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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. *Makes a note to remind Aimless about the existence of Castle intermittently throughout the summer* Add this to my annoyances about the coming television season: Lisa Edelstein won't return for what's likely going to be the final season of House.
  2. Magnus


    The exploration in Terraria was really dull too. Oh well. Different strokes.
  3. I have no idea what a "Zone Mode" is, but I just can't get excited about any racing game that isn't Mario Kart. Maybe I'll download it anyway. You never know, I guess! But I'm really jealous of all of you guys who have somehow missed out on Little Big Planet, Ratchet & Clank or inFAMOUS. You've got it made with this offer.
  4. Magnus


    I watched my brother play this for a while today. His verdict (and mine, based on watching him): really dull, has none of the charm of Minecraft. Its one saving grace may be co-op, but the singleplayer really didn't seem fun at all.
  5. I'm amazed by the number of people who are getting inFAMOUS now that Sony is giving it away for free. It's one of the best PS3 exclusives (and one of the major reasons I got a PS3), so I always assumed most people had played it. And it's not just on this forum. Probably not a bad idea to give people a chance to check it out for free when the sequel is right around the corner. Me, I'm not even sure if I can be bothered to turn on my PS3 to download WipEout and/or Dead Nation, as I have zero interest in either game and since my PS3 has been very finicky about connecting to the internet since a system update two years ago.
  6. In before Comedy Rainbow.
  7. It does look interesting.
  8. BioShock is just System Shock 2 underwater, so the gameplay worked fine on PCs back in 1999 (the stories have their pros and cons in both games). But if you're arguing that the atmosphere is helped significantly by the graphics, then I'd be inclined to agree.
  9. Yes, can't miss the next The Cape. Speaking of which, you should also check out Community. They poked fun at The Cape in a recent episode. Edit: Also, Happenstance is wrong as usual. Fringe is awesome.
  10. Don't die, Iun!
  11. That's okay. All of the cartoons you mentioned sucked, anyway. At least The Flintstones wasn't engineered just to sell toys to impressionable children.
  12. You wouldn't, but it's hardly a fair comparison, since The Flintstones is twenty years older than those other cartoons you mentioned.
  13. Watch Fringe, ReZ. This looks pretty good, but when I see TV shows like this, I'm always worried they'll be canceled mid-story.
  14. I hope you all shared a bed in his tiny one-room apartment, for the real Scott Pilgrim experience. Seems like an awesome trip, though.
  15. Happy birthday to both of these people.
  16. This doesn't seem as funny after Ashley's picture, but it sums up Family Guy pretty nicely:
  17. I really can't stand any of Seth MacFarlane's TV shows, but I'm still somewhat impressed by his ability to get so many shows on the air at once.
  18. Did you go to Toronto just to visit places where they filmed scenes for Scott Pilgrim? Because I approve.
  19. No. Charizard.
  20. Eh, it's like watching any sitcom that has run its course. It's comforting and mildly amusing, and you keep watching because you love the characters, but there are no surprises and it's no longer going anywhere. I would have been content if they'd ended it when Carell left, but now they're just trying to squeeze as much money out of it as possible before it becomes completely unwatchable. I know one TV writer I don't want to meet in a dark alley.
  21. You really are a sucker! All you're doing is ensuring that when you meet a girl you're actually interested in, you won't be able to do anything with her, because you'll still be dating this girl. If it helps, we'll be here to tell you that you made the right decision afterwards.
  22. Wow, you really suck at breaking up with people, Dyson. Do you need us to do it for you?
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