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Everything posted by knightendo

  1. man alive!! i want one!!!
  2. firstly, raven, you're NOT wrong and nick, if it were possible on DS they probably woulda done it, to be honest. since the DS itself doesn't have an in-built memory and it would have to be saved on each card, it may have been too difficult, what with 3rd parties able to produce online too. with Wii, i think it'll have it's own friends code system like the one we all want, otherwise they wouldn't be keeping it a secret as it wouldn't be new.
  3. ah right, ok cheers ashley
  4. many happy returns... ...and what does that mean anyways...?!
  5. i live literally five minute walk up the road from there!! bit of wireless nintendo...? g'wan!!
  6. wonder why they decided to cancel one of their two three rated shows?! god help battlestar, it may be their number one show but what if they get "tight" again a coupla years down the line! if any show deserves to go and go it's that one... and sg-1 ofcourse! just watched a random ep tonight on sky one, "chimera" and i LOVED it! only watched up to season five on dvd, and that was last year! will have to get the funds up again so i can carry on. seen a coupla eps to know it's worth getting back to. tonight's was superb!! fantastic acting throughout, and a real sense of tension in the final scenes! quite hard to do when the show is so far along like this is. by the way, is it just me getting subconsciously "used" to sets and the vancouver forest(?) or does the show feel "bigger" somehow when it goes out-and-about on earth? mm... and amanda tapping!! where did those boobs come from?? and so glad this lady is a goodie again, she's purdy me likes her! wee snippets from gateworld website here: "I was saying to the director and the producers on set I was like, 'Well, what do you want me to hum?' I mean, you know, and so I started jokingly humming the Stargate theme song, and they said 'That's brilliant!' And so I said, 'OK, well it's just a ditty that she's got in her head. I mean, it's not like she watches Stargate ... she's on it! But I was talking with Michael because I said, 'Wouldn't it be funny if I sang the MacGyver theme song?' And so I went running up to Michael Shanks and I was like, 'How does the MacGyver theme song go? How does the MacGyver theme song go?' And we couldn't -- like there was, you know, maybe two minutes to try to learn it. So I said, 'Ah, forget it. I'll just do Stargate.' It would've, I think, would've been really great if I hummed the MacGyver theme song, but I didn't know it." (Actress Amanda Tapping, in an interview with GateWorld) Among the actors originally considered for Pete Shanahan was Farscape star Ben Browder. "We considered him for casting. I love Ben. I think he'd have been great. I would have loved to use him, and I think the crossover would have been a lot of fun. But he turned us down." (Executive producer Robert C. Cooper, in an interview with the Richard Dean Anderson Web Site) ok, i take back my comment about it being one of their top shows, this from the same site. although, from the rest of the news story MGM seems to not want to cancel it (it's up there with James Bond they've said!), and so i'd say someone else may pick it up: Viewers and production personnel alike have blamed a number of factors for the show's dramatically lower ratings, from SCI FI and Sony's lack of promotion to the removal of anchor show Battlestar Galactica from the Friday night line-up, to new competition from such shows as USA's hit Monk. Though also down significantly in the ratings this summer, Atlantis has consistently scored better than SG-1. "Studio executives are working to identify an alternative outlet for Stargate SG-1," Multichannel News said, citing sources close to the production. see that first paragraph? bloody sony!!!!!! sorry for the huge post people, but i'll say it again "bloody sony!!", read this (then i'll stop, i swear!): MGM want to take stargate somewhere else, as a movie maybe etc etc but they also expressed interest in taking it to another network, and SCI FI had THIS to say about that: "But such a move may be out of the question, if SCI FI Channel has anything to say about it. "There is not going to be [an 11th season] on U.S. television," Stern told Multichannel flatly. "Our contract with MGM prohibits it." "It's done a great job, rejuvenated with the additions of Ben [browder], Claudia [black] and Beau [bridges], but we think we've come to the end of those stories," Stern said. "We really felt like it was the right time to segue out, for the show not to overstay its welcome." "
  7. working in the railway for four years, i worked with a lot of older guys, a lot of them grew up on doctor who. me, personally, am 28, and only ever started watching it with remembrance of the daleks in sylvester mccoy's years. my point tho, is that outta ALL those guys not a single one of them complained about the new show. and i know a coupla VERY big dr who fans (starwaster where are ya? lol) and they all love the new show, and love how it appeals to new fans while keeping old foes and storylines going. top show, bring on torchwood!
