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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Well the transfer was torture, as expected. I took pics of my horrendous journey. So this is the New 3DS minus the stupid back cover. I used this to get it off. I ended up buying a 32gb memory card, not realising my Peach 3DS had a 16gb... Aargh!! Ah well, better to go too big than too small. Ok then. Time to transfer. Oh wait no. SYSTEM UPDATES!! :mad: it was becoming frustrating now! Transfer is away. The Pikmin did their thing. All was complete. It's a really confusing process I think. I had to follow a YouTube guide of some guy doing it to make sure I was clicking the right thing. But even then, I couldn't truly understand why I was selecting some things. Got the current SD card on my mac, took the data off it, new one in. Needed formatting. Couldn't remember how to do it... Once I worked it out... All was a go! I said a little prayer... And hey presto!! Shiney and new! But then sadness. A sad farewell to the greatest 3DS design ever created* I love that 3DS But the New 3DS is honestly a joy to play on. I obviously haven't held the XL but this normal sized one is prefect for me. I have quite small hands but there is no cramped feel like their is on the original model. It's a perfect size IMO. It also feels much smoother in the hands as it is a little more curved and rounded unlike the sharper edges of the original model. Screen viewing angles are great, much better than the original with the 3d. It's lightning quick. I wish I still had my copy of Smash Bros 3DS to see how quick it comes out of the game and back to the home screen compared to the original. Coz I used to be able to press the home button and go and make a cup of tea with the old 3DS before it let me click to go back to home. (slight exaggeration...) I really like the second 'nub' above the buttons. It doesn't move. At all. But it doesn't really need to. I think it's a perfect replacement for the CPP and now I finally may get to play Kid Icarus and enjoy it! I hate the stylus. It's horrid. It's fine to use when you've taken it out, but slotting it back in is a nightmare. Obviously, I don't like the memory card placement, but shouldn't need to remove that for a good while now. Unless we get Princess Peach New 3DS of course. I intend to get some cover plates so will have to do it again then, but i have put my screw driver thing in a safe place for when that happens! All in all it's such a great console. It almost seems like it's the console Nintendo should have released to begin with, but nice that they've upgraded the 3DS with features worth having. If anyone doesn't have a 3DS and is waiting for one of these then I don't think you'll be disappointed. *not up for debate
  2. :mad::mad: Why oh why oh why oh why would Nintendo decide to put the fucking memory card slot underneath the SCREWED IN backplate? Stupidest design decision I've ever known. I have spent my morning queuing up in Argos for a memory card, then got home and spent half an hour looking for a small enough screwdriver to get the god damn back plate off. And I don't have one. Trip to B&Q for me I think. These back plates are hardly easily swapped when they're screwed in at the back. It's just wound me up tbh. In other news. I need to do the system transfer shortly. Which I'm sure I'll have more joy from :indeed:but before I do, do I need to transfer the moment card FIRST, and then do the system transfer or start the system transfer and then swap the memory cards and do the transfer. Dunno what's best. Always worries me doing this transfer! The thought of losing all my downloaded content scares me!! Thanks
  3. Completely agree. Sometimes it can turn a 10 hour single player campaign into a 40 hour marathon! As long as there aren't too many grindy achievements / trophies then I always go for them as best I can. The worst for me though is 'compete in 6 billion online death matches' etc. would rather stick pins in my eyes!! Glad you're having fun with the remake, minus the no save run. Christ knows if it is even possible with how unpredictable this game can be! I can't wait to get it.
  4. I didn't unfortunately Ike. But I want to ASAP. I hate the all white look. Love it inside with the colourful buttons, but the outside is crying out for a face plate. I actually think it's a pretty genius move from Nintendo to allow customisation like that. At first I wasn't sure about it, but now i have one I can see the appeal of the swapping and changing. Regarding ones I have my eye on. Well. Do you need to ask...?? Just coz. But I also really like this one: Gonna try pick up both. Did you get any?
  5. I've just seen anyone can enter by following a link. It was on the my Facebook feed. Well that sucks. Should just be club Ninty members!
