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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I hate the Escapist forum. It's filled with know-it-all teenagers. *Shudders*
  2. Um... yes? Have you even read this thread? :p
  3. Magnus


    *Sigh* That takes me back.
  4. Brown noser. I check Kotaku daily, but yeah, it's a horrible website. But the same seems to go for most gaming sites, so I figure, better the devil you know...
  5. Ezio again? Not that I found Altair any more interesting, but I'd prefer they stopped milking Ezio and move forward with the story.
  6. Ugh... I really hope they're not planning on ruining the series. As much as I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 overall, I really wasn't a fan of how they cut out item management, divided quests into missions and simplified everything. Though this seems to be the direction they're going in, so I guess it's not too surprising.
  7. Haha, awesome! It's too bad some of them broke, though. Oh well, they should look as good as new after you've glued them back together. Though judging from the number of pieces in that picture, you have your work cut out for you!
  8. I thought it was from Avenue Q.
  9. Too bad it wasn't a purple comb. That's the dream!
  10. Fixed that for you.
  11. I'm not sure how the color of the comb is relevant, unless you're saying that it would have been better if you'd gotten a blue or red comb stuck in your hair?
  12. I hate it when gaming websites do that. Every time there's a new Iwata Asks, Kotaku milks it for a week's worth of articles.
  13. Yeah, I was going to say that the show reminded me of American Pie. That's juvenile trash too. :p
  14. ... Did you post that message, Danny?
  15. That's what she said. Or he or whatever.
  16. But The Big Bang Theory is neither, so...
  17. Daft's taste in television is so bad it's actually my 'bad stuff' for today.
  18. That would also work!
  19. Not if you're going to keep quoting The Big Bang Theory. But posting GIFs of cats is always welcome.
  20. Kristen Bell should be forced to play Veronica Mars forever and ever.
  21. Videoshop? *Has nothing else to add to the discussion*
  22. They should make a show about a serial-killing sassy teen who works as a pie maker! Obviously she'd need to be played by Kristen Bell.
  23. I had the misfortune of catching half an episode of this on TV once. It's juvenile trash. I can't believe there are people over the age of twelve who actually like it.
  24. Oh, I finished it, alright. I kept watching through three years of increasingly bad writing just to see how it ended.
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