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Everything posted by knightendo

  1. i saw in the gamesradar site (looking for any info on the new NOM but nothing yet) that the next Doom game is being slated for release on PS3, 360 and PC, but no mention of revolution why?! its creators have already stated how much they love the revo, and yes they have said that they are planning an exclusive title for it, so with that news and the fact that the unreal engine could run easily on our future beloved machine, why is it being ignored already for a big multi-format release like a new Doom? surely Doom using the revo controller, and then an exclusive game from its creators too would ensure the look of some serious support for consumers deciding on which machine to buy? i'm just afraid that if big muilti-format games such as this don't come our way like has happened on the GCN, that the revo's image is going to suffer in the eyes of the broader market, again llike the GC. what do you think? or am i over-reacting you think...?
  2. i was flicking through some tabloid rag last sunday (news of the world i think) and whilst i don't care what they say or don't say about anything usually, i was rather p****d off to read about the revo!! in their list of "cool gadgets for 2006" the ps3 got a MASSIVE write up, and then further on down the page amongst generic digital cameras etc is a quick sentence about the revo, which read something like: "And then there's Nintendo's new home console aimed at the kiddies with its revolutionary motion-sensitive controller." that was it! and "for the kiddies"?!?! nintendo need to get the hype started, and the image of the revo being for the kids surprised me after the look of the machine and feedback from developers! this may have been a rag of a "news"paper, but it's rags like these that sell in the millions that the casual cunsumers listen to!
  3. was it not only later shipments of the GCN that ninty left out the progressive scan function...?
  4. there's been mumblings before that ninty have cracked it thru software... taking the gamecube as an example, it may have looked underpowered on paper (and some stupid press "journalists" are STILL stating it as such without looking into it!) but it was more powerful than the ps2... so i have faith in ninty, it's never stopped actually
  5. nintendo let them go more like it and rare have gone on record as saying that the revo would be the perfect console for perfect dark thanks to the controller
  6. we've had so much good news recently: the controller (doiy!) the new look all the interest from third parties eager publishers gagging to make exclusive games! nintendo OFFICIALLY saying that we won't be able to tell the difference a cradle for ports plus the new controllers' unique games = huge library! iwata stating that selling what the GC has (nearly 19million units!) would be a failure and that the rev will be a success! i could go on... then one negative rumour and everything else is thrown out of the window. at the minute it's all speculation, and someone on here was so right when they said that nintendo's top brass are hardly going to leak ANYTHING when third-parties aren't doing so either, and they haven't! everything we've heard that hasn't come directly form nintendo i am ignoring as speculation, rumours, gossip, all added on top of another until it's a long string of stories connected together. this, after all, makes it easy for people to say "this must be true because we heard rumblings of this from >random source< a few weeks back so it makes sense", but it's all speculation based on speculation, it doesn't make it true. wait for nintendo. yes i SO wish they'd start to drip-feed more info, or even be a bit more forthcoming to quash these rumours, but i have faith...
  7. iv collected CUBE since issue 15 (originally only because i was collecting Total Advance when it was cancelled and the team moved to CUBE) and haven't missed one, yes it's gone downhill recently but that's only because there was so little to cover, there's just not enough going on in the world of gamecube anymore they did mention a few months ago that big changes were afoot (they even changed their DVDs to a much better version with excellent visuals and menus etc) but i doubt this was part of the plan i think it's numbers plummeted too, no longer was it boasting "best selling unofficial nintendo magazine" so maybe NGC now owns that mantle (though in fairness EDGE doesn't bring in much more, about 31,000 to CUBE's 22,000 and its in no fear of being axed). it'd be good to see the team reunite for a revolution magazine next year but the way things are going that won't happen until nearly the summertime, although i did think there was plenty in the world of GBA and DS for a magazine at the mo... obviously not... i hope NGC continues alongside a new, more adult-orientated NOM, can't wait to see what happens... well, farewell CUBE, it's been a blast
  8. there's been quite a few comments floating about that the rev will be less powerful than the other consoles, but ninty have yet to release ANY details on these. at the min they're blowing their trumpets about the amazing new controller... i think they have more surprises up their sleeves, after all they did say that the new "broadway" and "hollywood" chips would be the new "centre of home entertainment" or something like that before they concentrated on the details of the controller! maybe they just don't wana release all they're chickens yet before they're ready to hatch...?