  6. I'll take your word for it hah. And you can play boxed games yeah. I have the Last of Us to play, but there's something about playing it when I'm not connected that I don't like. Plus I want to sign in, check out the store, get my PS Plus subscription going, all that stuff. I find that all part of the fun with a new console. In fairness, I need to find somewhere for it to go anyway. My PS3 has come off my shelf now but it was stood vertical and I don't have a stand for the Ps4 for 3 reasons. 1. Had no idea I was getting one so couldn't prepare for stuff like that. 2. Not read good things about it being vertical anyway. 3. The white stand seems to be like gold dust so looks like if I wanted one I'd have to import. Or buy the black one. But that would forever annoy me that it was black and the console is white ha. In all honesty though, I wanted to just set up the console online and download Thomas was Alone again. I played it on the One a few days back and loved it and would happily do it all again on PS4.
  7. Anyone else get an email from Nintendo today about winning the 'stars of 2014' ?! All I had to do was answer the question... Which was which console do you own. Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS or both. So I clicked both, and got a thank you. Looks like they're doing a random prize give away with games, limited edition consoles, club Nintendo stuff. Hopefully some of us on here might get a win!
  8. Have you not learned anything from the Wii U thread Hero with comments like that. ITS ALL YOUR FAULT. I got a ps4 today! Can't even fucking sign in to do anything! But it's fine, I'll eat chocolate instead.
  9. Tomorrow Retro... Tomorrow!! Once I get my memory card. Haha.
  10. Really really spoilt. My sisters and I spend loads on each other at Christmas, we always go all out. The PS4 is off them. Also, they spent a bit more due to my constant going on about being in hospital last Christmas night having surgery. I've milked that enough now though haha. The New 3DS is off my parents. Also got chocolates, sweets, socks, the usual essentials!! Have a great day everyone!
  11. Thanks londragon. Urgh. No 4gb no where near enough. I have all my games downloaded on 3ds so I need like 32gb. Looks like a trip to Argos in the morning! Thanks. Have a great day! : peace:
  12. I was a good boy this year!! Merry Christmas everyone!! I have a question regarding it though... What's all this I'm reading about micro SD card? Can I not use a normal SD? If so what do I do? Guess I need to buy a new micro SD and do a PC transfer of files? So copy the data from current SD onto computer, plug new micro SD in and effectively paste it on? That's shite if so. I wanted to start using it now!
  13. This post pleases me. Me and @Mike1988uk were discussing the remake of this the other day and the pair of us can't wait til it comes out next month. It's one of my favourite ever games and brings back loads of memories from when I was younger. I never did finish it in under 4 hours, Mike did though. Definitely gonna go for it though!! The upgrade in visuals look nice enough, not that I needed any excuse to buy it again. They could have just done a shit port of the ps1 version and I still would buy it. Roll on UK release! Is it getting a box release over here?
  14. I must admit, I'm tempted by the demo... As bad as some of the Sonic games are (I've played all of them), i have to say I have found some form of enjoyment in every single one. Albeit a very small amount of enjoyment in some. Deffo gonna download the demo, see if it really is that bad.
  15. Appreciated the effort though Hero! It's not even worth the MJ popcorn gif anymore
  16. Don't really wanna get involved in this but got to agree Clownferret. New members are probably put off because of petty arguments and patronising comments rather than the fact that Nintendo need to 'sort their shit out'. Though I do agree their shit needs a sorting.
  17. Hahahaha I lol'd. Alright Nando! That's the only downside! But all my white consoles look pretty from afar... So.
  18. Christ no. Not a fan of that. Gimme the paper weight any day.
  19. Thanks for your thoughts! It's on my Christmas list, whether or not they managed to get me one and if it arrives in time, we'll see. Definitely looking forward to getting it though. I love my Peach 3DS, but I need to retire it and get it on the shelf. Does the new right stick / nub work with RE: Revelations?
  20. HMMMMM. Dunno which one to go for. Like the paper weight. Tis very cool. But I get the feeling it may be just a cardboard cut out of the mask encased in shit plastic... And whether I'd even get it, knowing the last 3DS Zelda fuck up! The Ninty store one looks gooood. And they're in my good books at the min with how speedy their deliveries are. Not to mention the great way they've packaged the amiibo's as per those who've posted about it in the amiibo thread. Hmm indeed...
  21. So those of you lucky ones who got yourself a New Nintendo 3ds... what are your thoughts now you've had it a bit? Like it, feel like it's a good upgrade? Things you don't like about it? I've been looking into them a lot more recently. The speed of the thing coming in and out of games and the improvement of Miiverse load times alone make it seem worthy of my cash! Be good to hear some thoughts! : peace:
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