  8. sorry mate, but that's what compassionate leave is, you need the time off but you're not sick and you have no (or don't want to use your) hols. but you don't get paid for it. better to pull a sickie lol. i'm studying through computeach (web design) so i'll be attending the university of my bedroom.
  9. IF they are real, they are not finished! they are only screenshots! screenshots usually DO have jagged-edges, even in magazines! you can't compare these to the actual game when it isn't even finished and proper shots haven't been released!
  10. that cover looks excellent, especially that little "win a wii" bit i'm a subscriber but haven't received it yet hopefully tomorrow!!
  11. really? cool! we haven't been told yet at our GAME, but that would be excellent! after all, they're not gonna bring it in on demo pads if it's not out till november!
  12. seems to be something wrong with the news forum...? it doesn't seem to be updating itself. the newest thread (rumour about 15th september wii conference) is accessible from the forums' main contents page and can be used and added to ok, but when you go into the actual news forum it is meant to be on it isn't there. it doesn't seem to have updated itself in days in there. and is anyone having problems with the "add quote" button...?
  13. i don't think releasing two versions of the new zelda game falls into the same category, as they're for two different consoles. anyone who doesn't want to buy a Wii yet can get the GC one, people who get Wii get it's version instead. i can understand why you'd want to buy a console for one game, but Wii is a helluva lot cheaper, so i can understand someone buying it just for zelda at the beginning. but i can't see the ps3 price coming down much next year, they're already losing money on it, and have been told by Sony giwigs (according to Edge and GAmesTM too i think) that the playstation department HAS to make a profit this generation. for your sake tho, i really hope it does, or that you can find a preowned one next year when your game comes out (i'll keep an eye out in my GAME store i work in for ya ).
  14. perfect example! it was NEVER indicated as being "next month!"!! infact it said that it was a surprise that fell thru for that issue and they would reveal later in the year! some one on the net forgot about that and didn't bother checking it, and that's how it blew outta proportion! again, the net was to blame, not the magazine! and chris' response on their forum was badly worded but what he basiclly meant was that no matter what they put on there the net woulda gone haywire, it wasn't simply because it was leon. the resi fans were trying to say their character woulda generated the most hype outta any character and ONM used it just to get sales for the next issue, chris was basically saying any other character (eg mario) put there woulda generated the same amount of hype, but it was leon becuase they did have info on resi but it fell thru at the last minute: We had a massive exclusive lined up for you this month but it fell through halfway to deadline. It will come eventually." now, if a web site had said that people woulda just waited, but because a lot of web sites (not n-europe i must say) like to attack professional journalists in the magazine counterparts they started this bloody attack on them when the next issue didn't have anything. it was childish, and the sites that started it and followed it are just unprofessional hacks, as they didn't bother checking.
