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Everything posted by knightendo

  1. true ashley, and that'd make conzer's "feeling" spot on and fish, i LOVED cube! was the first magazine i ever subscribed to, the team were tops, although i never took to tim, even if he did come from over here, he was too depressing at times. it had its heyday when gary was there, although chandra was always entertaining of course was tempted to buy BW but reading about all the additions to BWii i think i'll just wait for it now. and ninja... i'll get back to you real soon
  2. typical sony i say. show nothing of your product, go on your name alone with some obscure shit that'll get the foolish out there to buy into it coz they think it's "cool"! and on another note... i see sony even have to steal fonts these days!!...
  3. wow ford, that's beautiful country right there! (garage needs sortin' tho lol) i live in belfast and a lot of people have a very misguided opinion of this town when they've never been here. i'll take some pictures and post them up towards the weekend, so hope this thread stays busy
  4. keep your disgusting jokes to yourself rokhed. you may think it's funny but this is a public forum where a lot of people respected the guy and the great work he did. to say he tortured animals with a stick shows just how little you knew of him!! to flame him by joking about his death (or anyone's death!) is just sick! you have caused offence to his fans on here and those that know how much he'll be missed. have repect, the man did the world many favours in his lifetime of work, and his wife and kids will now have to try to live without him, and you make jokes. i really can't believe you are trying to justify yourself! to get back on topic... the work he did, and the awareness his programmes brought will leave a lasting effect on the world at large, and his achievements cannot be understated. and dabookerman and 3rdchildren, you're right hopefully he is in heaven with all the crocs and sharks that he couldn't help in this world, he can now help them in the next i actually think this is the last way he'd ever want to go, as he was always so passionate that these creatures are not a threat to us if we respect them as equals.
  5. arnold that was so cool! amazing video!!
  6. jokes shouldn't be made about this!! so stop it rokhed! this man was a legend and shall be missed greatly. he would never have wanted to go like this because some people will now see these creatures as a threat to us, especially if he was killed by a croc or a shark. steve was always the first to tell us that this kind of thing is just what comes naturally to these creatures, it was defending itself and this was an unfortunate accident. the very last thing steve would ever want to happen is for someone to catch the ray that did this, no no no! this guy was a hero to many, especially his own children, may they be comforted at this time of grief, and he'll live on forever with all of us through the tv and the Australia Zoo. RIP
  7. that is fair enough kazz, you make good points. and you seem to base your critique of the magazine based on your own opinions rather than just rash decisions like some have still haven't read the bwii article but looking forward to it and the zelda history one too. and blue ninja... just say the word!
  8. it'll sell out coz sony has already said to retailers that the only ps3's available at launch will be those that have already had a deposit put down on them, no more shall be available. they'll try to spin that ofcourse like microsoft did. annoys me too when kids and parents come in and they have NO idea about it but because it's sony it must "be rockin'!" to quote one kid last week! put it another way, a few weeks ago this 20-something year old guy came in to preorder the ps3. he was told how much it'd be and how much it was to pay a deposit when the time comes, he then put his name down on the "interest" sheet, and only THEN asked "So is it any better than the PS2?" jeez!!! but hey, have faith. anyone that has had the Wii explained to them, or have seen videos of people using it are hyped about it, so keep the Wii-side up my friend
  9. yes indeed, sony are pig-dogs.
  10. glad to see there's people on here who appreciate a good magazine when they see one and aren't bent outta shape by it not being NOM anymore, or getting annoyed that a magazine's news can't be as fast as the net. and don't get me started on those pathetic "resi wii" and "bwii not exclusive" jabs too lol. just started reading the new issue, definitely seems the best yet, with a huge 10 page blow-out of bwii with cool interviews and hands-on, looking good! the zelda history feature looks great too, looking forward to that! and yes there IS a coupla new screens and further details. worth picking up. the full list of contents for the dvd is as such: DVD features: Info - readable info on all ninty-based zelda games and cameo appearances. Screens - slideshow movies of the above. Movies - trailers and "favourite moments" of each zelda game. Music - 14 music tracks from the history of zelda. additional DVD-ROM features: Wallpapers - Link To The Past/4 Swords (x1), 4 Swords Adventures (x4), The Minish Cap (x3), Wind Waker (x2) Buddy Icons - 4 Swords Adventures (x9), Soul Caliber 2 (x1), The Minish Cap (x1), Super Smash Bros Brawl (x1), Twilight Princess (x1), TriForce (x1) MP3 Tunes - Legend Of Zelda (x2), Link To The Past (x2), Ocarina Of Time (x2), Majora's Mask (x2), Wind Waker (x4), Special Edition Promo (x1), Soul Caliber 2 (x1)
  11. someone asked in the letters section if it'll launch on 24th november, and they said a very firm "no". i think they know, but obvioulsy with NDA's they can't say but they need to know so that ninty can have the right coverage in their official magazine. so, my guess is 10th november, gives them a few days to let winners know and organise, and also a week's head start on ps3.
  12. you simply can not say michael ironside is a bad actor lol! however, it still surprises me how many people don't get the meaning of this film, that WE are now (well, i the future) basically nazis. the bugs didn't attack us after all, we invaded them! after iraq, no i'm not comparing bush to hitler to anything lol(!) but if the world carries on the way it is, in the future whenever we are travelling out into space this film could easily happen with humanity being the bad guys like they are here.
