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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Yes, can't miss the next The Cape. Speaking of which, you should also check out Community. They poked fun at The Cape in a recent episode. Edit: Also, Happenstance is wrong as usual. Fringe is awesome.
  2. Don't die, Iun!
  3. That's okay. All of the cartoons you mentioned sucked, anyway. At least The Flintstones wasn't engineered just to sell toys to impressionable children.
  4. You wouldn't, but it's hardly a fair comparison, since The Flintstones is twenty years older than those other cartoons you mentioned.
  5. Watch Fringe, ReZ. This looks pretty good, but when I see TV shows like this, I'm always worried they'll be canceled mid-story.
  6. I hope you all shared a bed in his tiny one-room apartment, for the real Scott Pilgrim experience. Seems like an awesome trip, though.
  7. Happy birthday to both of these people.
  8. This doesn't seem as funny after Ashley's picture, but it sums up Family Guy pretty nicely:
  9. I really can't stand any of Seth MacFarlane's TV shows, but I'm still somewhat impressed by his ability to get so many shows on the air at once.
  10. Did you go to Toronto just to visit places where they filmed scenes for Scott Pilgrim? Because I approve.
  11. No. Charizard.
  12. Eh, it's like watching any sitcom that has run its course. It's comforting and mildly amusing, and you keep watching because you love the characters, but there are no surprises and it's no longer going anywhere. I would have been content if they'd ended it when Carell left, but now they're just trying to squeeze as much money out of it as possible before it becomes completely unwatchable. I know one TV writer I don't want to meet in a dark alley.
  13. You really are a sucker! All you're doing is ensuring that when you meet a girl you're actually interested in, you won't be able to do anything with her, because you'll still be dating this girl. If it helps, we'll be here to tell you that you made the right decision afterwards.
  14. Wow, you really suck at breaking up with people, Dyson. Do you need us to do it for you?
  15. You could always go back and play any older RPGs you may have missed. I agree that The Witcher was missing compelling characters. Geralt wasn't very interesting and I really missed having companions who I could get to know over the course of the game. It made the experience a bit empty to me, but things may get better later on. I also always play RPGs on easy, but then that made the alchemy system - which is a big part of the game - completely pointless, so I may have to rethink that when I get back to it.
  16. Ugh, tell me about it. I just got a letter from my insurance company today telling me that I'm too old for youth insurance now. I feel like I should just lie down and await death. So enjoy being 23/24, kids. It's all over once you hit 25!
  17. I thought you were going to ask us to tell Mcoy that you loved him.
  18. Yes, but didn't we know that after the first episode? Napoleon Dynamite is apparently an animated series. And yes, according to Wikipedia, much of the cast will return, including Jon Heder. Charlie's Angels is a remake. It's going to suck, just like the original series.
  19. Oh, I'll definitely play it (eventually). I just felt like I should acknowledge that The Witcher 2 will likely be a good game and explain why I wasn't currently anticipating it the way I should. Though if this game is really good, that may give me the motivation I need to start the first game over.
  20. I'm still annoyed that NBC is continuing The Office without Steve Carell. I hate when TV shows I used to love are run into the ground. They already ran out of stories to tell two seasons ago. It's a shame about Lone Star, though. I heard amazing things about the pilot episode, but then it got canceled before I had the chance to even check it out. If they'd at least let them produce thirteen episodes, there might have been some closure. The only canceled series I watched this season were Running Wilde and Mr Sunshine, but while both were alright, I won't miss them all that much.
  21. Now those people deserve their own timely birthday threads.
  22. I still need to play the first game. I think I finished the first chapter before I had to stop playing. Since I'd need to play both games on my brother's computer, I've been reluctant to pick it up again/start over, as playing when he's not using his computer leads to a very fractured experience of maybe an hour a day. Not ideal for RPGs.
  23. I guess it's too late to wish anyone a happy birthday now.
  24. To be fair, I've been here for less than five months. You've been here for nearly three years.
  25. And I thought ReZ's videos were embarrassing.
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