  15. High Fidelity absolutely hilarious look at how one guy copes with the break-up of his long-term relationship. ladies, if you wana try to understand men better then watch this. some people call it the male version of bridget jones but that makes it sound like cheesy palpy crap, this is fantastic! jack black almost steals the show as the rock snob, but john cusack is brill as the lead character. had actually forgotten JUST how good this film is until two of the girls i live with wanted to watch it a coupla nights ago. heartily recommended, and fellas you'll identify so easily with everything cusack's caharacter does and thinks (a lot of -surprisingly- funny talking to camera) all the way thru it. 9/10
  16. before you click this link, make sure you have the volume turned up and MOST IMPORTANTLY the bass!! LOVE the drum work in this :):) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBc3XNnT-yc and keep that base up for this one too, this show SO shoulda lasted longer! needs a dvd release too as far too much was cut to throw it out on saturday afternoons here (bloody itv!!) we also only got half the bloody season here as the rest was not suitable for that early in the day! http://www.bebo.com/FlashBox.jsp?FlashViewType=Personal&FlashBoxId=1910287637 (QUICK EDIT: this is now the full uncut version of the titles )
  17. last year they promised the conference they would expand the market, that's why we got so many stats on how the ds has done because they DID make good on their promise, this has been quoted before on here from their official sites. and this just proves how unfair people are being with ONM. it NEVER said that about GDC! and you aren't even SURE if that's where you read it yet you still cite "trash!" after you're assumption!! ONM is a fantastic mag, and the reason they didn't hype GDC is because they probably knew there was nothing to get excited about! oh, and conzer, what makes you say a wednesday for release...? curious...
  18. £500 or thereabouts is far too much for a console no matter what game it is you're after!! and bluestar is right, the ps2's dvd drive is the equivalent to those hhhuuuggggeee dvd players that came out for huge sums of money at the beginning. nowadays, you can buy a model in tesco for thirty quid which is much better quality! heck, it only took a year for them to come down to regular prices of £100-£200! when i new format comes out like this sony knows very few regular people actually buy into it 'cause the machines are still being experimented with and they look huge and fugly. all they are doing is dressing it up inside an overly complex console with a brand name that they hope will force blu-ray down the throats of the unsuspecting public. and all those people who have bought dvd recorders or dvd players with hard drives are NOT gonna buy into a new read-only format again! you think they woulda learnt their lessons with betamax, that other rival cd format, minidisc and umd! but nope, sony is determined to have it's own format no matter what. so throwing it into a new playstation is probably what seems like a "sure thing" to them, but hey it didn't work for umd, i doubt it will again. and why do sony's formats never take off...? even though something like betamax was actually technically superior to vhs, sony's equipment they place these formats into are notoriously unreliable and have shody workmanship, and i can see the same thing in the ps3: just for one example, look at all the problems they're having with cells but they don't care! they're gonna throw out ps3's and some will have one processor down already! here mr kutaragi, have this pistol and take aim at your foot...
  19. ...i likes your style... and lest we forget that the games are rumoured to be anything from £50 and UP! they'll probably charge a fortune for the stolen game boy color tilt sensor thing they've shoved into the controller too.
  20. even if they are, they're only "in development" sceens, and i already think the water looks better than the xbox version. was always disappointed with water in other games other than super mario sunshine (never played wave race blue storm but heard it was amazing in that way too) because it's water was just so REAL! the water here (IF they are Wii versions) certainly looks better than the very flat water on xbox, which didn't seem to do anything when u jumped in!
  21. cash converters do good deals on n64's if you're lucky enough to find one. a machine and goldeneye will set you back about £20 just. well worth the investment i can tell you!! quick question for everyone: my original post brings back all those fond memories of just how the game took over so many lives lol (i only experienced it for the first time two years ago), i know it probably won't surface on VC, but IF it did, would you be willing to pay a little extra for an online version of the deathmatch? or up against all the new online titles that'll appear next year do you think it'd be a waste of time?
  22. you see that invitation...? notice the girl on the right, lifting weights... could diet training be closer than we think...?
  23. last thing i read in edge about blu-ray was that universal, warners and paramount aren't supporting the format.
  24. if this is the way nintendo go then this could be awesome and would mean they've been doing everything right all along, and i'd be mega-hyped for a grand slam launch but, those dreaded words once again hail forth: "source gonintendo.com" so i shall just wait patiently and see...
  25. unfortunately some managers, like our's in belfast, on 360 launch day turned away anyone who wasn't wanting to buy one of the GAME bundles. if HQ in england found out how these guys operate at times (the stories i could tell!) just to make themselves look good, they'd all be fired on the spot i'd wager...!
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