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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Agent X is his sleigh.
  2. Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, Pancake.
  3. Flink doesn't come with subtitles, so I think you're probably underestimating how good your English is.
  4. Haha, how nice of you. ;)

  5. Is that your way of saying that you want it or that you don't want it? :heh:

  6. Haha, I knew you had some favorite Pokémon. :heh:


    Also, Diaego asked me to make and post an Umbreon a couple of weeks ago:




    It's yours if you want it (I swear it's the flash that makes it look so dirty). :smile:

  7. If you have a DS, you should import 999 from the US. Ever 17: The Out of Infinity is also a great visual novel, but it's also really long and requires you to play through it five times to get the true ending (though you can skip through dialogue you've already read when you replay the game). A lot of visual novels are like that (in this case it's worth it in the end, though). Ever 17 requires very little input other than making dialogue choices occasionally, while 999 has puzzle segments and actual gameplay.
  8. There are over 500 Pokémon and Hamish has made quite a few too, so it's just easier for me if you tell me which ones you like. That way I don't end up making a shiny Ditto, and you're all "man, two Dittos? I don't even like Ditto". :heh:

  9. Man, a Ditto... I don't know, Dyson. That seems pretty challenging. :heh:


    I'll make an Eevee and a Ditto, then. Let me know if you want anything else (seriously, the box is huge).

  10. You didn't have a good time last year? :p
  11. Happy birthday, Dean. You're such a square.
  12. Haha, I thought it was implied that I'd finished them when I asked if you wanted to see pictures. :heh:


    I will make you an Eevee, Dyson! Or one of the evolutions? Tell me what to make, Dyson. :sad:

  13. Man, this takes me back. In a bad way.
  14. I think they turned out better than the first time I made them, so I hope you'll be happy with them. :smile:


    You sure you don't want some more? I had to buy a ginormous box and feel somewhat silly putting four tiny Pokémon in it. :hmm:

  15. I see we skipped right over the triple facepalm.
  16. I don't know if you want to see pictures or not...?

  17. Man, you move fast, Dan. Didn't you just add her as your girlfriend on Facebook a few days ago? Nice picture, though.
  18. That's not going to do much after your post.
  19. I hate the way British shows never seem to have actors under long-term contracts and never plan for their exits.
  20. Not if he ever wants to be allowed to go online again.
  21. Your parents seem pretty awesome, Danny.
  22. We so excited.
  23. I hope you see the the irony in this statement. Also, this discussion is really boring. Paj didn't like the movie and stated why (and Hamish agreed), and then it's like he has to defend his opinion for some reason. We could literally have this discussion about anything. Paj, y u no like Sucker Punch? Paj, y u no like Metallica? Paj, y u no like tomato soup?
  24. How American of you. But yeah, it's an HBO show, so there's some partial nudity and sex. So if that bothers you, you'd be better off watching something else.
  25. Is the last one in-game logos from the Wipeout series?
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