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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Prison Break was so good in its first season, but then... bleurgh.
  2. The Wire is great, and I keep meaning to watch The Shield, but I have a hard time pushing myself to watch something that I know is going to be dark and depressing. I've also heard great things about AMC's The Killing, so I may watch that once the season concludes. I can't stand all of the crime procedurals on CBS, though. It's like there are 5+ versions of the same show, where the characters are dull and underdeveloped and the killer is always caught at the end of the hour. I much prefer shows like The Wire, where you can't go into every episode knowing exactly what to expect. I've thought of maybe possibly check out Bones because it seems to have quirky characters, but I've been reluctant to do so. But at least it's not on CBS, so it's got that going for it, I guess.
  3. Just communicate by holding little signs up.
  4. No wonder you lost.
  5. No, it's a Sasha.
  6. Oh man, that would be awesome. Just think of how much better all of the police procedurals would be all of a sudden.
  7. It died when you stopped posting pictures in it, naturally.
  8. Are you facepalming because he told a typical dad joke?
  9. Man, Finnish people have the worst imagination when it comes to names. See also: the Moomins.
  10. Let's just say I've seen enough pictures of Arab Freak to last a lifetime.
  11. We've known this was a reboot since the first information was leaked, so it's not that shocking.
  12. This was exactly my thought when Mad Monkey brought up the futility of kids believing in Santa Claus.
  13. Eh, it'll all be gone soon anyway.
  14. That's clearly not the real Arab Freak. He didn't post a picture of himself.
  15. It's already been said by everyone else while I was writing my post, but... The thing is, Monkey, maybe these people should have been arrested or maybe they shouldn't. But you're being really obnoxious about it. Some people think that the police did the right thing because this thing could potentially have spiraled of control. Your response? We don't know that, because no one can predict the future. But by the same token, you can't say for sure that it wouldn't have spiraled control. The police made a judgment call. Maybe it was the wrong one, but you seem way too concerned with turning this into a bigger issue than it is. All this talk about how the government is involved and how we're losing our rights is just conjecture on your part, so please stop acting like it's fact. Also, it's really hard to take you seriously when you're so obviously against the monarchy. If this had been a wedding with a handicapped groom and a group of people decided to protest against the rights of the handicapped and had staged a mock execution, we likely wouldn't be having this discussion. This thread is still terrible, by the way.
  16. This thread is ridiculous. Just... wow.
  17. Magnus

    Portal 2

  18. Listening to Osu!/Elite Beat Agents songs outside the games always makes me want to tap everything around me furiously.
  19. You're going to have to be more specific than that or Ville's not going to be able to stalk you.
  20. Happy birthday, Aimless. I hope your life won't be aimless forever. Or something. Ellmeister already did pretty much the same joke.
  21. Build a new city where you are now!
  22. How dare you compare my precious Ratchet & Clank to Rare's games? :p You should check out all of the other games in the series, too. They're all excellent, except for Deadlocked/Gladiator, which kind of sucked.
  23. Petey Piranha's fat head covering up most of the screen. But yeah, Double Dash!! was fun.
  24. All this talk about pregnancy scares and defecating in front of people is exactly the reason why I'm not having sex. Yes. That's the reason. Man, if you consider that a bad thing, just think of how bad you'll feel after you've actually paid your taxes!
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