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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Will certainly be interesting!! I've decided to hold off playing my 3ds now until the XL comes out. Wanted to start Ocarina of Time and play through Revelations again but will wait to enjoy them in big screen glory ha.
  2. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Just as I thought - we wont see a second slider pad until a new handheld is revealed - outside of the 3DS line. How big is the 3ds XL gonna be with the CPP attached?!
  3. Just the 1 for me. I'm not even lying when I say I worked with a girl who had 14 in hers. She was a bit of a dirty bitch anyway but that was so wrong. We did a test on her once and made her a cup with 14 sugars and 14 sweeteners. She said she'd tell the difference instantly - but couldn't! Ha. So she switched to 14 sweeteners instead. Progress. Haha.
  4. A wise man you are MadDog. Epic indeed.
  5. Once again - she astounds me. National Anthem vid is up and it's a cracker. She is so damn cool. :love:
  6. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Yes, smaller, more stylish - and you're forgetting the screen was made much brighter, with a setting for how bright you wanted it, which was an obvious improvement over the first DS. The fact they made it smaller and more stylish was so it would appeal to more people. Making the 3ds bigger is not an appeal to get new customers on board - hence my post about this possibly being the last 'redesign' we see. The new 3ds XL is not stylish. And as I've said I don't see there ever being a 3ds with a second stick. It will be on their next handheld. My opinion.
  7. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Yes but the DS Lite was a significant upgrade. This isn't - as was the point in my post. Read again. Then try again.
  8. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    I think the fact that Nintendo are releasing this 'redesign' so soon is a sign that the 3ds is not going to have the lifespan of its previous handhelds. Lets face it - no one is really bothered about 3d. The system doesn't sell for its 3d capabilities and I don't think it ever has. I don't see there ever being a 3DS with a second analogue stick / slider. If there was going to be one, I don't think Nintendo would bother with the XL. I personally think this will be the only redesign we see of the 3DS and we will have a new handheld in the next couple of years. Will I be buying the 3DS XL? Yes, yes I will. And why? Coz it is a better alternative to the current one (for me). It's bigger - win. Bigger screens - win. More comfort - win. Removal of glossy top screen means no bottom screen / slider marks left when closed - win. So bring it on.
  9. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    I went from a DSi to a DSi XL and I much preferred the XL. The larger screen and the bigger hand room made it way more comfortable to play games for a long period of time. The biggest difference was not experiencing hand cramp after playing for a while! I also liked the bigger screen! I will deffo be getting one no doubt. Though I do wish the screen resolution had been improved.
  10. After an extensive demo session from my local racket place - decided on this beast. It's a great racket to hit with - loving it. Pick it up Tuesday! In time for a league match later that night!
  11. Yeah this album definitely has some great tracks. Ghetto Baby is a Lana Del Ray song for me. From the lyrics to the beat - it's typical Lana. So I don't want to hear Cheryl sing it lol. It deviates from the rest of the album too much I think. I'm quite a fan of Love Killer too. Sam Sparro deserves so much more success. It's a shame he's classed as a 1 hit wonder as he now has 2 pretty great albums with some brilliant singles on each. But sadly people only really know him for Black and Gold. He's got such a unique voice.
  12. Dazz - seriously... I have read a book called 'Girl With A One Track Mind' - and lemme tell ya! That was pure filth. This is up there with that! Although, I personally really enjoyed 50 Shades. So much so I am onto the second in the trilogy. The story is very gripping (filth aside), and I want to know how it's gonna pan out. Loads of people are slating it, but it's the same with the whole Twilight thing. You either like it or you don't. I personally am relaly enjoying reading them. The filth is just an added bonus to satisfy the inner perv in me haha.
  13. Love her. Can't get this out my head! Liking her new album! Brilliant new album - my fave track from it.
  14. Aneres11

    3DS XL

    Agreeing with Retro re the launch colours. Don't like any of them at all. If they had a white one it'd be alright - but nooo. On the fence with this.
  15. Aneres11


    Already own them all on my Kindle But thanks Dazz!! : peace:
  16. In a way I see what Nintendo are saying. Microsoft and Sony have both built their online systems into what they are today. So for Nintendo to come right in and emulate it may be tricky. Thing is though - how difficult can it actually be? Surely they must know that if they want to win over some 'hardcore' gamers to this console then they have to at least be making progress in their online development. It seems they're not. Hmm.
  17. Aneres11


    Yeah you should definitely give it a go at some point. Even people who aren't big on reading have read this and enjoyed it! All his stuff is great!
  18. Aneres11


    Anything by Linwood Barclay. Seriously. This in particular: Once you pick it up - you wont put it down. All of his books follow a similar style but they are such easy reads.
  19. Her second album is great. It's not as good as her first mind, but still good. This new album seems like it's slightly more personal judging by the subject matter. It's really good so far. Get on it Dannyboy! :p Oh and also bought this - just to see what all the bloody fuss is about! I also love me a bit of a filthy read.
  20. I'm not sure what games I'd go for yet - NSMBU is a definite though. I have never 'got' Pikmin. And the announcement of Pikmin 3 plus footage did absolutely zero for me. So I doubt that will be picked up by me. ZombiU looks very good so that'll prob be one. And possibly Rayman, although it looks similar to Origins and that game never really clicked with me. Hmm. We'll see. Be interesting to see how it's bundled. Has it been confirmed if the pro controller is going to be in the box?
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