugh so damn hard. Best/Worst Negative Member of 2007 Mikey Spammer Of The Year I’m supposing “spam” refers to posting things characterized by their lack of any worth? Kurtle, then. Most Missed Unbanned User Of The Year Stocka Most Missed Banned User Of The Year Atomic Boo User With The Best Sigs Of The Year Freshness User With The Best Avatars Of The Year Shorty If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer...Who Would It Be...Of The Year Oxigen Waste/Goron_3 The Taciturn Award McMad, cause he is mad dope, yo. The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here Jordan Best Forum Moment of 2007 The times when a few of us used to have bare epic games on Gears of War, and let the smack talk continue on the boards. Very fun times. The N-Europe 2007 Award For Personality Of The Year Fierce_Link Best User Ever Goron_3. Cause he is made of win. The N-Europe 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award Ashley Best Game of the Year Bioshock/Virtua Fighter 5/Metroid Prime 3 Worst Game of the Year Ninjabread Man Best Movie of the Year 3:10 to Yuma/ Control Best Album of the Year Nile - Ithyphallic Best Company of the Year Capcom (as always) Person who you think should next be in charge of the world The man in the mirror. He's just too damn sexy. Best New Product of the Year Silent velcro? Er...oh…I know, wait...no. I got nothing. Person who should become leader of the free world! Mwahaha! Bill Lawrence And finally... Guy I despise so much I'd pay someone to kill ya and stuff you and leave you by my bed so when I wake up in the morning I could roll over and punch you in the face...of the year. There are so, so many people that I have unmitigated spite and loathing for, but it's mean to say, so I'll try not to crush their spirits by posting their names here. How uncharacteristic.
  9. Haha. I shook his hand in rl after making a fool of myself on stage.... in other words; 10/10.
  10. In honour of this most excellent announcement, would anyone like to get comboed to death by me on 3rd Strike over XBL anytime? Anyone?
  11. I've spent the entire day playing Street Fighter. I just utterly raped everyone I played on Xbox live. It makes me feel like more of a man
  12. Yeah man, sorry if you were expecting me to be good...Akira is unbelievably difficult to use...amazing, amazing game though, it's the most well designed 3D fighter I can think of. Up for a few fights sometime in the near future when I get to grips with the game properly?
  13. Yay...they brought back Hooch. Hooch is crazy.
  14. Christ! *cries* How freaking difficult is Akira to use properly...I've been going at it for hours...his move list is scarily huge.
  15. Doesn't mean they're not shit. I'm not fishing for an argument, It's just that they have absolutely zero musical value. If you want decent punk go listen to Bad Religion or The Misfits...or Discharge...o_0
  16. Just got my arse handed to my by Dan Dare on VF5. The rest of my day/ weekend will consist of practice
  17. Anything with a CNS.
  18. I'd sit, usually with a couple of close friends, and between us, we'd talk, vent, whatever, while emptying the bars stock of vodka.
  19. That's the most shockingly wrong thing you've ever said. Of course they have emotions, Animals feel all the emotions that we do.
  20. I'm having to re-bloody-read Heart of Darkness for university interviews. Damnit, that book is only like a hundred pages, but it's like wading through treacle. Doesn't mean I love it any less though
  21. I don't know...it just really pisses me off, it just seems hugely unjust. I'm no scientist, and I don't have a depth of knowledge of these things past A level Biology, but come on, it's pretty sickening... Humans have caused many of their own problems through drugs. Take pregnant women for example, many of them rely on an epidural, because since painkillers make it easier for women with tiny cervices to give birth, it has made it almost impossible for some women not to have a miscarriage in the absence of dimorphine being pumped directly into their spine. Same thing goes for antibiotics. We're digging our own grave, and not giving a damn about the cost; animals aren't our playthings, they deserve a bit of respect. Meh...
  22. o_0. Eight stone? Jaaaaysus. Yeah, I have like, no body fat left, at all that I can find, mainly cause I spend excessive amounts of time climbing/ at the gym, and I think the only thing I've eaten today is 2 pieces of shredded wheat, and a few cups of tea. I'm 10 stone and 2 pounds...used to be 14 stone 6 months ago. Self five. I could never get down to 8 stone my frame is pretty beefy. Mam thinks I'm bolemic though...I just have no appetite.
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