  13. i doubt that NOE don't know, they have too much to organise to only be told now. they're just not telling us as usual, which is fine, but only two weeks away did it say WINNERS would find out who won? or that READERS would find out who won? 'cause if it's "readers" it may mean that that's just the issue the list of names will be printed, the Wii could be delivered before that. (damned post office, why must northern ireland always get their magazines a day later?! gggrrrrr!!!!) and if this is such a big competition, and nintendo themselves are working with the mag then i'd say they'll deliver on their promise of it appearing on launch day. probably have a photo opportunity or two as well, so make sure you're up and scrubbed clean on launch day lol!
  14. yeh, like george michael's excellent wag the dog. it's been reported that the "americans" didn't like it... when in truth it was just bush's administration throwing their toys outta the pram. if ONLY this show were real!!!! {{knock, knock}}}
  15. make sure you do!! they're not exactly the quickest! you think they'd have everything ready by term time but sometimes it feels like thats only when they get started!
  16. no, sorry lol. did you not like the movie?
  17. well, it's canon now for the stargate story. sometimes a movie can rejuvenate a franchise. from what i've heard the star trek movies did that for tng, not that i ever watched it myself tho. now, personally, i haven't really seen beyond s5 of stargate so i guess it's personal opinion on whether it's been in decline tho.
  18. they obviously can't yet, but saying that, it IS gathering momentum and the amount of people that know about it without actual advertising is pretty awesome. have faith, they have a campaign ready, just waiting for the right time.
  19. i was just posting the new news story which did include snippets from previous ones, and MGM have already stated that if it goes to the movies then it'll be a series of films based on sg-1. after all, let's face it, why ignore it when it's done so much better than the original movie? that'd be daft! nope, if it goes to the cinema it'll be an sg-1 movie, which sounds good... although i'd prefer the series to continue. and yep hellfire she is! she was in "Dalek" in season one of dr.who as well hmmmmm.....
  20. sounds like working for northern ireland railways!
  21. the latest ONM magazine has a competition to win a Wii, with the guarantee of having it delivered on launch day... closing date for the compo is 6th november...
  22. and nintendo weren't meant to reveal it at GDC!!!! but they changed their minds at the last minute and showed it!! if you wana blame anyone for being disappointed blame nintendo for ruining the exclusive!
  23. according to what i've now seen on the net, nintendo weren't meant to reveal BWii at GDC, they changed their minds at the last minute. hardly the mag's fault, was nintendo's. just bad luck for the mag as it was probably completed already at the time.. :S they do get exclusive news still, and don't forget about the interviews, hands-on and in-depth stuff about what we hear snippets of online. still a mighty fine read i must say, love it to bits and at least i know now why my subscription won't arrive until tomorrow (friday, so later on this morning i should say) which is also when it's out in the shops, as the news wasn't allowed out before release date. shame ninty dropped the ball at GDC on them!
  24. maybe the dream-thing was a tacked-on way of trying to explain why it wasn't the mushroom kingdom...? i loved this game (don't hit me!). remember spending my summer playing it as a teenager when i used to stay at my sister's in crianlarich in scotland... wow that was many moons ago! i really got into it (and solstice!), tho it was probably the first mario game i played properly. loved the music too, it rocked had it for the gba too, dunno where it went! might go buy it again, would look excellent on the ds lite screen yes i prefer the original mario now, but never played 3(!) (don't hit me again!!)
  25. well it won't be the controls as ngamer has done that one, and it's made by the same publisher. and ffs!!! it's a magazine, the net's news is instantaneous, it's hardly fair to say it's ONM's fault we've heard something here first ffs!!! if you don't like reading magazines instead of the net, then just don't! as far as i could see this thread was put here for those of us who DO like ONM, and as popular as any web site can get, a magazine will always have more readers than any one website folks. and just because you've read a few little online tales of BWii doesn't mean the tens of thousands of readers have! and to get the story published so soon after the GDC is great! more screens, hands-on, developer interviews most likely too. and, as someone posted over at the ONM forum: Remember IGN claiming a massive, giant exclusive and it was Table Tennis? Spong claiming there'd be amazing announcements and it was a pink PS2? It's the same sorta thing." and for the last time - blame the net for that resi thing, NOT the mag!!! it was some fools on the net who didn't even read it properly, and stupid people who didn't check up on it that let the "story" get outta hand! and the net isn't exactly consistent with its news either. the reason i choose to stay with n-europe is because they seem to double-check everything first and they are a very trustworthy news team. now, personally, i love this site, but a magazine will always have more in-depth news stories and previews, and an official magazine will always have more exclusive hands-on features and interviews with developers, publishers and the big N themselves. i use the net to get my news quickly, the magazines to get more in-depth with the same stories, they can both co-exist very easily. and all that extra info they have on BWii was given to them b4 anything appeared at GDC, yes that doesn't make the release of the game an exclusive, but they DO have more info than you've read before i'd wager. heck, it's still an exclusive in the magazine world anyway. now to me, it sounds like some people could be bitter that it isn't NOM anymore, or some people are elitist towards the internet and simply don't like magazines. fair enough. personally though... i love ONM. and i love n-europe.
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