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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. "Everyone's an FPS! You're an FPS, and you're an FPS..."
  2. Achievements/trophies. Slap those on an old game and people will buy it, no questions asked.
  3. You could always use this method. A bit grindy, but it beats not finishing the game.
  4. Not sure who you punched to not deserve a timelier birthday thread. Happy slightly belated birthday, anyway.
  5. One day... I will own a pair of shoes.
  6. Big Love was alright, but that one actress was right when she said it turned into a telenovela. The last two seasons were just... ugh. The first three seasons were better, but it was still never as good as it could have been. It also had a thoroughly unlikable main character. Futurama was good today, though, so let's put that on the same pile as Arrested Development and 30 Rock. Goafer will be crushed.
  7. Now you just need to find yourself a man! [/Mom mode]
  8. I don't know, Ashley... Big Love and Cougar Town weren't/aren't that good. :p
  9. It always weirds me out when people watch TV shows on television. I'm watching Futurama later tonight. Hopefully it'll be good. You never know what to expect when Ashley likes something.
  10. You should have gone after her anyway. You're clearly the better choice, and I say that without knowing anything about the other guy. She probably sucked, anyway.
  11. "Zoom in on the cock!"
  12. You should see the things he writes where you can't read them! Oh, Monster Hunter? Eh.
  13. Persona 4 is fantastic. Your friend is very wise. You're not good enough for him/her, since you haven't played it yet. ... Says the guy with two 3DSs. But it's "just a JRPG". Whatever that means.
  14. Or anything else, from the sound of things.
  15. If Friends has taught me anything, it's that the pining is the best part.
  16. Happy birthday. I'm not going to be lame like these other guys.
  17. Automatically disqualified: any non-gameplay trailer. No? Never mind, then.
  18. Oh God. Let's all discuss where we're pre-ordering the game and for how much. Please.
  19. He obviously wasn't aware of how this particular orphanage operates.
  20. This was my brother's main gripe with the game when he played the leaked version. From what I've heard, it was still an issue when the game was released, but the patch fixed it (or I think it's still there, but it's negligible now).
  21. I'm not sure how burning down the orphanage would help him find Quinc. I don't think Zodiac Jack really thought it through.
  22. They're all bad. I don't discriminate.
  23. I loved No Hotlinking Please. It's our generation's Citizen Kane.
  24. I always thought Bascraft was known for drooling over Japanese culture girls? Not someone I'd ever take seriously as a journalist, at any rate.
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