  9. xino, capcom like so many others, have had to sign non-disclosure agreements with nintendo, they saw the controller long before the tokyo game show and weren't allowed to say a word... what else do they all know that we don't? who knows? my point is, as Cube magazine stated, all the major publishers have been asked by nintendo not to release concrete details on projects for the revo yet so we'll all just have to wait and see... now, shall we please return to being on this forum for the reason we came here for in the first place, and that's to share the nintendo love... however, with your comments about us all being kids and that the "big boys" will be playing ps3 and 360 i'm guessing you're not a nintendo fan, so why don't you run along to the ps3 and 360 sites then, and stop wasting your time and ours here. for the record everyone, i think it's best we ignore people like this if they come here to act this way, it's happened on knight rider online and they've been completely ignored and they grow bored and leave... long live the revolution
  10. thank you so much pedrocasilva for putting us back on topic i came on here after a few days away to carry on this conversation hopefully with demonmike (hope you read my sreponse 'mike, i'm still reeling at my use of the word "suicide" i'd be interested to carry on where we left off) and the rest of you...
  11. demonmike, no no i'm not one of those morons if i was i wouldn't be getting eye strain from no sleep thanks to meteos lol all i meant was that by the sounds of some people on here the revolution will be noticeabley less powerful than the other machines, what i meant was that there are a lot of people out there who look at the DS, see that it's a less powerful machine than the psp (on the surface) and write off all the innovative additions as "gimmicky". if nintendo produce a machine capable of holding its own against the others (the cube was, after all, more powerful than the ps2) >and< have the innovation as it's main selling point they can't fail. ok, so maybe suicide was too strong a word lol, sorry that i came across wrong there, but i can't see it doing them any favours if they don't have the technology to back up the innovation. i already know, no matter what the specs are, that the revo will be the best machine out there because of what ninty have already released about it, but what of those "morons" as you so rightly called them? unfortunately they make up a large part of the user base that nintendo would like to bring in this time around.
  12. i work on the railway here, on the trains themselves... it can sometimes be like being a mini-celebrity when you go out in belfast and someone (never the girls you fancied on the trains tho, d'oh!) comes over and says "i know you! do you not remember me? you sold me a ticket three months ago!" ????? lol, they always think you're their best friend coz you had to be nice to them on the train!
  13. at the end of the day, all of this should stop! discussing the "ethics" of this is pointless, at the end of the day it's cruelty to animals and this is something we should all get behind! i'm not blaming the french, i'm blaming the people directly responsible for this, no matter what their nationality. shark fishing must stop too! catching these beautiful creatures just to saw off their fins and dump them alive back into the water...!!! it's the one thing i loathe more than anything on this planet!! any fisherman on this planet who moans about quotas being forced on them has no right to complain in my opinion, maybe it'll make them use their brains to start thinking of how to make more money out of it without the over-fishing taking place! if all fishermen were forced to lower intake, prices would go up so they'd make their money anyway! (signed by the way)
  14. when did they say it'll be less powerful?? that's suicide!
  15. then why has iwata-san not even mentioned that it'll be more powerful, he wouldn't be giving away any secrets by just saying that! but all he's said is it'll be somewhat "similar"... this better not be a joke... i'll be heartbroken...
  16. o why o why o why o why can't belfast have a gamestation? we have GAME, virgin, HMV (where i buy most of my stuff these days) and the gawd-awful-for-nintendo-fans gamestop (don't get me started! grr!)
  17. a couple of really good points there, and yes "incentives" is a much better word for what they do, it's still unfair trading in my eyes though, almost like cheating to be seen in this way (more prominent) by casual gamers who float into these shops. the next generation shouldn't be stocked in accordance with how this generation has performed, especially with the revolution creating a whole >>proper<< "new generation" whereas the other manufacturers are simply upgrading what they already have out. it's not right but it'll probably happen if nintendo don't see to it otherwise!
  18. i was in GAME the other day and noticed that the DS has been shifted to the back of the shop in order to make way for the psp at the front. now i know all new hardware will always get placed at the front for a while, but the psp has twice the space the ds did as it had to share the space with the GBA... now we all know that sony pays retailers ridiculous amounts of money to ensure they get more shelf space, and more predominant (spelling?) space where they're more easily seen. so what's gonna happen when the revo appears alongside the ps3? in my opinion the revo is truly the better of the two even without the tech-specs as of yet... it is the only truly "next-gen" machine after the announcement of the controller... but if sony opens its pockets will we see it thrown down the back of the shop too? two questions then: do you think sony pay these retailers to not only give them the space/location they want in the shops, but also to shift their nearest competitors to the worst spot in the shops? (as they have done with the ds, even though it still looks impressive when you find it!) and if so, and they do this with the revolution (very under-hand tactic but hey that's sony!) do you think it'll affect its credibility (as has happened to the GC) when it does get released and the ps3 is still taking "pride of place"? or do you think (hope?) that retailers won't allow this to happen, and will realise the potential of the revo to pull in more users? (ok that was three questions, but don't tell anyone...) (jeez, i waffle don't i?!)
  19. absolutely genius! sums them up perfectly! this is my first visit to these forums and i'm already getting strange looks from the library staff for bursting at that one
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